APP - The Disgrace Of President Trump Having The Highest Turnover Of Any Administration

Hello montgomery,

He's a very sick psychopath who needs to cause the appearance that he's in control of everything and even the people who try to work for him are stupid, lazy, etc.

The evil and inhumanity of Trump can cause America to profit on the short terms by the resorting to evil and inhuman tactics. But there's no escaping the fact that America becomes labelled throughout the world as a nation that would allow such evil.

I think we can turn that around. Just wait and watch.

America pays the price and will more in the future as Trump continues with his fascit policy.

The majority of Americans do not believe in Trump. Give us time. Our Constitution contains the checks and balances we need to admonish a recalcitrant president. The wheels of justice turn slowly but surely.

On a perhaps positive note, he helps to divide Nato and destroy what is nothing more than a tool of US aggression. If Americans were capable of unerstanding that, they may be a little more cautious about accepting his destructive policies

My understanding is that NATO is a defensive organization.

Thankfully, the FBI/Mueller now have the means to bring him down!

Not alone, they don't. The US Senate must be convinced beyond a doubt. It is encouraging that the US Senate just proved they can and will vote against President Trump if they believe strongly enough. The task is to convince enough of them that Trump is dirty. We should allow Mueller to complete his work. Only then can preliminary conclusions be drawn.
Another of President Trump's appointees is leaving.

It's a familiar story.

It's getting to be pretty regular news.

At some point, we have to ask ourselves if he is picking bad people? Or if the problem is the one doing the picking?

It strongly suggests that President Trump is either:

a) Basically no good at hiring people.


b) They can't stand working for him.

Or a combo of both.

What do you think?

Do you have any evidence that President Trump has had "The Highest Turnover Of Any Administration"? And why exactly do you consider that a "disgrace"?
Do you have any evidence that President Trump has had "The Highest Turnover Of Any Administration"? And why exactly do you consider that a "disgrace"?

Evidence of Trump being a disgrace?? Do ducks swim? I have to ask you if it's actually possible that there's any rational person who doesn't understand those basics?

My opinion is that Trump's base understand very well but they thrive on Trump being as crude and abusive as he can be. Trump's base has to be seen as something like the 'anti-decent' force in politics.

If the Trump supporters don't understand now, they will when Trump is goin and maturity brings better understanding.
Mattis was highly regarded by members of both parties.

President Trump ran him off. Trump would not listen to Mattis, wants to micromanage him. Trump won't let Mattis do his job. So Mattis is gone. And we lose another good public servant. Because of Trump.

Good people can't work for President Trump. He runs them off. He has to have a bunch of yes men. He won't listen to good advice. Mattis told him we weren't done in Syria. Told him we would be going back on obligations to allies if we pulled out. Pointed out that it would be great for Russia if we pulled out. President Trump wouldn't listen to any of that. Wanted the optics of being able to say he fulfilled a campaign promise.

Well shoot.

If he wanted that all he has to do is get Mexico to pay for his freaking wall, just like he said he would!

Or he could show us how he was going to pay off the federal debt.

Yeah. He said he would do that, too.

Or he could just release his taxes.

But to serve the Kurds up on a platter to Turkey is just, well, so Trump.
Mattis was highly regarded by members of both parties.

President Trump ran him off. Trump would not listen to Mattis, wants to micromanage him. Trump won't let Mattis do his job. So Mattis is gone. And we lose another good public servant. Because of Trump.

Good people can't work for President Trump. He runs them off. He has to have a bunch of yes men. He won't listen to good advice. Mattis told him we weren't done in Syria. Told him we would be going back on obligations to allies if we pulled out. Pointed out that it would be great for Russia if we pulled out. President Trump wouldn't listen to any of that. Wanted the optics of being able to say he fulfilled a campaign promise.

Well shoot.

If he wanted that all he has to do is get Mexico to pay for his freaking wall, just like he said he would!

Or he could show us how he was going to pay off the federal debt.

Yeah. He said he would do that, too.

Or he could just release his taxes.

But to serve the Kurds up on a platter to Turkey is just, well, so Trump.

If Americans regarded Obama as the greatest president ever then I would believe you when you say that racism isn't increasing in the land of the gun. The rest of the world knows he was already. That's pretty good proof that it's all about racism.

I'm amazed you could doubt it when you have half of this forum's lowlife barking out their racist viciousness so much! Where are the decent americans?
What do you think?

