The Depravity of Mankind

Brent, I suggest you actually READ The Bible, rather than trying to SEEM like you know what you are talking about by cutting and pasting from apologist websites.

I've dealt with your kind hundreds of times. You are utterly transparent.
I think the Bible often contradicts itself.

Slavery should have been one of the Big Ten, but instead it talked about coveting...there were so many other issues that could have been addressed.

The Bible is flawed as is a lot of the thoughts of humans, but as long as we keep trying to improve ourselves without hurting others, that is where it is at with this human.

'Slavery' as a payment for a crime is justified. This is properly known as restitution, not actual slavery. It is permitted even by the 13th Amendment.

Ephesians 6:5-9 says, Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; 6 Not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart; 7 With good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: 8 Knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free. 9 And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect of persons with him.

Brent, I suggest you actually READ The Bible, rather than trying to SEEM like you know what you are talking about by cutting and pasting from apologist websites.

Think whatever you wish; God knows the truth.

I've dealt with your kind hundreds of times. You are utterly transparent.

What made you into such an evil, nasty person?
It is speaking of the book of Revelation specifically. However, there are clear prohibitions elsewhere in the Bible on adding to or subtracting from the words of God. And FYI, God does not condone slavery. He does, however, command slaves to obey their masters, and masters to treat their slaves well. He also condones temporary servitude to work off debt (not ideal, but was a cultural necessity at the time).

Whaaa ????, God does not condone slavery but tells the slaves to obey their masters ???

Is it just me or is this a pretty stupid concept ?
Brent, I have shown you EXACTLY WHERE slavery is condoned in The Old Testament. As per usual, as your ilk always does, you simply IGNORE WHAT IT SAYS, and regurgitate your ridiculous apologetics.

As I showed, in Leviticus, and in Exodus, slavery is EXPLICITLY CONDONED in The OT. YOU are focusing on one aspect of slavery, and then pretend that said aspect encompasses ALL of slavery condoned in The OT.

For your information, you dishonest piece of shit, there are two major types of slavery condoned in The OT. One is translated as "Servant", and is comparable to "Indentured Servitude", and the other is translated as "Bondmen", and is comparable to American slavery.

Fellow Jews were not permitted to be bought and sold as Bondmen, as Leviticus CLEARLY states. "God" states that HE brought the Jews out of slavery, and therefore no Jew can own another as a Bondmen.

The very same chapter in Leviticus SPECIFICALLY CONDONES PURCHASING NON-JEWS AS BONDMEN AND BONDMAIDS. It SPECIFICALLY states that said Bondmen and Bondmaids were to be property FOREVER.

Exodus EXPLICITLY STATES that if a master strikes his slave, and he or she doesn't die for three days, the master is not to be punished.

I have shown, clearly and concisely, where slavery is condoned in The Bible. Just because you are a completely dishonest scumbag does not change reality.

You have a lot of nerve referring to me as "evil", when so many lies roll off your forked tongue.

Slaves in the OT were criminals or prisoners of war. Yes, it is true such slavery is condoned in the Bible, yet I see nothing wrong with it when considering the cultural context. It is restitution, which is condoned even by the Constitution of the United States, and commonly practiced throughout the world today. My point is simply that the Bible does not condone slavery as it was in the pre-Civil War United States. Furthermore, as I demonstrated with scripture, masters are commanded to treat their slaves with dignity.

You have a lot of nerve referring to me as "evil",

I did not attack you, nor did I provoke your vicious attacks. You're simply a mean, nasty, frustrated person. That is not my problem. You are evil.
Once again, you ignore the scripture, and regurgitate your apologetics. Twice, I have pointed out how you were wrong, and twice you have refused to accept reality.

Let's try this again, scumbag:

Leviticus 25:

[44] Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids.
[45] Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession.

That is straight from the bible, asshole.

( Brent's response... "You are evil. You are nasty. That's why I'm right, and you are hellbound")
That is straight from the bible, asshole.

The Bible does not condone slavery any more than it condones polygamy. Polygamy was tolerated, yet not condoned. Likewise, the Bible sets down some regulations pertaining to slavery. This is not equate to an endorsement of the practice. Slavery was tolerated, yet regulated.

Most slavery in the OT was punishment for a crime, or to work off a debt.

BTW, Dipshit...Paul was no prophet.

The Lord's Apostles wrote in the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Everything contained in the New Testament is the inerrant, authoritative Word of God.
First, Brent insists that The Bible does not condone slavery. Then he tries to rationalize why it does, while pretending it doesn't.

BTW brent, even your rationalizations are incorrect. You are utterly ignorant.
Wrong. I maintain that the Bible does not condone slavery. I am simply making a distinction between condone and tolerate.
Apparently, the bible is to be taken literally except when it's not to be taken literally. :rolleyes:

If one portion of the book is legitimately open to interpretation then it seems to me that the whole thing is open to interpretation. Which is exactly what the more liberal churches have been saying all along.
Apparently, the bible is to be taken literally except when it's not to be taken literally. :rolleyes:

If one portion of the book is legitimately open to interpretation then it seems to me that the whole thing is open to interpretation. Which is exactly what the more liberal churches have been saying all along.

Apparently, the bible is to be taken literally except when it's not to be taken literally. :rolleyes:

If one portion of the book is legitimately open to interpretation then it seems to me that the whole thing is open to interpretation. Which is exactly what the more liberal churches have been saying all along.

Let me splain it to ya, thee of the subpar intellect. Because the bible shows a historical era where slavery existed, does not mean it 'condones' it.

The abolition movement began in the christian community, well after the african american community, that is.
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Let me splain it to ya, thee of the subpar intellect. Because the bible shows a historical era where slavery existed, does not mean it 'condones' it.

The abolition movement began in the christian community, well after the african american community, that is.

It certainly doesn't condemn slavery. It clearly states that it's acceptable as long as you don't enslave a Jew. Jesus and God believed in slavery - what about that?

Of course, you have it the other way around. You want to enslave Jews.