The Final Case for Donald Trump


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The Final Case for Donald Trump

Article from stephen50right

Donald Trump is so superior to Hillary Clinton as a potential President of the United States, that it should not be debatable. Trump would be an excellent president, with the possibility of being a great president. While Hillary assuredly would be a disaster, an absolute catastrophe to our country. We don't need Nostradamus to foresee what would happen over the next four years under each administration.

Under Hillary Clinton, the negativity would be never ending. She is by reputation a very nasty person. She seems to enjoy being condescending and talking down to people as if she is better than all of us. In her warped leftist mind, she really does believe that she is a superior being, illustrated by her own contemptible behavior over many years.

Leftist politicians usually if not always think of themselves as the elite of society. The supreme rulers over subservient subjects who they wish to control for their own amusement and self-aggrandizement. Hillary fits that description to a tee.

Her involvement with scandals and corruption is by far the worst in modern US political history. Nobody else, including Richard Nixon, comes remotely close. There is no doubt that Hillary believes that she is above the law. All of this would become markedly worse under her presidency.

If she is elected, the chances of her sooner or later getting impeached, probably sooner, is virtually certain. Nothing of significance could possibly be accomplished in her administration, with congress constantly focused on investigating her non-stop criminal activities. Our country would languish with stagnant growth, continued debt, and societal decline even if Hillary was not a criminal, because she is so incompetent.

Unfortunately for America under a Hillary Clinton regime, the world would not stand still as our country declines and stays embroiled in political turmoil. Our enemies will grow stronger as we get weaker, and they will become emboldened. Possibly to a point of thinking they could defeat us in a war. Either that or bullying a weak, feckless Hillary into capitulation to what they want.

Hillary Clinton as president would place America in a dangerous predicament, perhaps deadly. She really is nothing but bad news for our country. Now for some good news. We can elect Donald Trump.

To the naysayers out there who bash Trump for his caustic remarks. Let's repudiate those accusing him of saying profane things which supposedly upsets children. A child can watch any new sitcom on TV, especially cable TV, and hear all sorts of vulgar wisecracks, far worse than anything Trump says.

Children are now proficient on computers at an early age. This is also the era of the internet. Dirty language and pictures are just a mouse click away. So unless a boy or girl has been kept in a cage, they have already seen and heard it all before. Thankfully they usually don't understand yet what it means.

Then there are comments that Trump occasionally makes about women. Always in jest and meant to be humorous, sometimes in a biting way to express a point towards his opponents. These same sort of comments are made by most men, but normally in private. The infamous audio of Trump's comments recently released from eleven years ago, for which he was excoriated, in all fairness was simply private banter between men.

Women as well sometimes make crude comments about men in their private chat sessions with each other, and they of course know that. So let's stop with the silly criticisms about Trump in this regard. Those adults most offended by Trump's remarks, could be the ones most guilty of doing the exact same thing.

Anyone who wishes to be naive and think that presidents shouldn't act this way, should understand the reality of a treacherous world. We should want a president who occasionally uses rough words to make a strong point. A president has to send troops into combat when necessary to kill the enemy. We need a president with hard bark who can make tough decisions, not some thin-skinned liberal such as Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump is actually a perfect gentleman nearly all of the time. His opponents know this is true, but of course they won't admit it. Trump doesn't have a sexist, racist, bigoted, homophobic, etc, bone in his entire body and that has been proven over his whole life. He would have never been able to build a remarkable business in this day and age, if what his opponents call him was true.

Donald Trump is a winner and a leader, and that is not debatable. Our country needs this right now in a big way with all the disconcerting problems that our country faces. Trump will do what's best for “We the People” and not cater to special interests which Hillary Clinton has always favored.

Would rich people benefit from a Trump presidency? Yes they will and they should. Rich people are often job creators. The middle class and poor people will benefit from Trump as well with greater ability to make good money which means increased prosperity for all.

Trump will be a president for all the people. For an America that was founded on opportunity and advancement, while maintaining freedom and liberty. What Trump offers is basically impossible if Hillary is in charge, because she doesn't believe in capitalism or certain parts of our constitution.

Make no mistake, Hillary Clinton is a hard core socialist. She believes in a Democratic Party owned and operated nanny state, with her as the boss, as a Queen of America. Hillary would consider it a compliment to be called Queen Hillary, and if she gains enough power, she may insist on it.

