Dear philly rabbit:
These people despise everything Christian BECAUSE the arch enemy of socialism is indeed Christianity
Do you recall the name of Francis Bellamy? Bellamy was a prominent United States socialist. He served on the executive of the Socialist Party of his day. He was co-founder of the Young Christian Men’s Socialist Society, or whatever it was called. Bellamy was also an ordained Baptist minister. Do you know what else he did? Rev. Francis Bellamy wrote the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Think this through…
They destroy, then they deny what they're desperately trying to get rid of ever existed… The idea that America was never Christian is ludicrous to begin with.
Actually, philly rabbit, the only issue in contention is whether the United States was ever a ‘Christian nation’ in the sense that it was organized as a theocracy. And no, it wasn’t. And whatever you say, saying that destroys/denies nothing.
My family was mainly Anglican [British], Irish Presbyterian, and German Reformed. Having been raised on oatmeal and the shorter catechism, I’d guess that I am at least as conversant with these things as are you.
The immigrants from Europe were Christian and even the Jews who came from Europe were heavily influenced by Christianity with them coming from Christendom, as Europe itself was once called.
But again, ‘heavily influenced by’ or [so-called] ‘Christendom’ doesn’t = Theocracy.
Does it.
The first amendment has been under attack by these communists / socialists for decades.
I answer: ‘102. The fight for social equality includes opposition to all forms of discrimination based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion, national origin and sexual orientation.’
Clearly, the socialist rejects all forms of religious chauvinism. This includes the deliberate promotion of anti-Arab and anti-Islamic sentiment to justify criminal US-led wars in the Middle East and Central Asia. Can you say the same?
Exactly who here favors a religion of selective political piety by deeming the state ‘Christian?’
The morals of these people derived from the mud of Woodstock in the sixties, if you could call them morals.
Swiping at other’s moral sensibilities because of political differences? Say it ain’t true, philly rabbit!
Their ranks are saturated with anti theist atheists.
And then there was Francis Bellamy. Remember him?
…they use law suits to silence their faith based enemies because they are offended.
They use law suits because their so-called ‘faith based enemies’ keep forgetting the first amendment.
Law suits against ideas that they must remove in order to substantiate and promote their government God.
If you want to see the ‘government-god’ attacked, wait until a socialist attacks US government policy! See who reacts, philly rabbit.
America as a free nation should have no room for those who …
Premise 1: We live in a great, free land.
Premise 2: Criticism can destroy this land.
Conclusion: To preserve freedom, we must destroy criticism.
‘Free nation’ and ‘no room for’ are antithetical expressions. They are self-negating premises. ‘Free’ and ‘no room’ cannot both be true. Which will you pick?
… law suits against religious symbols of an historical nature because they are offended.
The United States is a fascistic nation to which a few, tattered shreds of democracy are ineffectively attached. These threadbare formalities no longer mask the enormity of social inequality already shaking the ground beneath your feet.
Socialists are detested because they strip away the pieces of democratic tapestry by which the wealthy mask worker eyes from their true conditions so that they begin to see themselves as wage slaves in the hands of a corrupt, ruthless and criminal ruling class.
It is not for opposition to democracy that socialists are hated; it is their support of democracy that makes them hated.