APP - The Disgrace Of President Trump Having The Highest Turnover Of Any Administration


Diversity Makes Greatness
Another of President Trump's appointees is leaving.

It's a familiar story.

It's getting to be pretty regular news.

At some point, we have to ask ourselves if he is picking bad people? Or if the problem is the one doing the picking?

It strongly suggests that President Trump is either:

a) Basically no good at hiring people.


b) They can't stand working for him.

Or a combo of both.

What do you think?
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i choose Door #3.

Trump makes some horrible choices...and the choices he makes quickly see they have entered a cesspool and, fearing for their professional lives, start to hate him.

So...Door #3 houses the correct answer as far as I am concerned.
Another of President Trump's appointees is leaving.

It's a familiar story.

It's getting to be pretty regular news.

At some point, we have to ask ourselves if he is picking bad people? Or if the problem is the one doing the picking?

It strongly suggests that President is either:

a) Basically no good at hiring people.


b) They can't stand working for him.

Or a combo of both.

What do you think?

He's a very sick psychopath who needs to cause the appearance that he's in control of everything and even the people who try to work for him are stupid, lazy, etc.

The evil and inhumanity of Trump can cause America to profit on the short terms by the resorting to evil and inhuman tactics. But there's no escaping the fact that America becomes labelled throughout the world as a nation that would allow such evil.

America pays the price and will more in the future as Trump continues with his fascit policy.

On a perhaps positive note, he helps to divide Nato and destroy what is nothing more than a tool of US aggression. If Americans were capable of unerstanding that, they may be a little more cautious about accepting his destructive policies.

Thankfully, the FBI/Mueller now have the means to bring him down!
It strongly suggests that President is either:

a) Basically no good at hiring people.


b) They can't stand working for him.

Or a combo of both.

What do you think?

Obviously, it is both.

Trump is quite literally the stupidest, most uninformed, most dim witted president in the nation's' history. He simply does not know what he's doing, he knows nothing about policy, and he cares nothing about learning about governance or diplomacy.

He only want to surround himself with loyalists and yes men. Which any professional will tell you is a disaster waiting to happen.

We also have enough credible reports of Trump underlings and cabinet secretaries saying that Trump is a moron, and idiot, a buffoon, to know that working with him must be sheer hell.

The only people I am personally aware of that admire Trump, worship him, and hold him in the highest esteem are the posters who voted for him.
Hello Cypress,

Obviously, it is both.

Trump is quite literally the stupidest, most uninformed, most dim witted president in the nation's' history. He simply does not know what he's doing, he knows nothing about policy, and he cares nothing about learning about governance or diplomacy.

He only want to surround himself with loyalists and yes men. Which any professional will tell you is a disaster waiting to happen.

We also have enough credible reports of Trump underlings and cabinet secretaries saying that Trump is a moron, and idiot, a buffoon, to know that working with him must be sheer hell.

The only people I am personally aware of that admire Trump, worship him, and hold him in the highest esteem are the posters who voted for him.

Agreed with all except the last.

A few hundred JPP posters did not get Trump elected. There are tons of haters all across the nation who support and worship President Trump. They are in for a massive let-down when Trump is removed from office.
Hello Cypress,

Agreed with all except the last.

A few hundred JPP posters did not get Trump elected. There are tons of haters all across the nation who support and worship President Trump. They are in for a massive let-down when Trump is removed from office.

Right, that's why I said people I am personally aware of that worship Trump.

There are obviously millions of Republicans that admire Trump.

But it take a special kind of person to devote countless hours, months, and years of their life on an obscure message board, pouring out their heart and soul to defend, worship, and provide cover for the most dim-witted, uninformed, and incompetent president this great nation has ever had. That type of person, specifically, is a conservative.
Hello Cypress,

Right, that's why I said people I am personally aware of that worship Trump.

There are obviously millions of Republicans that admire Trump.

