Was the support based upon lies and falsified info.?
Was it?
Was the support based upon lies and falsified info.?
Come on tell us, you get coloring books every year for Xmas, right?
Was it?
Close, except I give them to Democrats who can't find any proof of their unfounded accusations that I "hate" anyone.
Post your mom's address and I'll send you one. Printed on recycled paper, of course.
I only go up against the A teamers.
ROTFLMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! That is common knowledge Gomer. Kind of like the sun rises in the East and sets in the West...............set in stone.
Did anybody actually believe this stuff, then?
After he failed to get public support and a commitment from the British?
Didn't you hear?
congressional republican support for the Iraq war was nearly unanimous whereas a majority of democrats in congress voted against it. even those who did vote for it were clear that their vote was an authorization to use force only when all other methods had been completely exhausted. Bush violated the spirit of the use of force resolution.
Regarding Syria... there is no doubt that it puts all of the civilized western world between a rock and a hard place. Obama certainly did not put us there... and we are certainly not alone there. Dealing with Assad's barbarism is pretty much a lose-lose situation, because neither side of that conflict looks to become our allies at the end of it all, regardless. I think that the US must, therefore, stand with those Syrian citizens who were killed with chemical weapons and do what we can to see that no more of their fellow countrymen are slaughtered that way.
What part of "use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate"...is confusing you?
Now it seems The Warlord Obama wants to attack Syria without allies, public support or Congressional approval.
Would you be so nice as to show where it stated "that their vote was an authorization to use force only when all other methods had been completely exhausted"; but please use something other then someone else's OP.
The resolution authorized President Bush to use the Armed Forces of the United States "as he determines to be necessary and appropriate"...
The Warlord Obama won't get that same blank check, will he?
He wanted to interfere in Libya. He wanted to interfere in Egypt.
Now he wants to interfere in Syria.
read the transcripts of the house and senate debates. democrats were quite clear on that issue.
So you don't have anything to support your assertion, except what you've read on someone else's OP; because what was said in the debates, have no bearing on what was passed.
If you go to buy a car and the salesman tells you that you're going to get leather seats, are you going to make sure it's in the final contract; or are you just going to rely on what he said?
After he failed to get public support and a commitment from the British?
Didn't you hear?
No one gives a fuck. That's why most of your threads have zero replies.
Didn't you hear?
congressional republican support for the Iraq war was nearly unanimous whereas a majority of democrats in congress voted against it. even those who did vote for it were clear that their vote was an authorization to use force only when all other methods had been completely exhausted. Bush violated the spirit of the use of force resolution.
Regarding Syria... there is no doubt that it puts all of the civilized western world between a rock and a hard place. Obama certainly did not put us there... and we are certainly not alone there. Dealing with Assad's barbarism is pretty much a lose-lose situation, because neither side of that conflict looks to become our allies at the end of it all, regardless. I think that the US must, therefore, stand with those Syrian citizens who were killed with chemical weapons and do what we can to see that no more of their fellow countrymen are slaughtered that way.
they may have had an idea what Bush WANTED to do, but congressional democrats were clear about their desire that he use the authorization only as a last resort... certainly not as a first one. and as I have said before, republican support for the resolution was nearly unanimous whereas a majority of democrats in congress voted against it.
Yet here you are. Again.