The God Dixie belives in!

I learn so much with Dixie on the board. Just yesterday, I learned that $1.2 trillion divided by 10 is $1.2 billion.

And today, I find out that the Crusades were poor Christians defending themselves against violent, aggressive Muslims.
And thank you for admitting that you apparently can't read and comprehend basic English, and instead, have to contort and pervert what people say into something not even relative to what they actually said. This is a testament to your level of ignorance and stupidity.

typical onceler trolling
I learn so much with Dixie on the board. Just yesterday, I learned that $1.2 trillion divided by 10 is $1.2 billion. And today, I find out that the Crusades were poor Christians defending themselves against violent, aggressive Muslims.

I learned that the Soviet Union didn't exist during WWII and that no WWII battles were fought in Russia...
LOL, Dixie's dog must have "affirmed" another hoary dodge, the "No True Scotsman" fallacy...

The statement was made that some religious societies are the most violent, and I simply asked for some modern examples of Christian societies that fit this claim. I haven't gotten any so far. I got a few instances of misguided individuals, but that isn't a society, unless you think all of society is responsible for the acts of misguided individuals. I certainly hope you're not that stupid, but my dog wonders.
I learned that the Soviet Union didn't exist during WWII and that no WWII battles were fought in Russia...

And I forgot - we also learned that when a few Christians commit violent acts, it's the work of a "few misguided individuals." But when a few Muslims do the same, it impugns the whole religion.

It's fascinating stuff.
I learn so much with Dixie on the board. Just yesterday, I learned that $1.2 trillion divided by 10 is $1.2 billion.

And today, I find out that the Crusades were poor Christians defending themselves against violent, aggressive Muslims.

You can change the subject, but you can't change your diapers!

oooooooooh! Ba-boom!
And I forgot - we also learned that when a few Christians commit violent acts, it's the work of a "few misguided individuals." But when a few Muslims do the same, it impugns the whole religion.

It's fascinating stuff.

And we've also learned that whenever someone doesn't say what you want to infer they did say, all you have to do is make the false claim.
And we've also learned that whenever someone doesn't say what you want to infer they did say, all you have to do is make the false claim.

What have I said that's false?

Did you not say it's just a few misguided individuals when Christians do something (even the genocide of the Native Americans)? And have you not impugned Islam for the acts of terrorists?
The statement was made that some religious societies are the most violent, and I simply asked for some modern examples of Christian societies that fit this claim. I haven't gotten any so far. I got a few instances of misguided individuals, but that isn't a society, unless you think all of society is responsible for the acts of misguided individuals. I certainly hope you're not that stupid, but my dog wonders.

Keep digging.

Your dog probably does that, too.
And I forgot - we also learned that when a few Christians commit violent acts, it's the work of a "few misguided individuals." But when a few Muslims do the same, it impugns the whole religion. It's fascinating stuff.

He'll declare victory soon, won't he?
What have I said that's false?

Did you not say it's just a few misguided individuals when Christians do something (even the genocide of the Native Americans)? And have you not impugned Islam for the acts of terrorists?

No, you can read what I said, it's still posted. That's the beautiful thing about a message board. I don't need to keep repeating what I said, it's there for all to see, whenever they feel inclined to read it. I've made no claims or allegations about Islam or Muslims here, I simply asked for some evidence to support the argument that "some religious societies are the most violent" and so far, I haven't gotten a single example in modern times, of a Christian-based violent society. I made the counter-argument that "some religious societies are the least violent" and was challenged to provide evidence, and I did. So at this point, I have supported all that I said, and you've supported nothing you've said.
He'll declare victory soon, won't he?

No need to declare victory, that would imply there has been some valid and legitimate argument to be victorious in. So far, you've not presented such an argument. I suppose I am somewhat victorious in illustrating what an absolute buffoon you are, but I don't take any credit for that, you're doing all the work yourself.
No, you can read what I said, it's still posted. That's the beautiful thing about a message board. I don't need to keep repeating what I said, it's there for all to see, whenever they feel inclined to read it. I've made no claims or allegations about Islam or Muslims here, I simply asked for some evidence to support the argument that "some religious societies are the most violent" and so far, I haven't gotten a single example in modern times, of a Christian-based violent society. I made the counter-argument that "some religious societies are the least violent" and was challenged to provide evidence, and I did. So at this point, I have supported all that I said, and you've supported nothing you've said.

Another wonderful thing about message boards is that they usually have a great search function.

Are you denying that you have often impugned Islam as a religion, particularly when it comes to terrorist incidents?
Really? So Sweden doesn't exist? Dutch Quakers never settled Pennsylvania? WOW... news to me!

Was your claim that Sweden exists and that Dutch Quakers settled in PA, or were you attempting to give examples of Utopian Christian peacefulness?