The Final Case for Donald Trump

Seriously is anyone really going to vote for a draft dodger, tax dodger, constant liar, sexual predator rich boy, bankrupt business person, fake conservative, a man who preaches racism and xenophobia, who outsources American work, sues everyone when he doesn't get his way, has the attention span of a fly, the conversation skill of a four year old, as our president. I am hoping Americans aren't that stupid.

Seriously is anyone really going to vote for a draft dodger, tax dodger, constant liar, sexual predator rich boy, bankrupt business person, fake conservative, a man who preaches racism and xenophobia, who outsources American work, sues everyone when he doesn't get his way, has the attention span of a fly, the conversation skill of a four year old, as our president. I am hoping Americans aren't that stupid.

Repeat after me

President Elect Trump
Seriously is anyone really going to vote for a draft dodger, tax dodger, constant liar, sexual predator rich boy, bankrupt business person, fake conservative, a man who preaches racism and xenophobia, who outsources American work, sues everyone when he doesn't get his way, has the attention span of a fly, the conversation skill of a four year old......

.....And, frustrated wannabe interior-decorator!!!!



No True Blue American would Vote for hiLLiary ..

She doesn't Care about America .. or Americans at all ..

She's an Internationalist ..

She'll spread our Wealth to her Rich Friends all throughout the World ..

She has no Loyalty to America ..

She's only loyal to Herself .. and her Big International Corporate Benefactors

She sure as fuck isn't spreading any of your "wealth".
I realize that I am generalizing, but "American" could be placed into two categories...patriots and parasites.

To me, in a nutshell, a patriot is someone who respects our constitution and flag, obeys the law, works as hard as they can and pays their fair share of taxes, totally supports his or her children monetarily, and doesn't leech off others. Almost all of these good folks are Trump supporters.

Most of the rest are Hillary supporters.

The rest are Hillary supporters. If the parasites outnumber the parasites in a country, then that coutry is in trouble, the worse the ratio the bigger the trouble until the country collapses from debt

Oh, don't worry, the parasites clearly outnumber the parasites already.
And are so delusional when you post as this sock?
Classic. All Liberals know that Clinton is a center right Republican. Which is why she's not that popular.

She is really only a better choice than an idiot.