Hopefully on November 8th, the majority of the electorate will just say no to Hillary Clinton. But that doesn't mean voting for Trump is just voting anti-Hillary. Voting for Trump is a vote for a dynamic financial future, and a safe and secure country for yourself, family and friends, and all of our fellow Americans. We are all in this great country together, and with the leadership of Donald Trump, he can bring us together for a common goal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
"Under Hillary Clinton, the negativity would be never ending. She is by reputation a very nasty person."

Remember back to the 90's ..

Bill Clintons' presidency was Constantly Embroiled in tabloid Scandal and Negativity .. and he was the 'likable' One !

All the corruption Revisited .. Plus Recent Corruption .. Plus would-be soon to Come corruption and Scandal would be unbearable ..

at the BEGINNING of her Term !! - - if she were elected .. it would be years of Scandal unless she was impeached or arrested ..

Could you even imagine Hearing her Shrill Voice over the Telivision FOR YEARS to come .. almost Every Day !?

c'mon oBama may be a narcissistic sociopath .. but at least he has a smooth .. calm .. confident .. [full of lies] delivery ..

heck .. when i hear him speak .. even i want to believe him .. that is till i actually contemplate the words he speaks rather than the measured tone ..

Hillary has none of this Charm .. Hearing Her is like running your nails over a chalkboard standing in a bucket of icewater ..


"Her involvement with scandals and corruption is by far the worst in modern US political history. Nobody else, including Richard Nixon, comes remotely close."

Nixon Wasn't actually involved in the WhiteWater Break in ..

Someone who knew someone contacted him after the fact .. and asked him to help cover it up ..

Nixon did lend assistance .. then deleted 7 minutes of audio recordings .. that could have implicated him in the scheme ..

* Clinton .. IS directly receiving millions of dollars through a Charitable Slush Fund .. Selling Access to Contracts and Government .. Also Covering up Illegal Activity of her Friends .. Carelessly Sending Classified Documents .. and MANY MANY other Schemes to Enrich themsleves .. Then .. she Deleted 10's of thousands of documents ..

nobody knows for sure .. but between 30,000 - 700,000 correspondences are missing ..

"why does that matter?"

Because Every high Ranking person in Gov . is required to keep Histories of their Documents .. Nixon got in trouble for deleting 7 minutes .. that was the 'real' crime he did ..Hillary deleted 10's of thousands .. how is that not a bigger scandal on a magnitude of 100x than what Nixon did ? These Documents are to be preserved under the Federal Records Keeping Act .. So that YOU .. as a Citizen .. can petition the Gov .. for a FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT from your government .. this was all .. very clearly done .. to hide her dealings .. and 100% not transparent ..

"Hillary Clinton as president would place America in a dangerous predicament, perhaps deadly"

absolutely .. i actually am very afraid of what is likely to happen if she is indeed elected ..

i keep a keen eye on military developments through out the world .. and what is see is very worrying ..

First .. Russia is not our enemy anymore ! ..

Republicans as well as democrats fall back into this old cold war idea of communist hordes attacking nato ..

it's just not there anymore .. the soviet republic is dissolved .. Russia is capitalist now ..

and no longer espousing nialism and a common cause .. but embracing individuality and Christian Religion Again ..

THAT said ..

They are Still a Potent Military Force .. and most importantly they have a different .. dare i say ..

smarter threat assessment and posture in the event of strategic nuclear war .. than we do ..

oBOzo and Hillary .. have a bad habbit of 'poking the Russian Bear' while there is really no reason to do so ..

they're upset that Putin is Bombing ISIS and Al Queda in Aleppo and Syria ??

that doesn't bother me one bit .. BOMB AWAY .. I SAY .

Thery're only upset because Secretly ..

oBama and HIllary .. have nurtured .. and supported these radical terrorists in the ME

with $$ and Weapons .. they raised these Islamic Factotum armies .. to defeat Assad ..

Allied of Russia .. because these Nato Generals are war-mongers .. plus they're friends

get big Gov arms and Material Contracts .. Both Democrats and Republican Elites are in on it ..

Russia .. just isn't playing nice anymore ..

Plus more worrying .. Russia has a huge anti-missle defense network .. newly developed and hi-tech ..

hundreds of S-300 batteries .. Brand New S-400 batteries .. and the Next Gen S-500 System is to be

completed and deployed at anytime .. making penetration of their airspace by our own Nuclear Weapons ..

Very Difficult ..

