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And that make it okay with hypocritical Righties...understood.
Apparently so, that's how the lefties justify it, huh?

And that make it okay with hypocritical Righties...understood.
It depends on who is still in when my state comes around. You do know how the primary process works don't you? I have said for a long time that I am a Cruz guy. So if it is Cruz and Carson. I go Carson.
If for some reason it is Carson and the rest of the RINO field, then I will go Carson.
But maybe you think it is racist to support the Hispanic over the black guy?
Of course you could look at the lack of diversity in your demoKKKrat party nominees and see only old white people. Not one spic or negro. Did you guys learn your lesson from B. Hussein Yobabymama.
You mean the choice he lied about having? Because he never got into West Point? I mean, I suppose he could have enlisted, but...
How fun! Carson caught in another lie. Conservative reaction; Hillary / Benghazi.
How about the primary? Can you abate your racism long enough to give a black man your vote?
Your overt racism is duly acknowledged.
" could anyone who judges him solely on his merits possibly think Carson is qualified to be president? He has never held political office.
He has never run a major organization or business.
It’s rather curious when conservatives push Carson for high office, given that they repeatedly complained in 2008 that Obama was woefully inexperienced—a “community organizer.” The typical sneer was that Obama had never even run a candy store. Yet when Sen. Obama of Illinois ran for president he had held two more public offices than Carson ever has."
Carson has almost no record of prior involvement as a political participant, let alone an activist.
Nor, until recently, did he venture into punditry. He also has no editing experience. He has no journalism experience. But that didn’t stop the right-leaning Washington Times from appointing Carson as the publisher of a new online magazine for black conservatives—and giving him a weekly op-ed column. It was inevitable when the Fox News Channel—which likes to have prospective Republican presidential candidates on its roster of paid analysts--put Carson under contract.
I’ve read all of Carson’s Washington Times op-eds since his column debuted in July 2013. He strikes me as a pedestrian thinker. He has none of the subtlety and nuance of black conservative academics such as Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams.
Word is that Carson is a strict vegetarian! He won't eat bacon and it is rumored that he may even eat KALE!
" could anyone who judges him solely on his merits possibly think Carson is qualified to be president? He has never held political office. He has never run a major organization or business.
It’s rather curious when conservatives push Carson for high office, given that they repeatedly complained in 2008 that Obama was woefully inexperienced—a “community organizer.” The typical sneer was that Obama had never even run a candy store. Yet when Sen. Obama of Illinois ran for president he had held two more public offices than Carson ever has."
Carson has almost no record of prior involvement as a political participant, let alone an activist. Nor, until recently, did he venture into punditry. He also has no editing experience. He has no journalism experience. But that didn’t stop the right-leaning Washington Times from appointing Carson as the publisher of a new online magazine for black conservatives—and giving him a weekly op-ed column. It was inevitable when the Fox News Channel—which likes to have prospective Republican presidential candidates on its roster of paid analysts--put Carson under contract.
I’ve read all of Carson’s Washington Times op-eds since his column debuted in July 2013. He strikes me as a pedestrian thinker. He has none of the subtlety and nuance of black conservative academics such as Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams.
Instead, Carson tends to alternate between inflammatory arguments and threadbare truisms. His April 22 op-ed argued that the “massive show of force” by the government against rancher Cliven Bundy foreshadowed the “totalitarian regime” that awaits Americans if they do not safeguard their precious freedoms, particularly the Second Amendment. The depiction of Bundy as a brave, if slightly zealous, victim of government authority was published one day before the New York Times quoted his racist rant that “the Negro” was better off during slavery. Carson offered no subsequent condemnation."
And you think yours won't be?![]()
I don't care what people personally do. He isn't forcing his lifestyle in me so I don't care.
Get the difference douche?
Your racism has been unmasked. You hate Carson because he is black
Embrace your racism
Not one spic or negro. Did you guys learn your lesson from B. Hussein Yobabymama.
Do you think he would laugh along with you about the torture of swine during their slaughter?
The problem with your defense against being called out for your racism by childishly returning the retort, is in the fact that we all see and read your racist views , opinions and quips here every day. Anyone who has read christifan knows that she dislikes Carson for the same reason she dislikes the rest of the Republican field of candidates. Because of his backward thinking policies.
Projection in regards to the label of racist is not a new idea to your party. Rove and company started using it as a means to cloud the issues for low information voters twenty years ago.
You think you cleverly just came up with it today. Lol
Pee Wee Herman is more convincing using projection than you ever could aspire to be.
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With politically savvy people, as we have here, you might have better luck projecting your well deserved republican label of chicken hawk on some Democrats than racist. Lol
Nice try though. I realize you don't have much recourse when you are called out as a racist, especially when you embrace and display your very real racism right here in front of everyone every day.
Neither had George Washington.
Neither had Jack Kennedy or Barrack Obama or half of the other Senators in Washington.
And Carson has performed several more brain surgeries than Obama and Obama’s inexperience didn’t prevent you from voting for him, huh?
Obama has never had a single experience running a healthcare operation or insurance company, but you love ObamaCare, right?
Everybody starts someplace and jealousy isn’t an argument, it’s just jealousy.
Why are Democrats trying to lynch this black guy? OH! That’s probably because y’all are racist, right?
He’s not an intellectual in your biased opinion and you think he became a brain surgeon with special treatment just because he was black, right?
Do you think he would laugh along with you about the torture of swine during their slaughter?