The federal government is calling me a prole

yes there is

There is time off for good behavior, but that's different, it's automatic if you have no infractions and is not subject to the discretion of a human being, and you can only get about 15% off of your sentence compared to 2/3 or more under the previous parole system. And if you are released early for good behavior, you aren't a "parolee". Your sentence would just be done.
No shit man.

I am never going to vote for a Republican. Ever. There is nothing on Earth that could make me have sympathy with the conservative monsters.

It's only in the backwards south that political affiliation is dependent on income. In the enlightened north all income groups vote heavily Democratic, because everyone realizes that it's bad for them if the Republicans win anything.
Um... no. You get to attend our luncheons and cocktail parties because you are royalty, and nothing further. Just like the CMSgt of the AF, Sgt Maj's of the Army and MC, and MCPO of the Navy aren't officers, even though they are like brass in DC...
Patricians do not necessarily rule over the proles as I do. Though they are certainly a higher caste, they are not the ruling one. I am among the ruling, for the simple fact that the proles would follow me to their graves unquestioningly.
Patricians do not necessarily rule over the proles as I do. Though they are certainly a higher caste, they are not the ruling one. I am among the ruling, for the simple fact that the proles would follow me to their graves unquestioningly.

Being King of Proles is like being King of Worms. It is a silly and worthless position to be in. You are still below me and Grind, the King of America and Emperor of Massachusettes. We are the dark lords ruling over all of you pathetic struggling masses.