Matt. After Steven Van Der Moran sent you to the Hospital for a week, I can't believe you have the balls to show up here and post anymore.

STFU you pussy bitch! That you bring that fucks name up means you are worthless.

What country are you for boy? Right here and right now. 'Sup, motherfucker?
The Dems are so stupid they failed to see that the Great Donald Trump fed them the bait and they took it ... not only did they take it they have revealed every nasty trait possible. They are going for it 100% no shame, no concern, no bother.
Now the US people are seeing them for what they are. Its all spewing out. They are so arrogant and rotten they do not care. They did not stop t think... "I wonder why Mr Trump is so quiet??" - "I wonder why he is just sitting back and reeling in the cast bait" ?

The Dems have literally poured out their vile, nasty ways. They are proud to link with China - proud to link with criminal immigrants, murderers, druggies, rapists - proud to destroy the American Constitution. Lets be straight, they are not simply applying a democratic policy - THEY ARE PROUD, THEY LOVE IT, they are frothing at the mouth while destroying the American constitution.

Now the Dems are seen for what they are. The DARK STATE - THE SWAMP -- is all out in the open. This had to be done. It is done.

We will now see what happens. You are not home and dry. You will not win because evil never wins.

Damn, try a sedative. You are so wound up and angry. Trump instructed his righty followers to start an insurrection and overthrow the American system, and you idiots do not care. Thus board, with your right-wing nastiness is a reflection of what is happening everywhere. Chill out and let's discuss. But spoutomg insane things like that is no way to start.
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Dam, try a sedative. You are so wound up and angry. Trump instructed his righty followers to start an insurrection and overthrow the American system, and you idiots do not care. Thus board, with your right-wing nastiness is a reflection of what is happening everywhere. Chill out and let's discuss. But spoutomg insane things like that is no way to start.

And what do you say about the post?? You may wish to prove what I say is not truthful? I happen to believe that killing people and destroying towns and cities and election fraud are serious matters. Clearly you do not but of course I understand and expect that. Try replying to the subject instead of your 'shut down" approach using silly schoolboy antics.
STFU you pussy bitch! That you bring that fucks name up means you are worthless.

What country are you for boy? Right here and right now. 'Sup, motherfucker?

Matt. Don't do this. You're making a Big Mistake. I have Steven's phone number right here. In fact, it's on Speed Dial. If you bad mouth Steven, if you deny what happened, ... you're looking at a month in the Hospital. Is THAT what you want? (You better think on this, long and hard)
Matt. Don't do this. You're making a Big Mistake. I have Steven's phone number right here. In fact, it's on Speed Dial. If you bad mouth Steven, if you deny what happened, ... you're looking at a month in the Hospital. Is THAT what you want? (You better think on this, long and hard)

The Dems are so stupid they failed to see that the Great Donald Trump fed them the bait and they took it ... not only did they take it they have revealed every nasty trait possible. They are going for it 100% no shame, no concern, no bother.
Now the US people are seeing them for what they are. Its all spewing out. They are so arrogant and rotten they do not care. They did not stop t think... "I wonder why Mr Trump is so quiet??" - "I wonder why he is just sitting back and reeling in the cast bait" ?

The Dems have literally poured out their vile, nasty ways. They are proud to link with China - proud to link with criminal immigrants, murderers, druggies, rapists - proud to destroy the American Constitution. Lets be straight, they are not simply applying a democratic policy - THEY ARE PROUD, THEY LOVE IT, they are frothing at the mouth while destroying the American constitution.

Now the Dems are seen for what they are. The DARK STATE - THE SWAMP -- is all out in the open. This had to be done. It is done.

We will now see what happens. You are not home and dry. You will not win because evil never wins.

Oh they will continue to blame trump. Haven't you noticed by now that the left isn't the least bit interested it effected by reality? Every fuck up this imbecile "president" has will be Trump's fault.
How can you be so wrong, so often? We know who are the violent haters. We know who are the bigots. We saw the rightys angrily threaten congressman and trash the capitol. Have you cobbled an alternate reality out of right-wing lies?

He is mentally ill. I doubt he can help himself.
Oh they will continue to blame trump. Haven't you noticed by now that the left isn't the least bit interested it effected by reality? Every fuck up this imbecile "president" has will be Trump's fault.
Of course I have noticed. I have studied all the videos, media, reports etc etc.. I know a Hawke from a Handsaw.
If by the "will of the people" you mean mean massive Democrat voter fraud in key Democrat-run states where they had the support of corrupt government and pollworkers there to cheat, then yes.

Democrats installed a potato as President of The United States. By cheating.

You show such ignorance. Just your beliefs to keep you warm. Arizona did a forensic analysis of the voter machines. Dominion machines kept an honest count. It will not matter to you and other rightys.
You show such ignorance. Just your beliefs to keep you warm. Arizona did a forensic analysis of the voter machines. Dominion machines kept an honest count. It will not matter to you and other rightys.

All the machines do is count the circles. GIGO.

Somebody ran through a fuckton of circles for Biden with no names or any other candidates checked.
And not just in Arizona. PA, Michigan, GA, Wisconsin...
One can not understand the Regressive Left without coming to terms with their tendency to be sadists. They hurt so they demand that others hurt, refusing their demand just pisses them all to Hell off.

It is amazing that you took the time to type something that stupid and wrong.
All the machines do is count the circles. GIGO.

Somebody ran through a fuckton of circles for Biden with no names or any other candidates checked.
And not just in Arizona. PA, Michigan, GA, Wisconsin...

So you admit that Dominion machines could not have done what the rightys claim since they are just tabulators? Dominions also have a paper trail, so they are easily verified. It is E & E machines that do not have backups. The states that used them had some bad counts. Di you want them checked?