Yes, limited debating skills it is!You are a pathological liar.

Yes, limited debating skills it is!You are a pathological liar.
Stuck, again? Limited debate skills?
Still proving my point, thanksShut the fuck up you coward. You're stinking up the thread.
For us normal people, almost all of our knowledge in mathematics, history, philosophy, economics is derivative and acquired from teachers, textbooks, acknowledged experts, articles, videos, etc.
Universities only give PhDs in philosophy, history, and math to people who actually make truly original contributions to human knowledge in those fields.
Bachelor's and Masters degrees are just given to people who demostrate basic competency in integrating subject matter knowledge and knowledge of research methods.
Moral of the story-- The PhD is a high bar for true intellectual originality.
I’m also a user and I have a right to engage you. If you dislike the forum, why do you post here? Moderators have always been able to post their opinions, troll and harass if that’s what you call what you’re doing to Cypress. I’m sure you remember Billy telling people to kill themselves?Moderator harassing users. A sure way to make people stop using this place. Forum about half what it used to be
It's like your brain is stuck on one synaptic pattern.You are a pathological liar!!
It's like your brain is stuck on one synaptic pattern.
Moderator harassing users. A sure way to make people stop using this place. Forum about half what it used to be
I have had mods insult me, harangue me, even spread horseshit innuendo about me, but I didn't cry about it like a little girl.
I disagree, hanging around school for a fancy piece of paper doesn't make you a bit smarter,than layman that do their own research.
Saw it a lot in my Civil War Roundtable!
Many laymen did 10 times the research than those chasing a grade.
Standford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Duns Scotus - Christian Philosophy
John Duns Scotus (1265/66–1308) was one of the most important and influential philosopher-theologians of the High Middle Ages. His brilliantly complex and nuanced thought, which earned him the nickname “the Subtle Doctor,” left a mark on discussions of such disparate topics as the semantics of religious language, the problem of universals, divine illumination, and the nature of human freedom. This essay first lays out what is known about Scotus’s life and the dating of his works. It then offers an overview of some of his key positions in four main areas of philosophy: natural theology, metaphysics, the theory of knowledge, and ethics and moral psychology.
Routledge Encyclopedia of PhilosophyYou are a pathological liar!
Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Hindu Philosophy
Hindu philosophy is the longest surviving philosophical tradition in India. The central concerns of the Hindu philosophers were metaphysics, epistemological issues, philosophy of language, and moral philosophy.
The original exchange was about my comment stating that nobody on this board has ever made an original contribution to human philosophical and intellectual thought.
Making an original philosophical and intellectual contribution to humanity is a really high bar to clear.
You responded with something about an "intellectual process", which I am not even sure what that means or how it relates to my post. Changing someone's opinion is an original contribution to human philosophical thought? Umm, okay.
You then subsequently started writing about the invention of utensils, swords, and the use of fire.
I do not know what utensils, swords and fire use have to do with my comment about original philosophical contributions.
But if you want to call the inventors of utensils and the Viking sword geniuses, I don't have a problem with that. None at all. Human ingenuity is certainly expressed in novel and important technological leaps.
--> In my opinion, human technological innovations are just as important as human philosophical and intellectual contributions, if not more so. The invention of the Clovis point or the lanteen sail are probably more important than anything Friedrich Nietzsche ever did.
But I didn't write anything about technology
Moral of the story: there have been some reasonably smart people on justplainpolitics com over the past 16 years. But I have never seen any intellectual giants here who are making truly original contributions to human philosophical and intellectual thought.
^^ That is just my opinion, and that is what I wrote in Post #130. I am not telling you what you need to believe
I wasn't talking about smart people.
I explicitly wrote about true intellectual genuis capable of making original contributions to the realm of human philosophical knowledge and intellectual thought. Post #130 for reference to what I actually wrote.
You can't throw a rock without hitting a reasonably smart person. But people who make original contributions to advance human philosophical thought are rare.
You can repeat your dodge until doomsday, CY (and the reader can clik on the arrows for the chronology of the posts to see how you left out one of your response)...but your OPINION is based on an inaccurate assessment of ALL exchanges on this board over the years. I and others have expressed new insights and have changed some personal beliefs and views due to an intellectual exchange (i.e., debate). I've read where some have changed how they which they've contributed to societal change. Given recent political turmoil, that is affecting human philosophy and intellectual thought. Just because no one THAT YOU KNOW OF from these boards has published some ground breaking tome on philosophy or in the realm of "intellectual" ruminations does not mean they have not made contributions. This is an anonymous format. And I'm not referring to the silly and extreme wonks on both sides of the debating fence. I'm talking about people of whom adequately challenged you in debate...people that made you stop and think.
As I explained to you earlier, you have CIVILIZATIONS that exist because of unnamed and undocumented individuals contributed their intellectual and philosophical "genius". Case in point, ancient history of philosophers from the Continent of Africa influenced the world....yet only a relative few "scholars" published on this over the generations. YOU and I weren't taught this, but it exists.
So it's obvious that you can't concede to the point I made. No point in wasting time on the insipidly stubborn. Unless you've got something new to add, I'll be moving on.