The GOP is looking for a way to bail

The senate who rejected Ted Cruzs call for a shutdown over obamacare is looking to distances themselves from the house who got sucked in by cruz and fell into the pit while he stood on top.
The house and Boehner are looking for an out and have dropped the Obamacare defunding tied to the shutdown. They have literally gotten spanked by the american people and their poll numbers are at a historical low.

Mitch McConnell, Senate GOP search for way out

Of course loudmouth Cruz will call him a rino and various other names but the more Cruz talks the more america dislikes him

After taking a back-seat role in this fall’s fiscal battles, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and fellow Republican senators are quietly seeing whether they can break the political impasse between House Republicans and Senate Democrats.

Another dimwitted twit who thinks a leftist partisan blog devoted to DNC puffery is news.

Yes, you twits really are THAT stupid.

So tell me dimwit; do you think that our President and Congress should run without passing a Constitutionally required budget? While you're at it, tell us oh sage dimwit, how this is not an incredible failure of leadership by this weak and inept President.
Another dimwitted twit who thinks a leftist partisan blog devoted to DNC puffery is news.

Yes, you twits really are THAT stupid.

So tell me dimwit; do you think that our President and Congress should run without passing a Constitutionally required budget? While you're at it, tell us oh sage dimwit, how this is not an incredible failure of leadership by this weak and inept President.

I dont care to share conversations or opinions with a sarcastic insulting jackass like you.
the internets makes it so they can find what they forget about easily.

I remember the days when I would hear a politician say something that didn't comport what I remembered had happened a couple of years ago.

the press wouldn't say anything about the lie but it would be much harder to go find the PROOF they were lying about something.

now anyone can do it with a google search in minutes.

the tactics of the republican lie machine don't work so well anymore

This happens a lot with partisan hacks like Obama, Kerry, Reid and Pelosi. YouTube is filled with Democrat lies and contradictions. Hell, Obamas alone will fill a thread for several pages. With O'Biden, you'd run out of bandwidth.
Bush was only EVER president because the republican party cheated in elections.

the people never wanted Bush

Yeah dimwit; that's why he got re-elected. Once again you prove the ultra lying partisan hack.

You caint hep it; you really are THAT stupid.
when you have a democracy you have to stop election cheating if you want truly democratic results.

No matter how much you tire of the FACT that republicans have cheated in elections for decades It still damages our Democracy.

No clean elections no peoples will

The real damage to the Repubkic comes from ultra lying ignoramuses like you having the power to vote. This why our founders chose the electorate method over straight voting; they feared uneducated dullards and the type of corrupt politicians they could put into power.

One thing the founders certainly never thought of was the idea that one day, the media would shed any hint of objectivity and practice the journalistic malfeasance they have over the last ten Presidential election cycles. They have become complacent in their duty to report on political cronyism and corruption and now engage in it.

Our founders are not just turning in their graves, they must be spinning.
I believe youre right and youre wrong, the american people have short memories on non events but some things "stick" and are never forgotten I believe the teaparty has erred greatly this time and the ill feelings toward them will linger. Once you have a bad rep its hard to overcome.
This imo was a classic shot their wad event.

Where has the Tea Party erred and wherever is this mythical party based? Do they have an address?

No of course they don't you twit. It isn't a party either; it is an idea founded in our Constitution finding a home in the Repubkican Party because Denocrats hate the Constitution as much as Obama and find it an inconvenience. It is an idea correctly founded on the belief, and REALITY, that we, the sheeple, are indeed Taxed Enough Aready.

But you're a dimwit; how could you possibly comprehend even the simplest of facts. You have been trained, much like a circus monkey, to merely parrot DNC talking points. Yay you!

I guess if you are a loser who is already a ward of the state and don't make enough to pay taxes, you have no skin in this game so it makes sense you would vote for corrupt leftist politicians willing to promise something for nothing simply to get and stay elected.
The oligarchy is going to be hard to dismantle. It's had over 30 yrs to entrench itself and has an army of loyal paid-for fascist soldiers like Cruz. They will spend billions to keep control by running teabaggers against moderate Republicons, gerrymandering, vote switching, lying thru their propaganda machine and many other methods. A lot of their money will come from foreign sources thru Citizens United. Their obstruction has only one goal and that is to bring this country down to 3rd world status and to drive the American middle class into poverty. I consider them traitors. FDR called them Economic Royalists.

They've said for years that they don't believe in govt, that they want to drown it in the bathtub, that they don't want everyone to vote, and this means the end of democracy to anyone with half a brain. They are proving that when elected they won't govern in behalf of the people but for profits for their rich backers and international corporations. Let them stop SS checks to the elderly and see what happens to the Republicon party.

The wingnuts here will scream 'it's Obama's fault' but the people are realizing it's the teabaggers, Koch and Adelson money and foreigners that are holding us hostage. Like ILA they want this country to fail.

What an incredibly stupid fabrication. But alas, you're a dimwit and dimwits have a habit of saying really stupid things that are not based in fact or reality.