Meanwhile .. The US is almost Wide Open .. We have a Tragically outdated and Weak Missle Defense Network ..

i'm afraid .. in the event of a hot Nuclear exchange .. Their Incoming Missles would Hit our Cities ..

while most of ours Would get Swatted out of the Sky ..

Let me be clear .. This is a very bad Situation .. and we Relly Need to work on a REAL Robust Missle

Defense Network .. and stop spending so much money on Aircraft Carriers to Blow up Tents in Afghanistan ..

** Hillary called Vladmir Putin 'Hitler'

Which to you and me .. is just derisive and nasty name calling ..

BUT .. Russians DON'T take this LIGHTLY ..


Nobody could be less like .. or like less being called 'Hitler' than a Russian ..

Hillary is Very Careless and Stupid .. and could very much endanger the US mainland through her stupid fat pigheadedness ..

**** i like your closing statement also ****

Hopefully on November 8th, the majority of the electorate will just say no to Hillary Clinton. But that doesn't mean voting for Trump is just voting anti-Hillary. Voting for Trump is a vote for a dynamic financial future, and a safe and secure country for yourself, family and friends, and all of our fellow Americans. We are all in this great country together, and with the leadership of Donald Trump, he can bring us together for a common goal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
"Under Hillary Clinton, the negativity would be never ending. She is by reputation a very nasty person."

Remember back to the 90's ..

Bill Clintons' presidency was Constantly Embroiled in tabloid Scandal and Negativity .. and he was the 'likable' One !

All the corruption Revisited .. Plus Recent Corruption .. Plus would-be soon to Come corruption and Scandal would be unbearable ..

at the BEGINNING of her Term !! - - if she were elected .. it would be years of Scandal unless she was impeached or arrested ..

Could you even imagine Hearing her Shrill Voice over the Telivision FOR YEARS to come .. almost Every Day !?

c'mon oBama may be a narcissistic sociopath .. but at least he has a smooth .. calm .. confident .. [full of lies] delivery ..

heck .. when i hear him speak .. even i want to believe him .. that is till i actually contemplate the words he speaks rather than the measured tone ..

Hillary has none of this Charm .. Hearing Her is like running your nails over a chalkboard standing in a bucket of icewater ..


"Her involvement with scandals and corruption is by far the worst in modern US political history. Nobody else, including Richard Nixon, comes remotely close."

Nixon Wasn't actually involved in the WhiteWater Break in ..

Someone who knew someone contacted him after the fact .. and asked him to help cover it up ..

Nixon did lend assistance .. then deleted 7 minutes of audio recordings .. that could have implicated him in the scheme ..

* Clinton .. IS directly receiving millions of dollars through a Charitable Slush Fund .. Selling Access to Contracts and Government .. Also Covering up Illegal Activity of her Friends .. Carelessly Sending Classified Documents .. and MANY MANY other Schemes to Enrich themsleves .. Then .. she Deleted 10's of thousands of documents ..

nobody knows for sure .. but between 30,000 - 700,000 correspondences are missing ..

"why does that matter?"

Because Every high Ranking person in Gov . is required to keep Histories of their Documents .. Nixon got in trouble for deleting 7 minutes .. that was the 'real' crime he did ..Hillary deleted 10's of thousands .. how is that not a bigger scandal on a magnitude of 100x than what Nixon did ? These Documents are to be preserved under the Federal Records Keeping Act .. So that YOU .. as a Citizen .. can petition the Gov .. for a FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT from your government .. this was all .. very clearly done .. to hide her dealings .. and 100% not transparent ..

"Hillary Clinton as president would place America in a dangerous predicament, perhaps deadly"

absolutely .. i actually am very afraid of what is likely to happen if she is indeed elected ..

i keep a keen eye on military developments through out the world .. and what is see is very worrying ..

First .. Russia is not our enemy anymore ! ..

Republicans as well as democrats fall back into this old cold war idea of communist hordes attacking nato ..

it's just not there anymore .. the soviet republic is dissolved .. Russia is capitalist now ..

and no longer espousing nialism and a common cause .. but embracing individuality and Christian Religion Again ..

THAT said ..

They are Still a Potent Military Force .. and most importantly they have a different .. dare i say ..

smarter threat assessment and posture in the event of strategic nuclear war .. than we do ..

oBOzo and Hillary .. have a bad habbit of 'poking the Russian Bear' while there is really no reason to do so ..

they're upset that Putin is Bombing ISIS and Al Queda in Aleppo and Syria ??

that doesn't bother me one bit .. BOMB AWAY .. I SAY .

