that's what you call a tax cut when a democrat does it. LOFL
Oh so Bush's tax cuts were Keynesian. Fucking dropout
Obama continued the supply side cuts, droupout
did you offspring droupout too?
he cut them because supply side cuts work.
What did JFK say "cut taxes and total revenue will go up".
I guess TURD U. never taught Economics 101:
A demand-side cut rests on the Keynesian theory that public consumption spurs economic activity. Government puts money in people's hands, as a temporary measure, so that they'll spend it. A supply-side cut sees business investment as the key to growth. Government gives money to businesses and wealthy individuals to invest, ultimately benefiting all Americans.
Being 'schooled' again DUD
The way you phrase this is very telling. "Government puts money in people's hands..." "Government gives money to businesses and wealthy individuals to invest..."
When the gov't "puts money in people's hands", where did they get that money? They took it from other people and gave it to those people. Those people did not work for it. The people the gov't takes it from did. And then the gov't "gives money to businesses"? No, the gov't lets them keep more of what they earned. The gov't doesn't give them a damned thing. They just take less.
The way you phrase this is very telling.
"Government puts money in people's hands..."
"Government gives money to businesses and wealthy individuals to invest..."
When the gov't "puts money in people's hands", where did they get that money? They took it from other people and gave it to those people. Those people did not work for it. The people the gov't takes it from did.
And then the gov't "gives money to businesses"? No, the gov't lets them keep more of what they earned. The gov't doesn't give them a damned thing. They just take less.
That is a paradox. You are not a fiscal conservative, I are a fiscal fascist.
That is a paradox. You are not a fiscal conservative, I are a fiscal fascist.
ROFLMAO.... you are a fiscal conservative? Please, stop. That is such an outrageous lie. Nothing you spout off about on a daily basis lends ANY support to you being fiscally conservative.
You mean I don't fit YOUR definition of fiscal conservative? The dogma driven religion of Reaganomics, free market worship and hands off invisible hand of the market that has failed miserably?
Conservatives are not about 'big business' or 'small business', we are about a FREE market. Which means whomever survives is fine. Because normally it will be the fittest/strongest/most efficient companies that survive.
THAT is not 'conservatism'...that is Reagan dogma. Reagan and his economic advisors were not conservatives, they were radicals who trashed everything that generations had built, and replaced it with ideology.
So, what is conservatism? In my opinion, it is respect for the past and the wisdom of our ancestors. Their lives were built on their ancestors and so it goes, from one generation to the next. You ultimately respect the lives and toil of our ancestors not by paying lip service or using empty rhetoric like 'family values'. You do it by embracing their lessons learned; respecting the policies, regulations and programs they crafted that increased the benefits and lessened the losses in our communities and our society we reap the benefits of.
How did our ancestors craft them, were they based on some 'ideology'? I believe they were based on common sense, common decency, experience, trial and error, community activism, elections and community involvement.
So...In a very real way I AM truly a conservative.
Are ANY of the people that now call themselves conservatives today looking for common sense, common decency solutions to benefit their families and their community, or are they ideologues, that want to dismantle any shred of COMMunity and replace it with SELF interest?
That is not 'conservatism', that is narcissism.