The GOP: A Dying Breed

I'd like to ask you a question: When the Democrats are in power, do the conditions of the working class greatly improve? Do every boy and girl get a meal, a holiday gift and an education? No. Well, that must be because the Democrats need to compromise. That makes sense. But, wait. Is that even in their platform? Don't the Democrats want to use federal welfare to address poverty? Aren't they silent on generational poverty? Don't they support private industry? Don't they preside over a racist criminal justice system? Don't they cut taxes for the rich? Do any of their policies effectively address the problems of variations in school quality by region? Have they made any steps to democratize firms? Don't they take money from corporations, and give them taxpayer money in return?
Well no goes with out saying that as a people we have far more in common than we have differences. But you're hiding your head in the sand if you refuse to accept that there ARE major differences between the two political parties and that they ARE composed of widely differant coalitions of interest groups and peoples.
Oh please! Spare me the "Small Government" canard. Small Government to the GOP is government that provides for their needs and ONLY their needs and fuck everyone else.

Gee, exactly like the Democrat Party, huh?

As long as the GOP is a coalition of angry white rednecks scared of social change allied with plutocrats that reject the utilitarian aspect of governance, they are going to be in trouble as they will be seen as the party of bad and incompetent government.

Excuse me but this post is fucking hilarious!!!!!

Oh Geezzzzz!!! Just like our White House leadership!!! An administration mired in Fast & Furious, Benghazi, snooping into news reporter’s e-mails and IRS intimidation of folks on its enemies list. BAD GOVERNMENT anyone????? An administration that left American diplomats to fend for themselves in radical dangerous Benghazi. Then we got the fucking Obama-Care Abortion nobody was allowed to read before they voted for it because we needed to vote for it to find out what the fuck was in it. INCOMPETENCE anyone???????

Seems the Grand Old Pricks has been outdone in the world of BAD government and INCOMPETENT government by the fucking Jackasses of lefty-land, huh?
Gee, exactly like the Democrat Party, huh?

Excuse me but this post is fucking hilarious!!!!!

Oh Geezzzzz!!! Just like our White House leadership!!! An administration mired in Fast & Furious, Benghazi, snooping into news reporter’s e-mails and IRS intimidation of folks on its enemies list. BAD GOVERNMENT anyone????? An administration that left American diplomats to fend for themselves in radical dangerous Benghazi. Then we got the fucking Obama-Care Abortion nobody was allowed to read before they voted for it because we needed to vote for it to find out what the fuck was in it. INCOMPETENCE anyone???????

Seems the Grand Old Pricks has been outdone in the world of BAD government and INCOMPETENT government by the fucking Jackasses of lefty-land, huh?

Yes. You finally figured it out. Obama is an angry white redneck. **rollseyes**
More bullshit. If you can't tell them apart it's because you think our political parties are monolithes instead of what they truly are. Two major coalitions of often disparate interests cobbling together compromises in order to govern affectively. Our political parties are not the problem. It's the stiff necked, rigid ideologues within the parties that are the problem.

Well let’s see about that.

Both parties endorse and promote an unconstitutional Drug War.

Both parties endorse and promote hundreds of unconstitutional socialist welfare programs, bank bailouts, corporate and social welfare, subsidies, tax credits for their particular campaign donors, and vote bribing programs for the poor.

Both parties endorse and promote military & political intervention worldwide and the American World Police Force.

Both parties together conspire to rig the American election system with ungodly ballot access laws to discourage third parties.

Both parties have bought and set up their own major media outlets to control the national debate and make damn sure no others can enter into the national debate.

Both major parties conduct their primary elections on the taxpayer’s dime, no other party(s) need apply.

Both major parties have become famous for Wall Street and Special Interest Cronyism.

Both major parties have, and continue to grow government by leaps and bounds.

Both major parties are equally responsible for the outrageous ungodly national debt. Democrats and Republicans have controlled the government since Moses parted the Red Sea.

So, here’s the only real differences between the Democrats and Republicans.

Democrats love taxes more than the Republicans. Republicans love a credit card more than taxes.

Democrats love homosexuals, Republicans hate homosexuals, both have their fair share of homosexuals.

The major difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is WHO they allow to feed at the government trough FIRST.

That’s why the only thing Democrats and Republicans have to really argue about is homosexuals, debt vs. taxes and who between them is the most corrupt bastards that ever drew a breath.
Yes. You finally figured it out. Obama is an angry white redneck. **rollseyes**

It must be that WHITE blood in the bastard, huh Howey????? He’s probably really a fucking Republican, especially when he fucks up, like every day, right Howey?
Well no goes with out saying that as a people we have far more in common than we have differences. But you're hiding your head in the sand if you refuse to accept that there ARE major differences between the two political parties and that they ARE composed of widely differant coalitions of interest groups and peoples.

