The flaw in Thompson's argument!

Presidental canidate Fred Thompson said he anounced his canidacy on Jay Leno because it reached more average joe's. I dont know about you, but who do you know who has a 9-5 job that is up at 11:30p.m.?

I know I am in bed by 10:30 if not earlier, I have a job and a 17 month old.

The Leno show supposedly draws some 6 million viewers per evening. The New Hampshire debate was expected to garner around 3 million viewers. (That's a lot of political geeks imo).

I'm not justifying his decision to announce on Leno but just giving the reasoning behind it.
I think you'll find that the medical profession -- and especially the psychiatric branch thereof -- will disagree with you. It has more to do with individual genetics. Some people just naturally require less sleep and some more. The typical person really does require about 8 hours during their young adult years and middle age.

Ill have to read up on it. I know my wife needs a hell of alot more sleep then me. but my son is more like me and sleeps way less then other kids his age.
The Leno show supposedly draws some 6 million viewers per evening. The New Hampshire debate was expected to garner around 3 million viewers. (That's a lot of political geeks imo).

I'm not justifying his decision to announce on Leno but just giving the reasoning behind it.

What percent of those watching the Republican debate on Fox vote in the Republican primary v. those watching Leno?
It's biologically necessary for the overwhelming majority of people.

Not only for peak mental performance, but also, it's the best beauty and anti-aging treatment you can regularly give yourself. Enough sleep.

I don't buy into that, ohh look at me I only need 3 or 4 hours, thing. I just say, that's cool for you and think about how much better I look.

The Leno show supposedly draws some 6 million viewers per evening. The New Hampshire debate was expected to garner around 3 million viewers. (That's a lot of political geeks imo).

I'm not justifying his decision to announce on Leno but just giving the reasoning behind it.

Yup...kinda /sorta like the 'Terminator' Arnold eh?
I think, too confident maybe, that he is already running his national campaign.

I dont think he is a shoe in for the nomination, but maybe I am wrong. He is the last one I would choose, maybe that DOES makes him a shoe in for the Republican nomination!

He is basically a Bush clone!