I think there is a third option....Trump made campaign promises......he selected cabinet members and charged them with carrying out his campaign promises.......all those who are no longer with us are those who did not perform on those promises......and a fourth option......some, like Haley, put in their two years and have stepped down.........that is more typical than atypical.......
If Americans regarded Obama as the greatest president ever then I would believe you when you say that racism isn't increasing in the land of the gun. The rest of the world knows he was already. That's pretty good proof that it's all about racism.

I'm amazed you could doubt it when you have half of this forum's lowlife barking out their racist viciousness so much! Where are the decent americans?

are you arguing that noticing Obama doubled the national debt, made the security of the entire Middle East deteriorate, and destroyed the entire health insurance industry is just racism?......
are you arguing that noticing Obama doubled the national debt, made the security of the entire Middle East deteriorate, and destroyed the entire health insurance industry is just racism?......

Your question is convoluted and double barreled but I'll try a part of it. Obamacare brought very limited reform to the US health care system and gave insurance to many millions who could never afford it. It's very limited success because big business will drag their feet forever on it because of the huge profits they're about to lose when the people simply demand it. Even the Republican congress have folded their tents on the issue now.

Universal, single payer heatlh care is working throughout the world and is far outperforming the US for-profit system. If you have an interest in discussing health care with a Canadian, I'm here for you. But I have to warn you that you must behave appropriately.
Your question is convoluted and double barreled but I'll try a part of it. Obamacare brought very limited reform to the US health care system and gave insurance to many millions who could never afford it. It's very limited success because big business will drag their feet forever on it because of the huge profits they're about to lose when the people simply demand it. Even the Republican congress have folded their tents on the issue now.

Universal, single payer heatlh care is working throughout the world and is far outperforming the US for-profit system. If you have an interest in discussing health care with a Canadian, I'm here for you. But I have to warn you that you must behave appropriately.
please, there is no need for you to warn me how to behave.....also there is no need to discuss Obamacare with a have no skin in the game.....
please, there is no need for you to warn me how to behave.....also there is no need to discuss Obamacare with a have no skin in the game.....

Wrong! You won't deprive anybody from the pleasure of talking about Obamacare and how the ice is broken and the people are not going to allow the greedy rightists to go back and push the foot out of the door. You would do well to not try to tell me anything; you don't have the credentials.
Hello Cypress,

Obviously, it is both.

Trump is quite literally the stupidest, most uninformed, most dim witted president in the nation's' history. He simply does not know what he's doing, he knows nothing about policy, and he cares nothing about learning about governance or diplomacy.

He only want to surround himself with loyalists and yes men. Which any professional will tell you is a disaster waiting to happen.

We also have enough credible reports of Trump underlings and cabinet secretaries saying that Trump is a moron, and idiot, a buffoon, to know that working with him must be sheer hell.

The only people I am personally aware of that admire Trump, worship him, and hold him in the highest esteem are the posters who voted for him.

I have friends, relatives, neighbors, and acquaintances who voted for Trump. I don't think they are bad people. It is quite strange to me how they justify their support. From what I gather, they believe incorrect things. Hopefully they will learn better. I am very sympathetic to their desire for a better America. I simply believe they have approached it with a method which will not work.
He's fired people regularly his whole career running private businesses. Why shout FedCo be any different?
Hello Arminius,

It is a fallacy to equate high turnover with mismanagement, especially for the most hysterically smeared, vilified, and attacked president in my entire lifetime. He is held to a completely different standard, and his appointees live under relentless attack. It could just be that they stop working there because they are frivolously investigated, lied about, and personally destroyed by the elites from every direction, night and day. The pool he has to select from is also made up of the same DC swamp creatures who hate his guts and want him gone, so there would naturally be a great deal of loyalty issues and betrayals in that situation.

There is a hint there.

A hint about the character of the President.

WHY do you think so many people 'hate his guts and want him gone?'
Hello montgomery,

If Americans regarded Obama as the greatest president ever then I would believe you when you say that racism isn't increasing in the land of the gun. The rest of the world knows he was already. That's pretty good proof that it's all about racism.

I'm amazed you could doubt it when you have half of this forum's lowlife barking out their racist viciousness so much! Where are the decent americans?

I do not believe this forum represents an even close approximate cross-section of American views.

Rather, this forum represents a few hundred people, mostly Americans, with other nations represented, (and some bots) who have take it upon themselves to post online in a forum which allows vulgarity and classless personal attacks, and drives polite people away.