The Dictatorahip is being established by the wrong side.

The combination of Trump's SCOTUS completely dismantling
the federal government's authority to regulate corporations


digital technology contributing to the evolutionary regression of the human brain,

the United States of America is on the precipice of total dystopia status.

This is all totally deserved by a people who never stopped looking for moderate solutions
for immoderate problems. America has been pathetically timid. Timidity has its price.

America, thanks largely to an inartfully written constitution,
is far too damaged to be repaired by democratic means
and the wrong side is setting up the dictatorship.


This sounds very much like one of the psychotic Hawkeye10 posts, only far more coherent and well-written, of course.

We don't have the national will to rewrite the Constitution. Hell, we let our children get gunned down in their classrooms by the dozens and do nothing to fix the 2nd Amendment.
I can see in quotes that the unfortunately challenged BP never read my multitude of posts explaining why our constitution is a disaster.

First, it created the most inefficient form of government that this planet has ever witnessed, then and now.
We are the OLDEST continually running democracy on the planet,
and wow, does it ever show!

Second, within that tragically inefficient form of government , conservative rural states
have both representation and power
FAR in excess of what their percentage of population warrants.

We're the Uncle Elmer of world governments.
If they weren't dependent on the US for military protection,
most modern nations wouldn't want to be seen speaking to us.
That's how embarrassing we've become.

The free world's muscle but NOT its brain.
It is impossible for a sane and honest person to refute any of this.

One of-- if not the-- most valuable tracts of real estate on our planet
is inhabited by some of the planet's most stupid people.
This is a genuine tragedy.
Trump has no court. He did not know enough to pick one. He simply followed orders and appointed those he was directed to by the Federalist society. Trump hates all judges. The Federalist Society is dedicated to plutocracy. The Repub party is a subsidiary of corporations and the wealthy. Trump does understand that. They cut taxes and regulations, he gets that.
Trump is a teenage bully who will never grow out of it. He seeks power and money. He wants to hurt people who he thinks are against him. He needs help, not power.

He needs prison, till he's worm food.