you trying to have a logical discussion with the forums biggest troll LMAO
You mean me?
I have been here before the bot hole programs existed idiot
I in fact warned people that not everyone is an American here
I saw so many posters saying weird shit that no American art the time would have said
Guess what?
Then the FBI confirmed my find
I warned that the 2008 crash was coming for a couple off years before it happened
I told everyone that there were no WMDs in Iraq
Guess what?
There were none
I told this site that supporting Palin was supporting the selling of the Republican Party to con men
Then you cultivated Trump the con man
I have been correct so many times here it’s head spinning
The proof is all in the pages here
If being a troll in your mind means being correct 99% of the time then you lose buddy
I’m just some smuckette
I honor the FACTS and follow their lead wherever the FACTS go
That is how I can have such a track record
I honor facts
You honor sucking the balls of con men