The difference between philosophy and religion.

hahahahaha ... Yeah. Ever heard the Saying: 'Fool me Once, shame on You. Fool me Twice, shame on Me'.
I was taken in 3, maybe four (possibly 5) times with Cypress and his 'Threads about Scholars'. It seemed interesting and would encourage a lively debate/discussion/argument.
Then, instead of a fun, interesting conversation, it turned into a 'Watch Cypress lie, dodge, twist and twirl Performance'.
At first I thought I was just not expressing myself adequately. Then I noticed a pattern of evasion from Cypress. Then, he would outright lie!
So, I finally realized (sadly) that Cypress was an Intellectual Fraud. He lacked the Basic Integrity to discuss a Topic that infers an 'honesty' as an accepted criteria to begin with.

After about 5 (6?) times, I had to put Cypress on Ignore just so I wouldn't fall into the same trap again and again. :(

Yes. He thinks a critical discussion is trolling.
Any challenge to authority is considered trolling.
Yes. He thinks a critical discussion is trolling.
Any challenge to authority is considered trolling.

I think the Goals are different.
You. You are looking for a fun debate/conversation about a 'philosophical' point of view.
Cypress. His main goal is an attempt at making others think he is intelligent by rattling off names of prominent scholars.
I suppose. But when I start a thread on philosophy, I expect philosophy.
I don't ban anyone, but I don't let bullshit go unchallenged.

Yes. But when the person starts using words like 'Troll', you know someone isn't being honest.
'Philosophy' is about having honest conversation.
If you aren't having a genuine honest conversation about a Topic, you're wasting your time.
Yes. But when the person starts using words like 'Troll', you know someone isn't being honest.
'Philosophy' is about having honest conversation.
If you aren't having a genuine honest conversation about a Topic, you're wasting your time.

With you 100%.
I never said anything to you in bad faith, which is what trolling is.
You are a pathological liar.

Moral of the story:

Anonymous obscure message board poster BidenPresident, who's only education in religious studies was attendance at a Sunday School for little kids, claims religion and philosophy have nothing to do with each other.

The prestigious and well regarded Encyclopedia Britannica says they do -->

Encyclopedia Britannica - The Intersections of Philosophy and Religion

Humans have long pondered not only how we came to be but also why we came to be. The earliest Greek philosophers focused their attention upon the origin and nature of the physical world; later philosophers have theorized about the nature of knowledge, truth, good and evil, love, friendship, and much more. The realms of philosophy and religion have sometimes intersected in conducting such inquiries as these. As with philosophy, the study of religion underscores how humankind has long speculated about its origins. The possibility of a higher being (or beings) to which livings things owe their existence has long captived human thought. Many religions also offer their own views on the nature of good and evil, and they may prescribe guidelines and judgment on different kinds of human behavior.
I think the Goals are different.
You. You are looking for a fun debate/conversation about a 'philosophical' point of view.
Cypress. His main goal is an attempt at making others think he is intelligent by rattling off names of prominent scholars.
I put forth names and ideas of important figures in philosophy, history, science, religion because that is what I am interested and read about.

You post a lot of verbal pornography

You run your mouth about Epicurus, but I doubt you have ever read anything more than the Wikipedia entry.

If you want to start a thread about football players, movie stars, or social influencers I will keep my mouth shut, because I openly admit my ignorance about them
Moral of the story:

Anonymous obscure message board poster BidenPresident, who's only education in religious studies was attendance at a Sunday School for little kids, claims religion and philosophy have nothing to do with each other.

The prestigious and well regarded Encyclopedia Britannica says they do -->

You are a pathological liar.
I put forth names and ideas of important figures in philosophy, history, science, religion because that is what I am interested and read about.

You post a lot of verbal pornography

You run your mouth about Epicurus, but I doubt you have ever read anything more than the Wikipedia entry.

If you want to start a thread about football players, movie stars, or social influencers I will keep my mouth shut, because I openly admit my ignorance about them

The problem is you assume all the endless names you constantly throw out,that their POV is gospel!
It's not!
"All men naturally desire knowledge. An indication of this is our esteem for the senses; for apart from their use we esteem them for their own sake, and most of all the sense of sight. Not only with a view to action, but even when no action is contemplated, we prefer sight, generally speaking, to all the other senses.The reason of this is that of all the senses sight best helps us to know things, and reveals many distinctions."