The difference between liberals and conservatives - Public

Into the Night

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Opening up yet another discussion taking place in the Wading Pool. When will these fucks learn that censorship doesn't work?

The OP:
While liberals tend to be more concerned with protecting vulnerable groups from harm and more concerned with equality and social justice than conservatives, conservatives tend to be more concerned with moral issues like group loyalty, respect for authority, purity and religious sanctity than liberals are.

As is typical, BidenPresident is just cut and pasting again, showing once again that he can't think for himself.

Democrats are not concerned with protecting anyone (except themselves). They hate and attack anyone and everyone else. Their child abuse is legendary. Abortion. Gender nullification and mutilation. Drugs. Child suicide. Censorship. Homeless. Gang violence, School shootings, teaching sexual deviancy in schools. ALL created by 'caring and concerned' DEMOCRATS.
Opening up yet another discussion taking place in the Wading Pool. When will these fucks learn that censorship doesn't work?

The OP:

As is typical, BidenPresident is just cut and pasting again, showing once again that he can't think for himself.

Democrats are not concerned with protecting anyone (except themselves). They hate and attack anyone and everyone else. Their child abuse is legendary. Abortion. Gender nullification and mutilation. Drugs. Child suicide. Censorship. Homeless. Gang violence, School shootings, teaching sexual deviancy in schools. ALL created by 'caring and concerned' DEMOCRATS.

Go fuck yourself you goddam asshole.
Underlying these differences are competing sets of liberal and conservative moral priorities, with liberals placing more stress than conservatives on caring, kindness, fairness and rights — known among scholars as “individualizing values” — while conservatives focus more on loyalty, hierarchy, deference to authority, sanctity and a higher standard of disgust, known as “binding values.”

More mindless cut and paste.

As I've said before Democrats don't care about anything but themselves. They consider themselves to be 'the elite'.
Rights mean nothing to them, as has been amply demonstrated by their tyranny and discarding the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.
More mindless cut and paste.

As I've said before Democrats don't care about anything but themselves. They consider themselves to be 'the elite'.
Rights mean nothing to them, as has been amply demonstrated by their tyranny and discarding the Constitution of the United States and all State constitutions.

shut up you fucking asshole
liberals tend to be selfish people - they are primarily concerned with an environment that makes their lives better. Because they are selfish they assume others are - so things like voluntary charity is not workable - how could it be? people are too selfish, they don't want to give without being made to, how would anyone else be different?

Well said. They confuse communism with charity.
Opening up yet another discussion taking place in the Wading Pool. When will these fucks learn that censorship doesn't work?

The OP:

As is typical, BidenPresident is just cut and pasting again, showing once again that he can't think for himself.

Democrats are not concerned with protecting anyone (except themselves). They hate and attack anyone and everyone else. Their child abuse is legendary. Abortion. Gender nullification and mutilation. Drugs. Child suicide. Censorship. Homeless. Gang violence, School shootings, teaching sexual deviancy in schools. ALL created by 'caring and concerned' DEMOCRATS.

“pidgin” once again offers nothing that one couldn’t hear by turning on AM radio just about any hour of the day
I read an article recently that said conservatives accept hierarchies. They accept their positions and are no threat to those above them and do not want those below to scare them.
Liberals tend to beak barriers and step where the powerful do not want them to.

There is actually a certain of truth to this. Liberals have no constraints. They follow no law except their own. They only care about themselves.

Of course Nordberg completely ignores conservatives that WERE unsatisfied with their position and went out and did something about it, like creating whole new companies. They BECAME the boss, instead of just working for one. That's just productive capitalism, something the Democrats absolute abhore.
Well said. They confuse communism with charity.

Real shows his thinking there, “communism,” what are you stuck in the last Century? Got a lot of red cells in your neighborhood?

Tell us there “pidgin,” how many counties outside of maybe Cuba are communist countries today?
There is actually a certain of truth to this. Liberals have no constraints. They follow no law except their own. They only care about themselves.

Of course Nordberg completely ignores conservatives that WERE unsatisfied with their position and went out and did something about it, like creating whole new companies. They BECAME the boss, instead of just working for one. That's just productive capitalism, something the Democrats absolute abhore.

