The former USSR was right about the evils of a capitalistic society

you can tell USC never went to college. The whole world is adopting our form of capitalism. DAHMMM!!! GED ain't worth what it used to be. LOFL
You just dont get it do you toppy?

People like Ike warned about capitalism and its dangers.

He was no socialist.

All systems written on paper have their flaws when applied in the real world with real people.

Capitalism can lead to facism when it is unrestrained folls. If the people profiting from the market are allowed to edge out the competion well enough they will end up going after control of the government to win the control it offeres.

Its just how some humans are constructed. They will seek power until they have the ultimate power. Money is just a means to control others. The quest for profit is just a quest for power. It is simple and as old as time.

We have to control the market to protect the society. Capitalism is a great thing in my mind but it can not go unfettered. There are just things that have to be monitored and ajusted about the way it is allowed to opperate.

I really dont understand why so many want to play the childs game of pretending it is sustainable if left unfettered?
But they were also wrong about their approach to a society.

The bolsheviks were totalitarian a-holes.

Totalitarianism never works, no matter what economic model you have.

The nordic countries seem to have the right balance between economics and egalitarianism.
LOL and you think Obama will fix all that?

If you believe that, you're delusional.

Bush is a liberal when it comes to spending. I can't imagine how bad it would be with Obama's big ideas combined with a Democrat-controlled Congress. Thankfully, I think Americans will make the right decision in November.

Nope I don't think obama will fix all that at all. but perhaps slow down the drop of our standard of living. The golden age of the USA is past.
And big business and Republican led intiatives hastened the downturn.