The Evolution Of The Party Of Liars

Every item in the following steps was implemented with lies. Once implemented bigger lies became necessary in order to turn the first lie into truth; hence doublespeak and newspeak.

The Democrat Party became the Party of Parasites in 1913 with the XVI Amendment.

The Democrat Party became the party of democracy. (January 22, 1917)

The Democrat Party became the Party of women in 1920. (19th Amendment)

The Democrat Party became the party of Socialists/Communists in the 1930s.

The Democrat Party became the party of traitors in 1945. (The United Nations)

The Democrat Party became the party of black Americans with the Civil Rights Movement. (1950s & ‘60s)

The Democrat Party became the party of illegal aliens in 1965. (

The Democrat Party became the party of baby killers in 1973. (Roe v. Wade)

The Democrat Party became the party of environmental parasites after the Soviet Union disintegrated in 1991. ( )

The Democrat Party became the party of mass government-ordered murders in 1993. (Branch Davidian Compound)

The Democrat Party became the party of homosexuals on May 17, 2004. (Massachusetts)

The clever part is that discrediting one or two Democrat Party constituencies allows Democrats to separate their cards from the party —— the race card, the homosexual card, the woman card, the illegal alien card, and so on. In short: The Party of Liars never defends their party’s ideology in the aggregate.

The inevitable happened when the Party of Liars realized they were left with one choice —— blame everyone for the things they are guilty of. I am not certain when the liars saw their only option, but the option was there in 1971 in Saul Alinsky’s Rule for Radicals.

Shifting blame works very well with media help. Examples:

1. President Trump is a traitor because Democrats colluded with the Soviets throughout the Cold War.

2. President Trump is a liar because the Party of Liars always tell the truth.


When Harry cheated on Sally he accused Sally of cheating. What? It is called projection. Psychological projection is a “psychological defense mechanism in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities by denying their existence in themselves and attributing them to others.” Projection is a method of blame shifting - Harry blamed Sally for what Harry did.

When Harry accuses Sally it is incumbent upon Sally to defend herself from the bogus charges. This cunning maneuver shifts the focus from Harry to Sally which is the underlying strategic objective of the false allegations. So, while Sally is busy defending herself Harry’s guilt goes unchallenged and he can continue to cheat. The best defense is an offense.

When Harry Cheated on Sally
By Linda Goudsmit
December 30, 2018

Incidentally, Governor Moonbeam is no slouch when it comes to telling whoppers:

WASHINGTON — California Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown warned that America and the rest of the world are falling behind in the fight against climate change and likened the challenge to fighting the Nazis in World War II.

Finally, the world needs a better lie detector or fewer liars. Scientists have yet to invent a lie detector strong enough to survive the lies Hillary Clinton tells.



This idiot can't even get the name of the party correct.

I've added him to my ignore list......

To PostmodernProphet: I thank you, and I thank God for small gifts.

This idiot can't even get the name of the party correct.

To domer76: Seven or eight years ago I began referring to the Democratic Party as the Democrat Party because I refuse to associate today’s Democrats with democratic ideals. No one can make the case that the Democrat Party is in favor of individual liberties, while just about anyone can easily make the case that the Democrat Party is all about collectivism.

Had you done a little research, halfwit, you would have found that I did not originate the epithet:

Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party in the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents. While historical and occasional current usage includes non-hostile appearances (including from within that party), the term has grown in its negative use since the 1940s, in particular by members of the Republican Party—in party platforms, partisan speeches, and press releases—as well as by conservative commentators. While there is grammatical argument regarding the propriety of use of both of the terms, with ending and without, ongoing use of the shortened term for political ends is a source of irritation to members of the Democratic Party.

The term Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party of the United States, used disparagingly by the party's opponents. According to the news agency United Press International:

The term 'Democrat Party' has been used in recent years by some right-wing Republicans on the ground that the term used by Democrats implies that they are the only true adherents of democracy.

Language expert Roy Copperud said it was used by Republicans who disliked the implication that Democratic Party implied to listeners that Democrats "are somehow the anointed custodians of the concept of democracy". According to Oxford Dictionaries, the use of Democrat rather than the adjective Democratic

is in keeping with a longstanding tradition among Republicans of dropping the –ic in order to maintain a distinction from the broader, positive associations of the adjective democratic with democracy and egalitarianism.

Political commentator William Safire wrote in 1993 that the Democrat of Democrat Party "does conveniently rhyme with autocrat, plutocrat, and worst of all, bureaucrat". In 2006, Hendrik Hertzberg wrote in The New Yorker:

There’s no great mystery about the motives behind this deliberate misnaming. 'Democrat Party' is a slur, or intended to be—a handy way to express contempt. Aesthetic judgments are subjective, of course, but 'Democrat Party' is jarring verging on ugly. It fairly screams 'rat'.

