The difference between liberals and conservatives - Public

You forgot to mention the leftists' ongoing war against happiness. Remember: they're not happy until you're not happy.

Their current focus is to destroy the global economy, and render everyone equally broke with no chance of getting ahead ... except for whomever is doing their thinking for them.

A good mention that was added to the previous post.
Damn. you are getting wider all the time. You should give up your guns.

I guess Nordberg has now taken the position that fat people should not have guns.

Too bad he doesn't get a choice in the matter. This hoplophobic sap doesn't realize just how many people with guns there are out there. Nordberg is hopelessly outgunned.
That wasn't about mass shootings by loner individuals. It's about things like in the Netherlands where the Left is trying to ban the use of fertilizers like anhydrous ammonia and cripple farm production that will cause mass starvation. They did that in Sri Lanka too. They're trying to do it in the US.

It's about forcing conversion to unreliable and costly energy sources that will result in the death of thousands every year from cold.

I could go on, but the point is that the Left puts their social agenda ahead of the good of the nation and the people. They don't care if millions die so long as they get to achieve their political goals.

This is exactly right.
What went wrong was not wealth or the goal to create a wealthy society, it was the people becoming so morally unfit that they pursued a life of exploitation and wealth skimming, calling it capitalism.

Which is why so many, especially the young, have no use for capitalism.

Capitalism is not theft.
Socialism is.
There is actually a certain of truth to this. Liberals have no constraints. They follow no law except their own. They only care about themselves.

Of course Nordberg completely ignores conservatives that WERE unsatisfied with their position and went out and did something about it, like creating whole new companies. They BECAME the boss, instead of just working for one. That's just productive capitalism, something the Democrats absolute abhore.

That of course is you telling absolute lies again. You are shameless. Liberals are the people who care about all. The conservatives are bigots, and haters and love to look down on the unfortunate.
That of course is you telling absolute lies again. You are shameless. Liberals are the people who care about all. The conservatives are bigots, and haters and love to look down on the unfortunate.

Liberals don't care about anyone but themselves. They are bigots. They are racists. They are liars. They always have been. Inversion fallacy.