The finest man I ever met

I'm so sorry, Desh! Your tribute to him is truly beautiful. From what you've said I think he'd be both pleased and perhaps a bit shy about it, for its truth and the love his life evoked from those who were close to him.

How wonderful that he was such an important part of your life! As Sol said, the pain does lessen over time, except at special moments, but the memories go on forever and are cherished.
Thank you Thorn. He was truely a wonderful man and every once in awhile I still have to stop and think I will never see that face again, that is when a tear somes to my eyes. He was so fun and so wise. Im sure I will never meet such a wonderful being as him but I hope his inspiration is carried forever by my son as a blueprint of how to be a real man.
OMG Desh. I'm so sorry. I'm sure he would have been extremely proud about what you've written. He seems like he was a great man.