The GOP has no policy to run on

Atwater does speak for the party and the Conservative Movement since he was one of the leaders and devised the strategy.

What about him? He's just as racist as Atwater.

That's obviously untrue.

So you haven't read what Buchanan, or Nixon for that matter, wrote about why they devised the Southern Strategy. Once again you show your ignorance, and wiliness to accept the opponent's version of history, instead of the individuals that actual made that history. You do this because you lack the ability to think for yourself.
That's obviously untrue.

What's untrue? That Atwater was one of the leaders of your movement, or that Buchanan is a racist piece of shit? Because both are true.

So you haven't read what Buchanan, or Nixon for that matter, wrote about why they devised the Southern Strategy.

They devised it because they were racists who opposed the Civil Rights Act, but couldn't win elections in the North on that position.
You libs always wave the race card when states rights are mentioned. It's how you belittle the states rights argument. However it is the argument that the Founders chose.

The country was founded on racism. Read the 3/5ths compromise. Blacks and women were not allowed to vote. Blacks got the vote in 1870. That right was squelched by the states in what you typically get from states' rights. States' rights leads to the LCD. There is nothing to recommend for states' rights.
The country was founded on racism. Read the 3/5ths compromise. Blacks and women were not allowed to vote. Blacks got the vote in 1870. That right was squelched by the states in what you typically get from states' rights. States' rights leads to the LCD. There is nothing to recommend for states' rights.

Right out of the DNC playbook, and of course, all wrong.

The 3/5 was to get the Southern Democrats to join the union. It should have been 0/5ths because they didn't recognize blacks as humans. But, the Southern states were needed in order to defeat the Brits. You conveniently ignore Article I Section 9 Clause 1 which put a deadline to the slave trade.

Rights for blacks and women were championed by Republicans and opposed by Democrats.
What's untrue? That Atwater was one of the leaders of your movement, or that Buchanan is a racist piece of shit? Because both are true.

They devised it because they were racists who opposed the Civil Rights Act, but couldn't win elections in the North on that position.

So you haven't read what Buchanan, or Nixon for that matter, wrote about why they devised the Southern Strategy. Once again you show your ignorance, and wiliness to accept the opponent's version of history, instead of the individuals that actual made that history. You do this because you lack the ability to think for yourself.
So you haven't read what Buchanan, or Nixon for that matter, wrote about why they devised the Southern Strategy. Once again you show your ignorance, and wiliness to accept the opponent's version of history, instead of the individuals that actual made that history. You do this because you lack the ability to think for yourself.

I've read plenty from those clowns, listened to their interviews, read their awful columns, put in the work.

They devised the Southern Strategy because racist, bigoted, bankrupt, immoral Conservatism wasn't appealing to people outside of the old Confederacy.
I've read plenty from those clowns, listened to their interviews, read their awful columns, put in the work.

They devised the Southern Strategy because racist, bigoted, bankrupt, immoral Conservatism wasn't appealing to people outside of the old Confederacy.

That makes no sense to thinking people. Why bother going after Southern states if it's going to piss off your base? The answer is of courses that the Southern Strategy wasn't what CNN tells you it was. You wouldn't know that because you can't think for yourself.