The Four Agreements


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From the book “The Four Agreements”, the First Agreement:

“Be impeccable with your word.”

Mostly, people use the power of their word to spread their own personal poison.


We use it against ourselves. To create division and distrust, fear and resentment, to seek revenge, to fix blame.

That’s what this forum does. From start to finish. It’s toxic through and through.

The question that then poses is why does one wish to be that way?
From the book “The Four Agreements”, the First Agreement:

“Be impeccable with your word.”

Mostly, people use the power of their word to spread their own personal poison.


We use it against ourselves. To create division and distrust, fear and resentment, to seek revenge, to fix blame.

That’s what this forum does. From start to finish. It’s toxic through and through.

The question that then poses is why does one wish to be that way?

You rarely post here. Why bother complaining.
We have the power to make ourselves impervious to resentment, jealously, hate, anger. Some try to exercise the power.

I hadn't heard of this book, but it sounds like the author just packaged up some tenets and maxims from Stoicism, Buddhism, Christianity, Daoism and just gave it a new nomenclature.
We have the power to make ourselves impervious to resentment, jealously, hate, anger. Some try to exercise the power.

I hadn't heard of this book, but it sounds like the author just packaged up some tenets and maxims from Stoicism, Buddhism, Christianity, Daoism and just gave it a new nomenclature.

Supposedly, it’s origins are from the Toltecs. But, your observation is pretty spot on regarding those philosophies.

The Four Agreements:

Be impeccable with your word.
Don’t take things personally.
Don’t make assumptions.
Always do your best.
We have the power to make ourselves impervious to resentment, jealously, hate, anger. Some try to exercise the power.

I hadn't heard of this book, but it sounds like the author just packaged up some tenets and maxims from Stoicism, Buddhism, Christianity, Daoism and just gave it a new nomenclature.

We do have that power. That’s the meaning of the Second Agreement.

“Don’t take things personally”

When one realizes that the toxicity of another’s word is nothing more than a reflection of themselves, one can easily let their comments pass without reaction.
From the book “The Four Agreements”, the First Agreement:

“Be impeccable with your word.”

Mostly, people use the power of their word to spread their own personal poison.


We use it against ourselves. To create division and distrust, fear and resentment, to seek revenge, to fix blame.

I don't hate anyone, I am not jealous or envious of anyone here or anywhere else, I have no fear of anyone here, I do not feel guilty about anything I have said here, and I have no regrets for the words I have spoken here.

But thanks!

That’s what this forum does. From start to finish. It’s toxic through and through.

The question that then poses is why does one wish to be that way?

I am only here to help, and I have never spread any poison here.
Supposedly, it’s origins are from the Toltecs. But, your observation is pretty spot on regarding those philosophies.

The Four Agreements:

Be impeccable with your word.
Don’t take things personally.
Don’t make assumptions.
Always do your best.

I read this book around the time it came out, late '90's. Probably the first book on spiritually I read after I openly questioned Christianity.
Supposedly, it’s origins are from the Toltecs. But, your observation is pretty spot on regarding those philosophies.

The Four Agreements:

Be impeccable with your word.
Don’t take things personally.
Don’t make assumptions.
Always do your best.

I think the only thing we know about the Toltecs is thorough archaeology and vague myth. I doubt we know anything substantial about their religion or ethical philosopy.

But it might be a good gimmick to sell books on the premise of an ancient Toltec wisdom.
I think the only thing we know about the Toltecs is thorough archaeology and vague myth. I doubt we know anything substantial about their religion or ethical philosopy.

But it might be a good gimmick to sell books on the premise of an ancient Toltec wisdom.

As I read the various philosophies, they pretty much distill down to a few common concepts. If I could choose one, they all deal with the concept of ego as the common enemy for us all.
From the book “The Four Agreements”, the First Agreement:

“Be impeccable with your word.”

Mostly, people use the power of their word to spread their own personal poison.


We use it against ourselves. To create division and distrust, fear and resentment, to seek revenge, to fix blame.

That’s what this forum does. From start to finish. It’s toxic through and through.

The question that then poses is why does one wish to be that way?

Thanks for the reference, disagreed on your application to "this forum". It's the people who are toxic or not. The people who "spread their own personal poison" are the ones at fault, not a forum.
As I read the various philosophies, they pretty much distill down to a few common concepts. If I could choose one, they all deal with the concept of ego as the common enemy for us all.

Sounds about right.
I got the same basic set of ethical maxims and aphorisms from reading The Analects, the Dhammapada, the New Testament, Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. But as a business model and marketing gimmick, it is a clever idea to compile those precepts and sell it under the rubric of 'ancient Toltec wisdom'.
Thanks for the reference, disagreed on your application to "this forum". It's the people who are toxic or not. The people who "spread their own personal poison" are the ones at fault, not a forum.

When the overwhelming members of a forum like this become toxic, the forum itself becomes so.
Sounds about right.
I got the same basic set of ethical maxims and aphorisms from reading The Analects, the Dhammapada, the New Testament, Marcus Aurelius' Meditations. But as a business model and marketing gimmick, it is a clever idea to compile those precepts and sell it under the rubric of 'ancient Toltec wisdom'.

Perhaps. The value of the content is no less, however.
When the overwhelming members of a forum like this become toxic, the forum itself becomes so.

If you are saying the members make a forum toxic, I agree. If you are saying the existence of the forum makes people toxic, I disagree.
Mostly, people use the power of their word to spread their own personal poison.

I believe that most people never even give it a thought.

I very rarely do. The internet isn't the real world to me.
If I were young, I'd find far better amusements--trust me.
But I'm not, so here I am.