Yeah! Like Democrats are Neo-Communist and Republicans are Neo-Fascist. Like both are corrupt authoritarian BIG government bastards, huh?
Well no goes with out saying that as a people we have far more in common than we have differences. But you're hiding your head in the sand if you refuse to accept that there ARE major differences between the two political parties and that they ARE composed of widely differant coalitions of interest groups and peoples.

I'm just looking at what they tolerate and support economically. I'm just looking at the fact that the Democratic Party has done practically nothing for students and labor. If you're ready to deny that, go ahead - proving you wrong won't be some tremendous feat.

But based on the depth, I may need a shovel.
Well let’s see about that.

Both parties endorse and promote an unconstitutional Drug War.

Both parties endorse and promote hundreds of unconstitutional socialist welfare programs, bank bailouts, corporate and social welfare, subsidies, tax credits for their particular campaign donors, and vote bribing programs for the poor.

Both parties endorse and promote military & political intervention worldwide and the American World Police Force.

Both parties together conspire to rig the American election system with ungodly ballot access laws to discourage third parties.

Both parties have bought and set up their own major media outlets to control the national debate and make damn sure no others can enter into the national debate.

Both major parties conduct their primary elections on the taxpayer’s dime, no other party(s) need apply.

Both major parties have become famous for Wall Street and Special Interest Cronyism.

Both major parties have, and continue to grow government by leaps and bounds.

Both major parties are equally responsible for the outrageous ungodly national debt. Democrats and Republicans have controlled the government since Moses parted the Red Sea.

So, here’s the only real differences between the Democrats and Republicans.

Democrats love taxes more than the Republicans. Republicans love a credit card more than taxes.

Democrats love homosexuals, Republicans hate homosexuals, both have their fair share of homosexuals.

The major difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is WHO they allow to feed at the government trough FIRST.

That’s why the only thing Democrats and Republicans have to really argue about is homosexuals, debt vs. taxes and who between them is the most corrupt bastards that ever drew a breath.
I'm sorry but these are oversimplifications that are not only untrue but have a childish level of critical thinking and can be demonstrated in about 30 seconds.
I'm sorry but these are oversimplifications that are not only untrue but have a childish level of critical thinking and can be demonstrated in about 30 seconds.

Of course you could have used the 30 seconds it took you to write this to actually do the “demonstration.”

Oh! That’s right, you’re a “claim maker” and “personal insulter” with neither the balls or the intellect to back your claims or give validity to your insults, huh Goober?
Neo-communist implies wanting to disintegrate the state.

No! “Neo-Communism” implies the new system of communism operated through the bribery of buying elections with socialist programs rather than the threat of murdering your family and sending you to the Gulag.
So, here’s the only real differences between the Democrats and Republicans.

I'm fairly sure that if McCain had won over Pres. Obama - the Lily Ledbetter act wouldn't have been signed; we'd still have DADT and the govt would be defending DOMA; we wouldn't have pulled out of Iraq when we did and we'd be long-term in Afghanistan. Libya would have been handled differently, with us leading instead of France. We'd have invaded Syria by now. Abortion might be more restricted at the federal level (hard to tell here - repubs at the federal level talk a tough game but don't really do anything about it, unlike at the state level). Not sure if we'd have school vouchers or not. I'm not sure the Washington and Colorado laws re legalizing pot would have been proposed, much less passed, since there would have been no loosening of the anti-drug rhetoric. (Yes, the fed'l govt still sends in the troops against drugs, but there were a few minutes there where they soft-pedaled it). We wouldn't have the Dream Act changes that Pres. Obama made.

In terms of the recession - I think McCain would have made it worse by not even doing the stimulus that Pres. Obama did (which wasn't enough, but was all he felt he could get). While the bank controls that the Dems are trying to get into place are running into a lot of weakening in the rules committee, I don't think we would have even the weak ones with Repubs in charge.

Oh - can I mention Elizabeth Warren? Her visibility under Pres Obama - and the slap on the face by repubs for not appointing her to the consumer protection position - gave her a lot of leverage in her Senate race. I hope she will make a difference now that she is in office; I like her and think we need people like her fighting for the consumers.

So yes, there are a lot of things the parties overlap on; that's because the American people overlap AND because businesses are funding both sides.

But it makes a difference whether a Dem or a Repub is in office.

(ps - I would give more examples of differences, but wasn't planning to compile a book; just to highlight there ARE differences)
Oh - can anyone really say that if Gore had been President instead of Bush, that the next 8 years would have played out the same way?