Pollster Frank Luntz tested the phrase with a focus group in 2001, and concluded that the only people who really disliked the epithet were highly partisan Democrats. Political analyst Charlie Cook attributed modern use of the term to force of habit rather than a deliberate epithet by Republicans. Journalist Ruth Marcus stated that Republicans likely only continue to employ the term because Democrats dislike it, and Hertzberg calls use of the term "a minor irritation" and also "the partisan equivalent of flashing a gang sign".


The Oxford English Dictionary says the term was used by the London press as a synonym for the more common Democratic Party in 1890:

"Whether a little farmer from South Carolina named Tillman is going to rule the Democrat Party in America—yet it is this, and not output, on which the proximate value of silver depends."

Let me add If DEMOCRAT PARTY offends you it is intentional.
Last edited:
To PostmodernProphet: I thank you, and I thank God for small gifts.

To domer76: Seven or eight years ago I began referring to the Democratic Party as the Democrat Party because I refuse to associate today’s Democrats with democratic ideals. No one can make the case that the Democrat Party is in favor of individual liberties, while just about anyone can easily make the case that the Democrat Party is all about collectivism.

Had you done a little research, halfwit, you would have found that I did not originate the epithet:

Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party in the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents. While historical and occasional current usage includes non-hostile appearances (including from within that party), the term has grown in its negative use since the 1940s, in particular by members of the Republican Party—in party platforms, partisan speeches, and press releases—as well as by conservative commentators. While there is grammatical argument regarding the propriety of use of both of the terms, with ending and without, ongoing use of the shortened term for political ends is a source of irritation to members of the Democratic Party.

The term Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party of the United States, used disparagingly by the party's opponents. According to the news agency United Press International:

The term 'Democrat Party' has been used in recent years by some right-wing Republicans on the ground that the term used by Democrats implies that they are the only true adherents of democracy.

Language expert Roy Copperud said it was used by Republicans who disliked the implication that Democratic Party implied to listeners that Democrats "are somehow the anointed custodians of the concept of democracy". According to Oxford Dictionaries, the use of Democrat rather than the adjective Democratic

is in keeping with a longstanding tradition among Republicans of dropping the –ic in order to maintain a distinction from the broader, positive associations of the adjective democratic with democracy and egalitarianism.

Political commentator William Safire wrote in 1993 that the Democrat of Democrat Party "does conveniently rhyme with autocrat, plutocrat, and worst of all, bureaucrat". In 2006, Hendrik Hertzberg wrote in The New Yorker:

There’s no great mystery about the motives behind this deliberate misnaming. 'Democrat Party' is a slur, or intended to be—a handy way to express contempt. Aesthetic judgments are subjective, of course, but 'Democrat Party' is jarring verging on ugly. It fairly screams 'rat'.

Pollster Frank Luntz tested the phrase with a focus group in 2001, and concluded that the only people who really disliked the epithet were highly partisan Democrats. Political analyst Charlie Cook attributed modern use of the term to force of habit rather than a deliberate epithet by Republicans. Journalist Ruth Marcus stated that Republicans likely only continue to employ the term because Democrats dislike it, and Hertzberg calls use of the term "a minor irritation" and also "the partisan equivalent of flashing a gang sign".


The Oxford English Dictionary says the term was used by the London press as a synonym for the more common Democratic Party in 1890:

"Whether a little farmer from South Carolina named Tillman is going to rule the Democrat Party in America—yet it is this, and not output, on which the proximate value of silver depends."

Let me add “If DEMOCRAT PARTY offends you it is intentional.

I understand what you are saying here, Flanders.

Sorta like the way many of us refer to the Republican Party as that party dominated by a group of fucking scumbag American conservatives who could help make America a much better place by emigrating to Antarctica.

But that is too most of us stick with calling that trash, the Republican Party.
To PostmodernProphet: I thank you, and I thank God for small gifts.

To domer76: Seven or eight years ago I began referring to the Democratic Party as the Democrat Party because I refuse to associate today’s Democrats with democratic ideals. No one can make the case that the Democrat Party is in favor of individual liberties, while just about anyone can easily make the case that the Democrat Party is all about collectivism.

Had you done a little research, halfwit, you would have found that I did not originate the epithet:

Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party in the United States, used in a disparaging fashion by the party's opponents. While historical and occasional current usage includes non-hostile appearances (including from within that party), the term has grown in its negative use since the 1940s, in particular by members of the Republican Party—in party platforms, partisan speeches, and press releases—as well as by conservative commentators. While there is grammatical argument regarding the propriety of use of both of the terms, with ending and without, ongoing use of the shortened term for political ends is a source of irritation to members of the Democratic Party.

