Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
Its a Revolution, this is a Regime, and you MOTHERFUCKER will do as you are told...OR ELSE!
Merkel was definitely one of the revolutionaries.
Its a Revolution, this is a Regime, and you MOTHERFUCKER will do as you are told...OR ELSE!
Merkel was definitely one of the revolutionaries.
Yep, Greentard policies are destroying the German economy.
For 10+ years under Conservative governments (that's middle-of-the-road Dems to Americans), Britain was in the forefront of 'greentard' policies. Also it quit the EU.
The economy still isn't shrinking.
WTH does it take?
He was expecting to do a little show and get a negotiated deal....this was not the plan....but as long as the West refuses to allow a deal the Russians will do as they must.
It is the West that is losing not the China have never had the first fucking clue what is going on with Ukraine.
But economist Roger Meiners, a senior fellow with the Property & Environment Research Center, an environmental think tank based in Bozeman, Montana that in May published 7 Myths About Green Jobs, says that green jobs actually cost the economy. The report says that in Spain, for example, each green job created has destroyed 2.2 existing jobs in other sectors.
That's based on actual data, not future predictions by some pro-Green group.
Green Jobs? What About The Industries We Are Destroying?
Same thing in the UK. A 300,000 job loss and the Green jobs will pay less on average than those lost did.
The WEF, a Green friendly organization, says going Green will cost the world about $3.5 trillion a year in lost economic value.
What’s the price of a green economy? An extra $3.5 trillion a year
Another radical Leftist failure in economics: The Green economy. Their Crapper Touch strikes again...
That's pretty much what happened. I think they have a saner PM now.
Merkel was a globalist piece of shit. She did massive damage.
The same damage the Biden administration is doing.
I do, but you apparently have no clue what is going on in China. They are nowhere as powerful as you say they are.
Since you can't answer the question put to you, I assume you don't know the answer.
For 10+ years under Conservative governments (that's middle-of-the-road Dems to Americans), Britain was in the forefront of 'greentard' policies. Also it quit the EU.
The economy still isn't shrinking.
WTH does it take?
It already happened. What rock were YOU hiding under?
Dunno about what already happened. What IS happening is this:
In the year to mid 2023, real GDP in the UK rose by 0.4%. In Germany it fell by 0.1%. The USA was best at 2.5%.
Make what you can of that.
There you go, using that Marxist "we" again ... writing "We get it" to mean "I don't get it."We get it, TAG.
If you had only gone to school and learned to apply critical reasoning, you would have been able to call booooolsch't when you were told to equate sound economic principles with unbreathable air. You probably gave money to the Nigerian banker.You like the unbreathable air
Will you believe anything you are told to believe? It would certainly appear so.the undrinkable water,
Whatever this is supposed to mean.and the encroaching shore lines.
I'm confused. Besties need to be human, yes?None of your besties are either polar bears or whales.
Whoa there, Mr. Sharp-as-a-Billiard-Ball, it is you that needs to explain how sound economic principles somehow create an uninhabitable planet.All you have to do now is explain how a strong economy works on an uninhabitable planet.