Leftist Vermin
I like it, several European countries do something similar and it works great. I like how she included skills training also, not everyone is interested in a college degree and getting certified in a trade works far better for them. Hope she pulls it off and sets an example of what can be done of people are willing to give it a chance. Count on the right opposing it for two reasons, they are anti-education and it was proposed by a Democrat.
You seldom see so many people so eager to cut off their noses to spite their faces. When the pandemic began, Whitmer didn't dally like #TRE45ON did. She took immediate action. One thing she did was divide the state up into zones for purposes of determining which areas could continue to have businesses open, based on the virus numbers. This meant that up here in the U.P., last year, we still had restaurants and hair salons and the like open, once the #s showed that it was safe. But then the asshat (R)s in the legislature filed a suit which went all the way to the Michigan Supreme Court, to strip her powers away, and they won. So now the MI Dept. of Health runs the show. They treat the whole state as one entity; no more zones. Since the universities up here ended their semesters the week of Thanksgiving, our case load has fallen drastically. Unfortunately the rest of the state lagged behind, so the Dept. ordered all bars and restaurants to close. They just re-opened them at 25% capacity on Monday. We could have been open this whole time. So what are they crying about now? "Our small businesses are suffering and they should be allowed to open and h.s. kids should be allowed to play sports." They could have had that if they hadn't shot themselves in the foot by removing the governor's ability to manage the plague.