The empathetic civilization

Thanks for admitting the sentiment of libtards nation wide.

Thanks for admitting the sentiment of conservatards humanity-wide. All traitors deserve to die, and that includes all conservatives. Bide your time, I shall hang you myself, and take immense pleasure in the snapping of your neck. :)
Hypocrite, thy name is Asshate!!

Just because we're both stuck in a trap, doesn't mean the trap is good.

You;re like one abuse victim taunting another. You're not smart, are you? Im realizing that. You just throw out a lot of phrases your learned at nazi camp or something.
Thanks for admitting the sentiment of conservatards humanity-wide. All traitors deserve to die, and that includes all conservatives. Bide your time, I shall hang you myself, and take immense pleasure in the snapping of your neck. :)
LOL You and a dozen other limp wrists.
Thanks for admitting the sentiment of conservatards humanity-wide. All traitors deserve to die, and that includes all conservatives. Bide your time, I shall hang you myself, and take immense pleasure in the snapping of your neck. :)

Why don't you wrap your lips around the head of my dick and then maybe that will allow you to STFU.