But it take a special kind of person to devote countless hours, months, and years of their life on an obscure message board, pouring out their heart and soul to defend, worship, and provide cover for the most dim-witted, uninformed, and incompetent president this great nation has ever had. That type of person, specifically, is a conservative.

Wait a minute. I know that describes a lot of people, but there are conservatives here who don't have to lace their views with insults. I have not seen cawacko, for instance, insulting people. And even after they jump all over him. That takes restraint. He simply lays out his views and pretty much ignores the near constant slams. Admirable. Flash is pretty good, too.

But you do have a point.

The ones I mentioned are closer to the middle. There don't seem to be any extremists who can post without expressing hatred.
It's no mystery what Trump is and it couldn't be worse.

But the people who support him have to be mostly the same people that have been patriotic flagwaving Americans. Don't they understand that what Trump is and always has been, is what America will become in his 4 years before the stake can be driven through his evil heart?

Americans have become so emotionally screwed up because of their miserable lot in life that they now are taking pleasure in displaying the worst possible persona they can imagine to summon up. And the hate they spew is just not satisfying them sufficiently. They will also start to act it out, and dog help your country if they react the way many predict they'll act if there's harm done to Trump by the law.

They yearn for the opportunity but they most likely won't get it. The FBI/Mueller has enough on Trump now to force him into making a deal to disappear from politics.
Hello Monty,

It's no mystery what Trump is and it couldn't be worse.

But the people who support him have to be mostly the same people that have been patriotic flagwaving Americans. Don't they understand that what Trump is and always has been, is what America will become in his 4 years before the stake can be driven through his evil heart?

Americans have become so emotionally screwed up because of their miserable lot in life that they now are taking pleasure in displaying the worst possible persona they can imagine to summon up. And the hate they spew is just not satisfying them sufficiently. They will also start to act it out, and dog help your country if they react the way many predict they'll act if there's harm done to Trump by the law.

Some might. If they do they will be dealt with according to the law. And that will be the end of it.

They yearn for the opportunity but they most likely won't get it. The FBI/Mueller has enough on Trump now to force him into making a deal to disappear from politics.

Let em keep investigating till there's enough to put him away, and most importantly - TAKE AWAY HIS ABILITY TO TWEET!

We've had enough of his tweets for a lifetime.

He brings out the worst in people.
Hello Monty,

Some might. If they do they will be dealt with according to the law. And that will be the end of it.

Let em keep investigating till there's enough to put him away, and most importantly - TAKE AWAY HIS ABILITY TO TWEET!

We've had enough of his tweets for a lifetime.

He brings out the worst in people.

Not just his tweeting nonsense but he has to be a huge embarrassment to decent people.
Hello montgomery,

Not just his tweeting nonsense but he has to be a huge embarrassment to decent people.

I will tell you what is embarrassing. The fact that people can't stand to stick with him. He's just toxic. It really is amazing. The only people who can stand to be around him are either blindly loyal (like Kelly Anne Conway) or they have made some kind of compromise on their ideals. (General Kelly)
Another of President Trump's appointees is leaving.

It's a familiar story.

It's getting to be pretty regular news.

At some point, we have to ask ourselves if he is picking bad people? Or if the problem is the one doing the picking?

It strongly suggests that President Trump is either:

a) Basically no good at hiring people.


b) They can't stand working for him.

Or a combo of both.

What do you think?

It is a fallacy to equate high turnover with mismanagement, especially for the most hysterically smeared, vilified, and attacked president in my entire lifetime. He is held to a completely different standard, and his appointees live under relentless attack. It could just be that they stop working there because they are frivolously investigated, lied about, and personally destroyed by the elites from every direction, night and day. The pool he has to select from is also made up of the same DC swamp creatures who hate his guts and want him gone, so there would naturally be a great deal of loyalty issues and betrayals in that situation.
Hello Arminius,

It is a fallacy to equate high turnover with mismanagement, especially for the most hysterically smeared, vilified, and attacked president in my entire lifetime.

