More bullshit. If you can't tell them apart it's because you think our political parties are monolithes instead of what they truly are. Two major coalitions of often disparate interests cobbling together compromises in order to govern affectively. Our political parties are not the problem. It's the stiff necked, rigid ideologues within the parties that are the problem.
Well let’s see about that.
Both parties endorse and promote an unconstitutional Drug War.
Both parties endorse and promote hundreds of unconstitutional socialist welfare programs, bank bailouts, corporate and social welfare, subsidies, tax credits for their particular campaign donors, and vote bribing programs for the poor.
Both parties endorse and promote military & political intervention worldwide and the American World Police Force.
Both parties together conspire to rig the American election system with ungodly ballot access laws to discourage third parties.
Both parties have bought and set up their own major media outlets to control the national debate and make damn sure no others can enter into the national debate.
Both major parties conduct their primary elections on the taxpayer’s dime, no other party(s) need apply.
Both major parties have become famous for Wall Street and Special Interest Cronyism.
Both major parties have, and continue to grow government by leaps and bounds.
Both major parties are equally responsible for the outrageous ungodly national debt. Democrats and Republicans have controlled the government since Moses parted the Red Sea.
So, here’s the only real differences between the Democrats and Republicans.
Democrats love taxes more than the Republicans. Republicans love a credit card more than taxes.
Democrats love homosexuals, Republicans hate homosexuals, both have their fair share of homosexuals.
The major difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is
WHO they allow to feed at the government trough
That’s why the only thing Democrats and Republicans have to really argue about is homosexuals, debt vs. taxes and who between them is the most corrupt bastards that ever drew a breath.