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I think this one is the biggest hoot! I am guessing he includes himself as being among the "non" serious posters since the fat douche and his pals are still here :rofl:

Quote Originally Posted by ZappasGuitar View Post
It's obvious...hate filled posters like Yurt, ID, USF and DY are driving the serious posters away...

I have serious discussions all the time...with anyone willing to drop the incessant vulgarity and discuss things with civility...and therein lies the primary reason I have never had a "serious" discussion with Yurt, ID or USF...none are incapable of putting aside the insults and taunts for even one day and having a civil discussion.

ID's hate is so all encompassing she won't even answer me directly.
I have serious discussions all the time...with anyone willing to drop the incessant vulgarity and discuss things with civility...and therein lies the primary reason I have never had a "serious" discussion with Yurt, ID or USF...none are incapable of putting aside the insults and taunts for even one day and having a civil discussion.

ID's hate is so all encompassing she won't even answer me directly.

You kissing butt and agree with someone is not a "serious discussion"; because that is the extent of your abilities.
I have serious discussions all the time...with anyone willing to drop the incessant vulgarity and discuss things with civility...and therein lies the primary reason I have never had a "serious" discussion with Yurt, ID or USF...none are incapable of putting aside the insults and taunts for even one day and having a civil discussion.

ID's hate is so all encompassing she won't even answer me directly.


Originally Posted by ZappasGuitar

Right...and if Damo could just once stop being a pompous douche we might be able to get beyond the petty minutiae and find we agree on this.

THAT'S supposed to be proof I'm lying?

Just show me where I ever included Damo in a list of posters with which I'd had a serious discussion?

Oh don't do "proof"..."proof" is just another foreign concept to you...same as giving "your word" and standing by it...
THAT'S supposed to be proof I'm lying?

Just show me where I ever included Damo in a list of posters with which I'd had a serious discussion?

Oh don't do "proof"..."proof" is just another foreign concept to you...same as giving "your word" and standing by it...

so you have never had a serious discussion with damo?

and you ran away multiple times from my attempts to get you stop insulting and have a serious discussion. it is amazing how deluded you are.
I love that being on my IA disturbs the pos so much :D keep telling yourself that...

Of course everyone else knows the're just another chickenshit who can't take what she dishes out.

That's why you hide behind IA.

...and according to USF placing me on IA not only makes you a coward, BUT ALSO MAKES ME THE WINNER! keep telling yourself that...

Of course everyone else knows the're just another chickenshit who can't take what she dishes out.

That's why you hide behind IA.

...and according to USF placing me on IA not only makes you a coward, BUT ALSO MAKES ME THE WINNER!

so rana is hiding behind IA?
so rana is hiding behind IA?

Wasn't the whole "hiding behind IA" a mockery of poet? The fat mouthed zap has never wanted to debate anyone- ever. zap is the winner of gasbags and agitators- whoop-de-do~

I must say I LOVE that he is all pissy about my having him on IA- bonus :D
Wasn't the whole "hiding behind IA" a mockery of poet? The fat mouthed zap has never wanted to debate anyone- ever. zap is the winner of gasbags and agitators- whoop-de-do~

I must say I LOVE that he is all pissy about my having him on IA- bonus :D

i know. but expecting honesty and debate from zappa is like expecting obama to stop spending money.
No, it's like expecting Yurt to stop lying and obsessing about Tom and Poet.

what did i lie about tom and poet? <-- prediction, legion will never answer this. why? because i told no lies. legion agrees with tom that it is ok to STALK people and pass around their private information. two stalkers in love.

and why are you still constantly posting about tom and poet? you are truly an obsessive freak. keep telling yourself that...

Of course everyone else knows the're just another chickenshit who can't take what she dishes out.

That's why you hide behind IA.

...and according to USF placing me on IA not only makes you a coward, BUT ALSO MAKES ME THE WINNER!

That was a criteria formed by someone else. :)