Thery're only upset because Secretly ..

oBama and HIllary .. have nurtured .. and supported these radical terrorists in the ME

with $$ and Weapons .. they raised these Islamic Factotum armies .. to defeat Assad ..

Allied of Russia .. because these Nato Generals are war-mongers .. plus they're friends

get big Gov arms and Material Contracts .. Both Democrats and Republican Elites are in on it ..

Russia .. just isn't playing nice anymore ..

Plus more worrying .. Russia has a huge anti-missle defense network .. newly developed and hi-tech ..

hundreds of S-300 batteries .. Brand New S-400 batteries .. and the Next Gen S-500 System is to be

completed and deployed at anytime .. making penetration of their airspace by our own Nuclear Weapons ..

Very Difficult ..

Meanwhile .. The US is almost Wide Open .. We have a Tragically outdated and Weak Missle Defense Network ..

i'm afraid .. in the event of a hot Nuclear exchange .. Their Incoming Missles would Hit our Cities ..

while most of ours Would get Swatted out of the Sky ..

Let me be clear .. This is a very bad Situation .. and we Relly Need to work on a REAL Robust Missle

Defense Network .. and stop spending so much money on Aircraft Carriers to Blow up Tents in Afghanistan ..

** Hillary called Vladmir Putin 'Hitler'

Which to you and me .. is just derisive and nasty name calling ..

BUT .. Russians DON'T take this LIGHTLY ..


Nobody could be less like .. or like less being called 'Hitler' than a Russian ..

Hillary is Very Careless and Stupid .. and could very much endanger the US mainland through her stupid fat pigheadedness ..

**** i like your closing statement also ****

Hopefully on November 8th, the majority of the electorate will just say no to Hillary Clinton. But that doesn't mean voting for Trump is just voting anti-Hillary. Voting for Trump is a vote for a dynamic financial future, and a safe and secure country for yourself, family and friends, and all of our fellow Americans. We are all in this great country together, and with the leadership of Donald Trump, he can bring us together for a common goal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Outstanding reply. You sure know your history and current events extremely well.

I know the whole story about Nixon. I only mentioned him as a comparison because so many others out there have been comparing the two.

We agree so much, just for a bit of debate fun, I'll disagree with you a little bit on this.

"First .. Russia is not our enemy anymore ! .. "

It's a tough call for me as to whether Russia is an opponent or an enemy. When they buzz our planes and ships, I have to consider them an enemy.

I could never completely get into the Russian consciousness of what happened in WW2. It was devastating to a point where although I know the whole history of it, I could never feel it as the Russians do. They could have marched into Berlin in 1945, and slaughtered every German in the city, and I'm not sure that anyone would have blamed them.

All that being said, this is now 2016, and radical Islam is THE problem to the Western world and to Russia. If Putin was smart, and we had someone such as Trump who is also smart, I believe it would go a long way to us getting rid of the idea of Russia as an opponent or an enemy. Unfortunately, if Hillary gets elected, her weakness and fecklessness for sure, will bring out the worst in Putin, whatever that is, whatever is in his sole.
(You may not edit your posts)

I can't edit my posts..."sole" of course should be soul. LOL

Wanted to add. In my opinion an EMP strike is much more a threat to America that an all out nuclear attack from a major country. We all know that is the goal of Iran and North Korea, to have the capability of an EMP strike. I'm not predicting they will do it though, because if they did, it would be suicide for them. However we still must be prepared, and hardening our electrical grid should be a top infrastructure priority...and not just for that, but in the event of a large solar flare.
Oh an idiot conference eh?
Nuk, nuk, nuk.

What should someone be called who is going to vote for a Democratic Party, incompetent and corrupt, career criminal for president?

I'll spot you the first letter i and the last letter t. The second letter is a d, and there are two more vowels left. One of the vowels is the same as the first letter. Let's see if you can figure this out. I think you can, I've got confidence in ya.
What should someone be called who is going to vote for a Democratic Party, incompetent and corrupt, career criminal for president?

I'll spot you the first letter i and the last letter t. The second letter is a d, and there are two more vowels left. One of the vowels is the same as the first letter. Let's see if you can figure this out. I think you can, I've got confidence in ya.

just fucking lying is not fact you toilet licker
Please define "excellent President" and "great President."

