The Four Agreements

From the book “The Four Agreements”, the First Agreement:

“Be impeccable with your word.”

Mostly, people use the power of their word to spread their own personal poison.


We use it against ourselves. To create division and distrust, fear and resentment, to seek revenge, to fix blame.

That’s what this forum does. From start to finish. It’s toxic through and through.

The question that then poses is why does one wish to be that way?

it's been that way for over a century or two in this nation, millennia throughout the world. several things drive hate and distrust. the truly evil part about it is that it's weaponized against people who have little to no power to fight it.
I agree that you are

These violent racist assholes Who took over the Republican Party mean to end our democracy

I’m not going to treat them with kid gloves

I am no longer going to listen to REPUBLICANS say how sorry they are for the families of people that are killed in MASS SHOOTINGS ANYMORE- unless they are ready to join the Democrats in banning assault weapons.

They may as well just rally around the flagpole, and say, "Well that's one more for the Gipper" every time another one happens- in my eyes.

Because we have known for years it is an act and they are not even being Sincere!

Republicans are ruthless assholes who show no remorse and accept no responsibility for their INACTION to do anything to deter them. NOTHING!

And that is just one issue I have with these UGLY AMERICANS! I have a very long list now.
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As I read the various philosophies, they pretty much distill down to a few common concepts. If I could choose one, they all deal with the concept of ego as the common enemy for us all.

Which is one of the main tool of these propaganda bot holes

Brag brag brag brag brag

Demean anyone and everyone who questions your boasts


It is a huge aid in dealing with these foreign bot hole tactics

My devotion to decernable facts and a willingness to admit a fact offered gives me great power here

REAL HUMANS pick up on it after awhile

If those real humans have any REAL morals they can’t help but admire those things

I’m not here to get admired

I’m here to champion FACTS

Bot holes show they are bot holes by not admiring any decent human trait

They are fucking meaningless programs designed to end democracy

Having them attack me personally in swarm manner is the highest of compliments to my efforts here

It means the programmers are getting concerned

It’s honey on my tongue

While they battle me they are battling the Facts that destroy them

It’s why I am here

They want us to give up this territory to them

I cede them no ground

It’s an honor to be bot hole swarmed

Face the real fight we fight here

These are not humans we are failing to reach with logic and humanity

These are shitty foreign bot holes designed to generate a propaganda flow in hopes of destroying western democracy

Save your kindness for the actual humans you talk to in real life
I am no longer going to listen to REPUBLICANS say how sorry they are for the families of people that are killed in MASS SHOOTINGS ANYMORE- unless they are ready to join the Democrats in banning assault weapons.

They may as well just rally around the flagpole, and say, "Well that's one more for the Gipper" every time another one happens- in my eyes.

Because we have known for years it is an act and they are not even being Sincere!

Republicans are ruthless assholes who show no remorse and accept no responsibility for their INACTION to do anything to deter them.

Funny you used “gipper”

Ronald Reagan supported the assault weapons ban in the mid 1990s

So even the gipper knew they are evil
it's been that way for over a century or two in this nation, millennia throughout the world. several things drive hate and distrust. the truly evil part about it is that it's weaponized against people who have little to no power to fight it.

You are not the people idiot

You are a fucking racist shit bag that the FBI is watching to prevent you from killing people for trump

At best

You are more likely a fucking shitty foreign bot hole designed to destroy western democracy

Americans hate your kind either way
I am no longer going to listen to REPUBLICANS say how sorry they are for the families of people that are killed in MASS SHOOTINGS ANYMORE- unless they are ready to join the Democrats in banning assault weapons.

They may as well just rally around the flagpole, and say, "Well that's one more for the Gipper" every time another one happens- in my eyes.

Because we have known for years it is an act and they are not even being Sincere!

Republicans are ruthless assholes who show no remorse and accept no responsibility for their INACTION to do anything to deter them. NOTHING!

And that is just one issue I have with these UGLY AMERICANS! I have a very long list now.

I will no longer listen to democrats pretend to be sorry for rape victims as they continue to push an agenda where gun owners are sinister and evil
You are not the people idiot

You are a fucking racist shit bag that the FBI is watching to prevent you from killing people for trump

At best

You are more likely a fucking shitty foreign bot hole designed to destroy western democracy

Americans hate your kind either way

you sound like a school shooter
You are not the people idiot

You are a fucking racist shit bag that the FBI is watching to prevent you from killing people for trump

At best

You are more likely a fucking shitty foreign bot hole designed to destroy western democracy

Americans hate your kind either way

shut up russo bot racist.
I will no longer listen to democrats pretend to be sorry for rape victims as they continue to push an agenda where gun owners are sinister and evil

You listen to no one

You are a dung bag of stupid created by some pathetic loser in a foreign land paid by their government to fight democracy so they can remain enslaved

No one believes your idiot lies except crippled brained idiots
that's a guarantee that you will end up on the wrong side of the war................but, please, keep that mentality.

Wrong side of the war?


You are sooo fucking stupid you admit shit non stop loser

If you are a human

You are a full on bag of stupid
You listen to no one

You are a dung bag of stupid created by some pathetic loser in a foreign land paid by their government to fight democracy so they can remain enslaved

No one believes your idiot lies except crippled brained idiots

your rants make me laugh

the two biggest morons on this forum are you and lv426

he is too stupid to avoid the ban though, so now you are #1 least respected poster here :laugh: