The flaw in Thompson's argument!


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Presidental canidate Fred Thompson said he anounced his canidacy on Jay Leno because it reached more average joe's. I dont know about you, but who do you know who has a 9-5 job that is up at 11:30p.m.?

I know I am in bed by 10:30 if not earlier, I have a job and a 17 month old.
First of all, even if you're up late, who the hell watches Leno? I have never seen the Leno show, and I don't know anybody who watches that show, and if they do, they are not admitting it I can tell you that.

It probably plays in the old fogies home. Donny and his friends probably saw it.
I usually stay up late watching garbage like "Rock of Love" with Bret Michaels, but that would have been a very poor place for Thompson to announce, imo...
He is trying to decieve voters by purposely not announcing on a Fox show.
All part of the Rovian plan for Thompson to save the day for the republicans.
I hate Leno, I Tevo Letterman for the off ocasion that he has something interesting that makes the news the next day!
I stay up till 1am every night and I work a minimum of 9hours per day.

Not to mention wife works night shift so i got little tike all night and morning duty.

Dont sleep your life away. I know im not normal but i couldn't imagine sleeping 1/3 or more of every day. Id get nothing done.
Dam, sucks to be loney
me and the cutie are in bed way earlier than you guys
Lorax has a man crush on Brett
I stay up till 1am every night and I work a minimum of 9hours per day.

Not to mention wife works night shift so i got little tike all night and morning duty.

Dont sleep your life away. I know im not normal but i couldn't imagine sleeping 1/3 or more of every day. Id get nothing done.

What time do you go to work!
What time do you go to work!

i get up at like 7am.. and to work by 830.. and thats with child duity.. getting him ready and dropping him off..when i have to.. wife works part time so like half the week.

Usually leave at around 6 6:30ish. Get home.. work out for 30min.. eat dinner and watch the sox game or whatever.
i get up at like 7am.. and to work by 830.. and thats with child duity.. getting him ready and dropping him off..when i have to.. wife works part time so like half the week.

Usually leave at around 6 6:30ish. Get home.. work out for 30min.. eat dinner and watch the sox game or whatever.

I hear as you get older you need less sleep, I hope thats true for me, but currently if I dont get 7-8 hours I am worthless.
I stay up till 1am every night and I work a minimum of 9hours per day.

Not to mention wife works night shift so i got little tike all night and morning duty.

Dont sleep your life away. I know im not normal but i couldn't imagine sleeping 1/3 or more of every day. Id get nothing done.
It's biologically necessary for the overwhelming majority of people.
i think its allot to do with your lifestyle. In the past when i have been not in good shape.. like eating fast food or unhealthy meals, not exercising, drinking excessively.. i needed a shit load of sleep... also stress that interferes with the quality of sleep can cause u to need more.
i think its allot to do with your lifestyle. In the past when i have been not in good shape.. like eating fast food or unhealthy meals, not exercising, drinking excessively.. i needed a shit load of sleep... also stress that interferes with the quality of sleep can cause u to need more.
I think you'll find that the medical profession -- and especially the psychiatric branch thereof -- will disagree with you. It has more to do with individual genetics. Some people just naturally require less sleep and some more. The typical person really does require about 8 hours during their young adult years and middle age.