The term Democrat Party is an epithet for the Democratic Party of the United States, used disparagingly by the party's opponents. According to the news agency United Press International:

The term 'Democrat Party' has been used in recent years by some right-wing Republicans on the ground that the term used by Democrats implies that they are the only true adherents of democracy.

Language expert Roy Copperud said it was used by Republicans who disliked the implication that Democratic Party implied to listeners that Democrats "are somehow the anointed custodians of the concept of democracy". According to Oxford Dictionaries, the use of Democrat rather than the adjective Democratic

is in keeping with a longstanding tradition among Republicans of dropping the –ic in order to maintain a distinction from the broader, positive associations of the adjective democratic with democracy and egalitarianism.

Political commentator William Safire wrote in 1993 that the Democrat of Democrat Party "does conveniently rhyme with autocrat, plutocrat, and worst of all, bureaucrat". In 2006, Hendrik Hertzberg wrote in The New Yorker:

There’s no great mystery about the motives behind this deliberate misnaming. 'Democrat Party' is a slur, or intended to be—a handy way to express contempt. Aesthetic judgments are subjective, of course, but 'Democrat Party' is jarring verging on ugly. It fairly screams 'rat'.

Pollster Frank Luntz tested the phrase with a focus group in 2001, and concluded that the only people who really disliked the epithet were highly partisan Democrats. Political analyst Charlie Cook attributed modern use of the term to force of habit rather than a deliberate epithet by Republicans. Journalist Ruth Marcus stated that Republicans likely only continue to employ the term because Democrats dislike it, and Hertzberg calls use of the term "a minor irritation" and also "the partisan equivalent of flashing a gang sign".


The Oxford English Dictionary says the term was used by the London press as a synonym for the more common Democratic Party in 1890:

"Whether a little farmer from South Carolina named Tillman is going to rule the Democrat Party in America—yet it is this, and not output, on which the proximate value of silver depends."

Let me add If DEMOCRAT PARTY offends you it is intentional.

I never said you did originate it, you illiterate fuckwad. You don't have that much originality.

Go ahead and sound like more of an idiot than you already do. "Democrat Party" is a dead giveaway.
What's not accurate? Too late to worry about the "backward slide" isn't it? ten years too late...*‘

Remember this?

We urge you to articulate this aim, and to turn your Administration's attention to
implementing a strategy for removing Saddam's regime from power. This will
require a full complement of diplomatic, political and military efforts. Although we
are fully aware of the dangers and difficulties in implementing this policy, we
believe the dangers of failing to do so are far greater. We believe the U.S. has
the authority under existing UN resolutions to take the necessary steps,
including military steps, to protect our vital interests in the Gulf. In any case,
American policy cannot continue to be crippled by a misguided insistence on
unanimity in the UN Security Council.

We urge you to act decisively. If you act now to end the threat of weapons of
mass destruction against the U.S. or its allies, you will be acting in the most
fundamental national security interests of the country. If we accept a course of
weakness and drift, we put our interests and our future at risk.
Elliott Abrams Richard L. Armitage William J. Bennett
Jeffrey Bergner John Bolton Paula Dobriansky
Francis Fukuyama Robert Kagan Zalmay Khalilzad
William Kristol Richard Perle Peter W. Rodman
Donald Rumsfeld William Schneider, Jr. Vin Weber
Paul Wolfowitz R. James Woolsey Robert B. Zoellick
I never said you did originate it,

To domer76: Asshole. I did not say you did.

Had you done a little research, halfwit, you would have found that I did not originate the epithet:

You don't have that much originality.

To domer76: You must have thought I was original.

This idiot can't even get the name of the party correct.

Hardly original since the epithet has been in use at least since 1890, but you did not know that until after I educated you.

You learned something from me; so you can return the favor by putting me on your ignore list as did PostmodernProphet.

Parenthetically, my messages are for conservatives —— not liberals. A scum bag like you is the biggest flaw in every message board. Sad to say, intelligent posters cannot prevent liberals from learning a truth that is too profound for them to grasp; so they turn it into a personal attack against their superiors, or else they twist the truth into a bizarre talking point. In short: A little knowledge in the hands of a liberal scum bag is a dangerous thing. That is why I hate the thought of getting the blame for teaching liberals anything.

Before you mouth off with another mindless response, note that when all else fails liberal douche bags they must force everyone to listen to their parasite ideology; hence, I would like to start 2019 with liberal assholes not reading or responding to my threads.

A little friendly advice. Put some work in on your communication skills if you insist on cluttering up my threads.
To domer76: Asshole. I did not say you did.

To domer76: You must have thought I was original.

Hardly original since the epithet has been in use at least since 1890, but you did not know that until after I educated you.

You learned something from me; so you can return the favor by putting me on your ignore list as did PostmodernProphet.