Excerpt from a previous article that I wrote which will explain my thought process on this:

Trump is an amazing person, with a wonderful family, and he would no doubt make a great president. Nobody could ever top George Washington as president. Abraham Lincoln is certainly there in second. For the grouping of third best president ever, Trump arguably has the ability and potential to be right up there, and become the best president in modern US history. Yes, possibly even better than Ronald Reagan or Dwight Eisenhower who were great presidents.
What should someone be called who is going to vote for a Democratic Party, incompetent and corrupt, career criminal for president?

The word you're looking for is "American."

The same word that would be used for those supporting a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical, bigoted, anti-Constitution, anti-American, anti-Semitic, thin-skinned, orange, deplorable, sexual predator, manchild with the temperament and intelligence of a three-year-old who is the most unqualified person to ever run for the office of the President of the United States of America and speaks to his audience at a sixth-grade level (no wonder he loves "the uneducated").
No True Blue American would Vote for hiLLiary ..

She doesn't Care about America .. or Americans at all ..

She's an Internationalist ..

She'll spread our Wealth to her Rich Friends all throughout the World ..

She has no Loyalty to America ..

She's only loyal to Herself .. and her Big International Corporate Benefactors
The word you're looking for is "American."

The same word that would be used for those supporting a sexist, egotistical, lying, hypocritical, bigoted, anti-Constitution, anti-American, anti-Semitic, thin-skinned, orange, deplorable, sexual predator, manchild with the temperament and intelligence of a three-year-old who is the most unqualified person to ever run for the office of the President of the United States of America and speaks to his audience at a sixth-grade level (no wonder he loves "the uneducated").

I realize that I am generalizing, but "American" could be placed into two categories...patriots and parasites.

To me, in a nutshell, a patriot is someone who respects our constitution and flag, obeys the law, works as hard as they can and pays their fair share of taxes, totally supports his or her children monetarily, and doesn't leech off others. Almost all of these good folks are Trump supporters.

Most of the rest are Hillary supporters.

The rest are Hillary supporters. If the parasites outnumber the parasites in a country, then that coutry is in trouble, the worse the ratio the bigger the trouble until the country collapses from debt
No True Blue American would Vote for hiLLiary ..

She doesn't Care about America .. or Americans at all ..

She's an Internationalist ..

She'll spread our Wealth to her Rich Friends all throughout the World ..

She has no Loyalty to America ..

She's only loyal to Herself .. and her Big International Corporate Benefactors

Could not be stated better.
I realize that I am generalizing, but "American" could be placed into two categories...patriots and parasites.

To me, in a nutshell, a patriot is someone who respects our constitution and flag, obeys the law, works as hard as they can and pays their fair share of taxes, totally supports his or her children monetarily, and doesn't leech off others. Almost all of these good folks are Trump supporters.

Most of the rest are Hillary supporters.

The rest are Hillary supporters. If the parasites outnumber the parasites in a country, then that coutry is in trouble, the worse the ratio the bigger the trouble until the country collapses from debt

(I hate this not being able to edit a post?)
The Final Case for Donald Trump

Article from stephen50right

Donald Trump is so superior to Hillary Clinton as a potential President of the United States, that it should not be debatable. Trump would be an excellent president, with the possibility of being a great president. While Hillary assuredly would be a disaster, an absolute catastrophe to our country. We don't need Nostradamus to foresee what would happen over the next four years under each administration.

Under Hillary Clinton, the negativity would be never ending. She is by reputation a very nasty person. She seems to enjoy being condescending and talking down to people as if she is better than all of us. In her warped leftist mind, she really does believe that she is a superior being, illustrated by her own contemptible behavior over many years.

Leftist politicians usually if not always think of themselves as the elite of society. The supreme rulers over subservient subjects who they wish to control for their own amusement and self-aggrandizement. Hillary fits that description to a tee.

Her involvement with scandals and corruption is by far the worst in modern US political history. Nobody else, including Richard Nixon, comes remotely close. There is no doubt that Hillary believes that she is above the law. All of this would become markedly worse under her presidency.

If she is elected, the chances of her sooner or later getting impeached, probably sooner, is virtually certain. Nothing of significance could possibly be accomplished in her administration, with congress constantly focused on investigating her non-stop criminal activities. Our country would languish with stagnant growth, continued debt, and societal decline even if Hillary was not a criminal, because she is so incompetent.