There is a problem with Trump and most people. Can't get along. Either it's him, or it's most people. I think it's him. He can't get along with anybody unless they are completely loyal to him. Anybody ever disagrees with him and that's the problem. He won't have it. He thinks he knows everything, and he cannot be told otherwise. And he acts childish. He won't get informed or argue issues. All he does is insult people. That's how he argues. He just called Cohen a 'rat.' Are you kidding me? That's so immature! And very revealing, too. Sounds like an admission.

Cohen is a guy who was devoted to Donald Trump, compromised his ideals to serve Donald Trump, did illegal things as a part of that service, and is now paying a heavy price for being loyal to Donald Trump. And President Trump calls HIM the rat. Michael Cohen got right with the USA. President Trump is NOT. He needs to answer for a LOT.

He is held to a completely different standard, and his appointees live under relentless attack.

No, he isn't. That's fallacy. Every president is highly scrutinized. Goes with the job. When you take that job you have to accept that. You become a public official, you answer to the American people, and the press is the eyes and ears of the public. President Obama faced the same thing, had his differences with Fox News. But he handled that with professionalism. President Trump is being ridiculous.

The Main Stream Media would not report any dirt if it was not properly vetted and something they felt they could stand behind. The Main Stream Media maintains professionalism and journalistic standards. If they ever find something they have reported in error, they issue corrections. And they try to make sure they never have to issue them. If President Obama had all kinds of dirty dealings and reasons for criticism, the Main Stream Media would have been all over him for that. But he ran a clean operation. President Trump cannot say the same thing. People he has selected are often the worst possible candidate for that office, people bent on simply dismantling the very purpose of the agency. Environment, Interior, Education, Consumer Protections, all gutted by President Trump. That's increasing the corruption associated with the swamp, not draining it!

President Trump is held the same Main Stream Media journalistic standards that any other would be.

It could just be that they stop working there because they are frivolously investigated, lied about, and personally destroyed by the elites from every direction, night and day. The pool he has to select from is also made up of the same DC swamp creatures who hate his guts and want him gone, so there would naturally be a great deal of loyalty issues and betrayals in that situation.

That does not explain it. If that were true it would have happened that way long before President Trump came along. President Trump is making terrible choices for people to run our government. He's screwing it all up. He is forcing the exact thing conservatives fear to happen. He is making sure these government agencies can't do anything right.

President Trump is a disgrace to our Republic.
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You're ignoring what Arminius said about the media scrutiny.

PoliTalker doesn't ignore anything that rightfully deserves an answer. None of us are ever stuck for a full answer to any crazed rightist claims being made. And if Politalker doesn't answer then I'll answer, providing it's a question or comment that deserves attention.

Stick around, all your questions will receive answers in due course!
PoliTalker doesn't ignore anything that rightfully deserves an answer. None of us are ever stuck for a full answer to any crazed rightist claims being made. And if Politalker doesn't answer then I'll answer, providing it's a question or comment that deserves attention.

Stick around, all your questions will receive answers in due course!

This is the problem, you think APP is here to shield you from opinions you don't like. Sorry to break this to you kiddo but that's not what APP is. Poli turtled. No defense for it.
This is the problem, you think APP is here to shield you from opinions you don't like. Sorry to break this to you kiddo but that's not what APP is. Poli turtled. No defense for it.

You're entitled to your opinion even though it's wrong. This section is not here to shield me or anyone else from any opinions. It's here to ensure that those opinions are expressed in an acceptable way, according to the rules.

I always invite your opinions and the opinions of any others. If they deserve an answer or comment, it will be forthcoming.
You're entitled to your opinion even though it's wrong. This section is not here to shield me or anyone else from any opinions. It's here to ensure that those opinions are expressed in an acceptable way, according to the rules.

I always invite your opinions and the opinions of any others. If they deserve an answer or comment, it will be forthcoming.

You should complain to the mods.