The DeVos Family Values

Legion runs a private are BOTH a liar and stupid.......Erik Prince has nothing to do with this have nothing to do with this thread......
You have no defense, no argument save insult, you are unworthy.

what's there to defend? haven't raised any intelligent responses to the tried to defend Bjorn's fuck up about Erik Prince, made yourself look like a fool doing it.....what more do you want?'s a thought.....change your name, pretend your someone else, let everyone forget how fucking stupid your are.....until you post again.....
Does anyone else find it curious that in a democratic republic whose preamble includes working for the support and happiness of all people, a normal societal goal for most moral people, that wealth is so concentrated a few are able buy prestige and the worship of the right wing nuts? A just and fair society would have these things, there would be no need for the righties to worship at their altar nor apologize for their greed.

"Although we have always benefited from the activities of public-spirited individuals, even men and women of great wealth who recognize that greed as a principle of public conduct often leads to perverse outcomes, the United States Constitution was emphatically not founded on the assumption that either citizens or magistrates could be trusted to act selflessly. If my argument can be taken as a call to republican virtue, it is only SO within the modern realist framework devised by Madison and his colleagues in 1787, according to whom government is a response to humanity's inherent wickedness. Men are not angels. Obama notwithstanding. A properly American call to republican virtue is not a utopian exhortation that our citizens cast aside their private and selfish interests and embark on a course of austere political action, with their eyes fixed on some transcendent public good apart from their own.

"[W]hat is required is that Americans take a stand on behalf of their selfish material interests and against those of the monopolies and transnational corporations that have captured our institutions of government. The paradoxical character of our popular corruption is that the people have become slothfully selfless, too absorbed by their ephemeral entertainments and petty cultural disputes to assert their self-interest against the plunderers who rule them. ¶ Surely, however, the American people have not become so servile that they will forever submit to the rule of 1 percent. Surely we are capable of recognizing that the perverse corporate regime that has arisen in our country is a usurpation of popular government. Our Constitution unquestionably recognizes the right of a people to alter its mode of government: we have done so twenty-seven times. We may do so again. We may throw off these bonds and provide new guards for our future security." Roger D. Hodge
Surely, however, the American people have not become so servile that they will forever submit to the rule of 1 percent.

so tell me....when was the last time an urban black or a union member was chosen as a Democratic nominee for any national position?