Unfortunately for America under a Hillary Clinton regime, the world would not stand still as our country declines and stays embroiled in political turmoil. Our enemies will grow stronger as we get weaker, and they will become emboldened. Possibly to a point of thinking they could defeat us in a war. Either that or bullying a weak, feckless Hillary into capitulation to what they want.

Hillary Clinton as president would place America in a dangerous predicament, perhaps deadly. She really is nothing but bad news for our country. Now for some good news. We can elect Donald Trump.

To the naysayers out there who bash Trump for his caustic remarks. Let's repudiate those accusing him of saying profane things which supposedly upsets children. A child can watch any new sitcom on TV, especially cable TV, and hear all sorts of vulgar wisecracks, far worse than anything Trump says.

Children are now proficient on computers at an early age. This is also the era of the internet. Dirty language and pictures are just a mouse click away. So unless a boy or girl has been kept in a cage, they have already seen and heard it all before. Thankfully they usually don't understand yet what it means.

Then there are comments that Trump occasionally makes about women. Always in jest and meant to be humorous, sometimes in a biting way to express a point towards his opponents. These same sort of comments are made by most men, but normally in private. The infamous audio of Trump's comments recently released from eleven years ago, for which he was excoriated, in all fairness was simply private banter between men.

Women as well sometimes make crude comments about men in their private chat sessions with each other, and they of course know that. So let's stop with the silly criticisms about Trump in this regard. Those adults most offended by Trump's remarks, could be the ones most guilty of doing the exact same thing.

Anyone who wishes to be naive and think that presidents shouldn't act this way, should understand the reality of a treacherous world. We should want a president who occasionally uses rough words to make a strong point. A president has to send troops into combat when necessary to kill the enemy. We need a president with hard bark who can make tough decisions, not some thin-skinned liberal such as Hillary Clinton.

Donald Trump is actually a perfect gentleman nearly all of the time. His opponents know this is true, but of course they won't admit it. Trump doesn't have a sexist, racist, bigoted, homophobic, etc, bone in his entire body and that has been proven over his whole life. He would have never been able to build a remarkable business in this day and age, if what his opponents call him was true.

Donald Trump is a winner and a leader, and that is not debatable. Our country needs this right now in a big way with all the disconcerting problems that our country faces. Trump will do what's best for “We the People” and not cater to special interests which Hillary Clinton has always favored.

Would rich people benefit from a Trump presidency? Yes they will and they should. Rich people are often job creators. The middle class and poor people will benefit from Trump as well with greater ability to make good money which means increased prosperity for all.

Trump will be a president for all the people. For an America that was founded on opportunity and advancement, while maintaining freedom and liberty. What Trump offers is basically impossible if Hillary is in charge, because she doesn't believe in capitalism or certain parts of our constitution.

Make no mistake, Hillary Clinton is a hard core socialist. She believes in a Democratic Party owned and operated nanny state, with her as the boss, as a Queen of America. Hillary would consider it a compliment to be called Queen Hillary, and if she gains enough power, she may insist on it.

Hopefully on November 8th, the majority of the electorate will just say no to Hillary Clinton. But that doesn't mean voting for Trump is just voting anti-Hillary. Voting for Trump is a vote for a dynamic financial future, and a safe and secure country for yourself, family and friends, and all of our fellow Americans. We are all in this great country together, and with the leadership of Donald Trump, he can bring us together for a common goal of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Outstanding reply. You sure know your history and current events extremely well.

And are so delusional when you post as this sock?
stephen50right said:
Make no mistake, Hillary Clinton is a hard core socialist. She believes in a Democratic Party owned and operated nanny state, with her as the boss, as a Queen of America. Hillary would consider it a compliment to be called Queen Hillary, and if she gains enough power, she may insist on it.
Classic. All Liberals know that Clinton is a center right Republican. Which is why she's not that popular.
I realize that I am generalizing, but "American" could be placed into two categories...patriots and parasites.

To me, in a nutshell, a patriot is someone who respects our constitution and flag, obeys the law, works as hard as they can and pays their fair share of taxes, totally supports his or her children monetarily, and doesn't leech off others. Almost all of these good folks are Trump supporters.

Most of the rest are Hillary supporters.

The rest are Hillary supporters. If the parasites outnumber the parasites in a country, then that coutry is in trouble, the worse the ratio the bigger the trouble until the country collapses from debt
Hah! This nullifies Trump.