Parenthetically, my messages are for conservatives —— not liberals. A scum bag like you is the biggest flaw in every message board. Sad to say, intelligent posters cannot prevent liberals from learning a truth that is too profound for them to grasp; so they turn it into a personal attack against their superiors, or else they twist the truth into a bizarre talking point. In short: A little knowledge in the hands of a liberal scum bag is a dangerous thing. That is why I hate the thought of getting the blame for teaching liberals anything.

Before you mouth off with another mindless response, note that when all else fails liberal douche bags they must force everyone to listen to their parasite ideology; hence, I would like to start 2019 with liberal assholes not reading or responding to my threads.

A little friendly advice. Put some work in on your communication skills if you insist on cluttering up my threads.

That is your right...and it is fair for you to do. I'm not a liberal, so it doesn't impact on me, but...I would like to start 2019 off by telling you to go fuck yourself.

Before doing so, however, I want to thank you for the laughs you provided by mentioning that you think you are "superior" to others here...and that you are educating or teaching ANYONE ANYTHING.

So...thank you...and go fuck yourself.
To Frank Apisa: You could have fooled me, or are you ashamed to admit you are somewhere to Left of Karl Marx?

I suspect I can easily fool you. I suspect a child could also. You are reckless...and reckless people are easily fooled, Flanders.

Anyway...on a continuum with extreme leftists at 1 and extreme rightwing nuts at 10...I can be found at position purple.

To Frank Apisa: Only to liberals and assholes like you. I do not think it I know it.

Good. Continue to suppose so...and to call it "I know so."

I intend to show you to be the chump you are.

There is a story (perhaps apocryphal) about Alexander the Great receiving a letter from Darius of Persia before their great battle. In it, Darius calls Alexander "a mere boy."

Alexander responds, "So...if you beat me, it will be said that you beat a mere boy...but if I beat you, it will be told that Darius was bested by a mere boy. Not a very wise thing to do."

Darius set himself up for a loss no matter what.

That is what you do by claiming that silly "superiority."

WHEN I show you to be the horse's ass you will have been bested by what YOU deem to be an inferior.

Gonna be fun.

My guess is you will run away before taking your thrashing like a man.

Incidentally, Governor Moonbeam is no slouch when it comes to telling whoppers:
"In this case, the individual had actually been arrested and convicted twice of driving under the influence. And there was a warrant out for his arrest and no one picked him up," he explained. "And he was arrested and brought to jail before the sanctuary law was even enacted so ICE, immigration people, could have gone out and gotten him. Police, the sheriff, could have told the immigration service. And, besides, this is something that could happen in the future."

So, which is it, Jerry? Was the illegal alien arrested or not arrested before he killed Cpl. Singh? You seem to be slipping up on your talking points there.

WATCH: Gov. Moonbeam Denies Sanctuary State Status Resulted In Cpl. Singh's Death
Beth Baumann
Posted: Jan 05, 2019 7:35 PM

Moonbeam used to be more fun when he was dating:

Democrats really don’t like this word to describe their party or agenda. President Trump’s State of the Union did call for unity, but MSNBC host Kasie Hunt lamented that the president using the word “Democrat” instead of Democratic to describe the party was inherently partisan. Well, this set off similar reactions from the liberal Twitterverse. For starters, yes, it is partisan, which is why Republicans use it.

MSNBC Host, Liberals Were Not Happy Over This Word President Trump Used To Describe Democrats During State Of the Union Address
Matt Vespa
Posted: Feb 07, 2019 7:45 PM

Let me add If DEMOCRAT PARTY offends you it is intentional.
There’s no great mystery about the motives behind this deliberate misnaming. 'Democrat Party' is a slur, or intended to be—a handy way to express contempt. Aesthetic judgments are subjective, of course, but 'Democrat Party' is jarring verging on ugly. It fairly screams 'rat'.​

There is no need to change the Democratic Party’s name:

State GOP calls on 'racist' Democratic Party to change name
Resolution says party must address 'hundreds of years of racial oppression'
By WND Staff
Published June 30, 2020 at 8:18pm

Child molesters never call themselves child molesters, but what a wonderful day it will be when Democrats and television mouths call themselves racist every time they say Democratic Party.
Yup...the racists and scum were in the Democratic Party back in Civil War days and for decades after that. You are correct that the American conservative scum were Democrats back then.

Now the American, racist, conservative scum are Republicans.

We get it.
LOL Flanders, a fascist loyalist through and through. You cannot argue or convince people who are followers to think for themselves and to see the world clearly. It is not in their person. They are followers, and Mao, Hitler, Mussolini et al are their heroes, for they control the masses and do so until humanity says no more. To believe is easy to think is hard.

I will leave a few links for those who still think, who still critique and who are the Americans who move us forward. For the followers of Trump's hate and divisive nonsense, have a nice day.