“liberals are …….. and ……. and ………., same old yada, yada, yada, Rush couldn’t have put it any better
Yes, article cites research showing hierarchy is very important for conservatives.

More cut and paste. Note how BidenPresident not only takes credit for the opinions of someone else, he also denigrates authority (such as police just trying to do their job), and any kind of business or corporate structure, or any military command structure. He just admitted here that he is anarchist in nature. It's a lie, since he actually supports The Oligarchy.
More cut and paste. Note how BidenPresident not only takes credit for the opinions of someone else, he also denigrates authority (such as police just trying to do their job), and any kind of business or corporate structure, or any military command structure. He just admitted here that he is anarchist in nature. It's a lie, since he actually supports The Oligarchy.

shut the fuck up you goddam troll
As Jordan Peterson has talked at length about for years we need both poles to dance around, conservativism and progressivism and I dont mean the regressive marxists who have stolen the name progressive...I mean those who are aiming for progress, those who are trying to find new and better ways to live. As a Progressive left liberal I say that my side went off the rails making everything MEMEMEMEMEMEMEME and most especially the promotion of victim culture and fragility. I dont know where conservative went wrong but they certainly did....they have been losing almost every argument for near 70 years. My brother, a conservative, says that the problem is that they became cheap careerists, who say what ever they think will get them ahead personally, but they dont actually believe in anything.
Niemi and Young wrote:

We measured moral values associated with unconditionally prohibiting harm (“individualizing values”) versus moral values associated with prohibiting behavior that destabilizes groups and relationships (“binding values”: loyalty, obedience to authority, and purity). Increased endorsement of binding values predicted increased ratings of victims as contaminated, increased blame and responsibility attributed to victims, increased perceptions of victims’ (versus perpetrators’) behaviors as contributing to the outcome, and decreased focus on perpetrators.

The old, if you didn't want to be raped why did you wear a mini skirt.

More mindless cut and paste.

Here BidenPresident is trying to make the case for chaos as a society.
The difference between Liberals (aka Leftists) and Conservatives is that Liberals think only the collective--society as a whole--matters while Conservatives venerate the individual. Stalin summed this up nicely (his being a Leftist), "A single death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic." That is to say Conservatives consider each and every death tragic, while Liberals see only the sum of a large number of people dying as an accounting error.

Nicely summed up. Liberals think that everyone must belong or be subject to 'the collective'. That is why they push socialism, including communism, fascism, and slavery.
Individual success is denigrated. If someone gets a better idea for a product and builds a successful company out of it, they are hated and despised by the liberals.
The big thing that went wrong with America is that starting over 100 years ago too many decided that the accumulation of wealth was worthy use of a life, which is insane. It demonstrated that we have become a more shit quality of human than our ancestors generally were....the builders. Moderns Morons became exploiters, and then destroyers.

Buckle Up.
Nicely summed up. Liberals think that everyone must belong or be subject to 'the collective'. That is why they push socialism, including communism, fascism, and slavery.
Individual success is denigrated. If someone gets a better idea for a product and builds a successful company out of it, they are hated and despised by the liberals.

This is a very good talk in that regard:

Never in the entire history of man has charity been able to solve the ills of poverty and wealth inequity
We have to do it as a structured society
That is why the founders wrote the words general welfare
It’s to all of societies members a good thing to help people
A typical Marxist kind of statement, including the collective 'we' this case presuming to speak for the entire world.
Here he also once again attempts to justify cancelling the Constitution for a so-called 'power' or 'authority' to implement socialism. The 'general welfare' clause in the Constitution is not a power or authority. It is a directive for all the powers and authorities the federal government is be given (listed in Article I, $8, Article II, and Article III, and a few amendments, such as the 16th). It is NOT an excuse for throwing out the rest of the Constitution to implement socialism.

Here he completely discounts charity as well, which is VERY successful at mitigating society's ills. Americans are about the most generous people on Earth, privately raising funds to support victims of catastrophies and misfortunes worldwide.

Like a typical Democrat he is confusing charity with communism.

Communism requires tyranny. Charity cannot. Charity is completely voluntary.