The empathetic civilization


on indefiniate mod break
suck on that sociopaths!

[ame=""]YouTube- RSA Animate - The Empathic Civilisation[/ame]
No countries!
No religion!

Hatred and dehumanization are emotions that allow us to abridge empathy. It is also what all conservativism is founded upon. If we are to survive as a society, we must hate those who hate, and dehumanize those who dehumanize others.
No countries!
No religion!

Hatred and dehumanization are emotions that allow us to abridge empathy. It is also what all conservativism is founded upon. If we are to survive as a society, we must hate those who hate, and dehumanize those who dehumanize others.

Denying countries is like denying the individual. It's a valid social construction, especially in the context of being destroyed in a technocratic zeal for global empire and UNITY based groupthink.

Surely a multipolar world is preferable to a despotic globalist regime.
Denying countries is like denying the individual. It's a valid social construction, especially in the context of being destroyed in a technocratic zeal for global empire and UNITY based groupthink.

Surely a multipolar world is preferable to a despotic globalist regime.

Countries are an entirely arbitrary fiction that deprives humanity of the ability to talk with one another based on meaningless fictional lines in a strip of land. Countries tear us apart. There should be no countries. Same thing with religion.
Countries are an entirely arbitrary fiction that deprives humanity of the ability to talk with one another based on meaningless fictional lines in a strip of land. Countries tear us apart. There should be no countries. Same thing with religion.

Nations are about colluding groups of people, banding together to enhance the survivability of the entire group. When the governing apparatus makes enemies of it's own people, effectively holding them hostage for foreign interests, it ceases to be a legitimate government.
So, WM, would this global unity be democratic, republican, and consisting of individual liberties, and whatnot? Most of the world is not enlightened.
Nations are about colluding groups of people, banding together to enhance the survivability of the entire group. When the governing apparatus makes enemies of it's own people, effectively holding them hostage for foreign interests, it ceases to be a legitimate government.

And why should protection stop at national borders? There are many individuals in the US who might be better off is shielded from intrastate or intercity commerce. However, the US as a whole would not be better off. Neither is humanity better off when trade is shut off at national borders, as counterintuitive as that may seem at some times in a naive sense.
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So, WM, would this global unity be democratic, republican, and consisting of individual liberties, and whatnot? Most of the world is not enlightened.

I don't even think that we should necessarily even have a single state. Many states and an empathetic connection with all other humans would be good. Our loyalty should be to humanity first.
Nations are about colluding groups of people, banding together to enhance the survivability of the entire group. When the governing apparatus makes enemies of it's own people, effectively holding them hostage for foreign interests, it ceases to be a legitimate government.

is the united states of america your enemy?
I don't even think that we should necessarily even have a single state. Many states and an empathetic connection with all other humans would be good. Our loyalty should be to humanity first.

It's not necessary to have a single state officially if all are banker controlled puppet states anyway.