The Future of America

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
A look at the future of the United States of America through demographic data projections. With charts and graphs, we examine the two big transformations happening in the US: our population is becoming non-white, and it’s aging in record numbers.

The day of the European heritage, white, male as the dominant factor in most things... pretty much at an end.

MY GUESS is the demographics will tend toward Asian dominance.

We'll end up with the world depicted in Blade Runner...although I hope without as much pollution.
It is funny seeing so many white cheering on being a minority. Well Franky has one foot in the grave so I guess he has the “I gots mines, fuck everyone else”

Why would any white person cheer on the countr becoming less white?

Why is that preferable to you?
A huge cultural and political tsunami in process and a better America for the next and generations to come. No longer will America be controlled by the white christian culture , it will no more be the norm
It is funny seeing so many white cheering on being a minority. Well Franky has one foot in the grave so I guess he has the “I gots mines, fuck everyone else”

Why would any white person cheer on the countr becoming less white?

Why is that preferable to you?

Why would any rational person care?

Odd that you hate yourself for being black, but don't project that out onto us whites.
It is funny seeing so many white cheering on being a minority. Well Franky has one foot in the grave so I guess he has the “I gots mines, fuck everyone else”

Why would any white person cheer on the countr becoming less white?

Why is that preferable to you?

It's happening and a fact and there is nothing you or trump can do about it
A look at the future of the United States of America through demographic data projections. With charts and graphs, we examine the two big transformations happening in the US: our population is becoming non-white, and it’s aging in record numbers.

Wait, we have a future?
America is becoming what it was designed to be

a reflection of all of the worlds mankind working together and kicking ass
Why would any rational person care?

Odd that you hate yourself for being black, but don't project that out onto us whites.

I am not black

but me thinks your statement is a bit of projection

Why do you hate yourself for being white? Do you think you deserve to be a minority? Do you think it will have advantages for you and your family if you are a minority? Why is it so desirable for you?
It is funny seeing so many white cheering on being a minority. Well Franky has one foot in the grave so I guess he has the “I gots mines, fuck everyone else”

Why would any white person cheer on the countr becoming less white?

Why is that preferable to you?

Pointing out the not cheering it on.

Even someone with a less than adequate intelligence should be able to see that.

At some point, Sol is going to explode and then implode. Everything in the current solar system will be destroyed.

Because I am pointing that out does not mean I am cheering it on, Don.

Jesus H. Christ. It can be a chore to point out the obvious to people who cannot see the obvious.
It seems to me that the only conceivable future for America is an insane Civil War between humans and trumpers, probably ending in mutual destruction. Perhaps a few survivors can take the rubble into the UK's place in the EU and watch its ruins sink in the North Sea. Happy days!
Hello hvilleherb,

Guno cheers as America goes downhill.

I don't know why you think America is going downhill. Is that the result of Republicans holding power in all three branches of government?

Are you losing faith that President Trump can make America great again?

Too bad you think Trump is failing, and America is going downhill.

The indigenous people of America must have thought the same thing when Cortez the Killer showed up.

When Cortez the Killer arrived on the shores of America, whites were a heavily outnumbered minority.
America started out as a haven for protestants escaping persecution by catholics in Europe. The Louisiana purchase and the Irish potato famine introduced large numbers of catholics and yet we grew and prospered. Even the Italian catholics are getting what it means to be American albeit after a couple of generations. We will survive the brown catholics just fine.
Hello hvilleherb,

I don't know why you think America is going downhill. Is that the result of Republicans holding power in all three branches of government?

Are you losing faith that President Trump can make America great again?

Too bad you think Trump is failing, and America is going downhill.

The indigenous people of America must have thought the same thing when Cortez the Killer showed up.

When Cortez the Killer arrived on the shores of America, whites were a heavily outnumbered minority.


Maybe the slogan should be "Make America darker-skinned again."

That actually makes more sense than MAGA.