Yes, you really are THAT stupid.

On another note, for clarification and understanding, how old are you? Reading your nonsense above, my guess is not a day over 30, and more likely in your 20's.
I'll admit I'm a 'leftist' if you admit that you are a fascist.

Why would I need you to admit the obvious? Because you really are THAT stupid?

I know it is dumb to engage idiots, but just for fun, please illustrate how it is you think that my ideas are Fascist; assuming, of course, that a dimwit like you has the first clue of what the definition of Fascism is?

Secondly, how old are you? It will help put into perspective the level of ignorance I am dealing with here.
What an incredibly stupid fabrication. But alas, you're a dimwit and dimwits have a habit of saying really stupid things that are not based in fact or reality.

Yes, you really are THAT stupid.

On another note, for clarification and understanding, how old are you? Reading your nonsense above, my guess is not a day over 30, and more likely in your 20's.

LOL!!!! How old am I? lets put it this way, I remember Elvis before he went to Vegas.

You couldn't detect a pile of shit if you stepped in it.

Ohhhh come on attack me. That's all you have, truth and fact are beyond you. I'm not going to put you on ignore because I need a good laugh sometimes and you're such an easy target.
Why would I need you to admit the obvious? Because you really are THAT stupid?

I know it is dumb to engage idiots, but just for fun, please illustrate how it is you think that my ideas are Fascist; assuming, of course, that a dimwit like you has the first clue of what the definition of Fascism is?

Secondly, how old are you? It will help put into perspective the level of ignorance I am dealing with here.

Do your own fucking homework and find out how closely you resemble a fascist.
Where has the Tea Party erred and wherever is this mythical party based? Do they have an address?

No of course they don't you twit. It isn't a party either; it is an idea founded in our Constitution finding a home in the Repubkican Party because Denocrats hate the Constitution as much as Obama and find it an inconvenience. It is an idea correctly founded on the belief, and REALITY, that we, the sheeple, are indeed Taxed Enough Aready.

But you're a dimwit; how could you possibly comprehend even the simplest of facts. You have been trained, much like a circus monkey, to merely parrot DNC talking points. Yay you!

I guess if you are a loser who is already a ward of the state and don't make enough to pay taxes, you have no skin in this game so it makes sense you would vote for corrupt leftist politicians willing to promise something for nothing simply to get and stay elected.

If you really were a truth detector you would detect that the Tea party is owned and operated by the Koch brothers for their benefit and not yours.

The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party...

Tea Party Funding Koch Brothers Emerge From Anonymity

absolutely oblivious
I would have thought they were tired of the crap when Nixon was in office. Reagan promised conservatives the world and never made any attempt on many of his promises, but they didn't get tired of it then. George W. spent the first 4 years bungling everything and then got reelected.

I don't have much faith in our population. Look at the number of birther websites, lies being told about the shutdown, and then go out and watch people. Look at how many people didn't vote in the last election because they would have to wait in line for 30 mins in order to help decide the fate of their nation. Look at the volume of people watching the worst, most inane tv programs.

I admire your optimism. I simply do not share it.

I agree. Especially when people are willing to believe so many lies.
LOL!!!! How old am I? lets put it this way, I remember Elvis before he went to Vegas.

You couldn't detect a pile of shit if you stepped in it.

Ohhhh come on attack me. That's all you have, truth and fact are beyond you. I'm not going to put you on ignore because I need a good laugh sometimes and you're such an easy target.

Translation; I'm old enough to know better, but sound like a gullible young fool because I really am THAT stupid.

Thank you for the clarification...dimwit.
Do your own fucking homework and find out how closely you resemble a fascist.

Translation; I'm going to call you a Fascist even though I can't back it up because I really am THAT stupid.

No really, you are truly THAT stupid and an ignorant tard to even make such claims.

If you really were a truth detector you would detect that the Tea party is owned and operated by the Koch brothers for their benefit and not yours.

The Billionaires Bankrolling the Tea Party...

Tea Party Funding Koch Brothers Emerge From Anonymity

absolutely oblivious

But I am the truth detector which is why I expose lying dullards on the left for their lies and distortions.

The Tea Party is not a Party. It has no head quarters and cannot be owned. But you're a dimwit; you can't think.

It is a movement; a movement that has grown tired of BOTH parties and one that correctly believes that we are truly Taxed Enough Aready. They found a home and alliance with Republicans because Democrats will never agree that the sheeple have been taxed enough and act as if what the sheeple have belongs to them and the sheeple should be happy for what they get to keep and that only THEY know what is best for all of us.

It is a movement that wants to rightly shrink the Government back within its original Constitutional confines.

Now being a good little circus monkey being fed his talking points from multi-billionaire Goerge Soros, his USA Today and the New York times, you're also dumb enough to think that massive amounts of money poured into Democrat Liberal organizations are good, but the Koch brothers funding of Conservative efforts bad. But not because you have a clue as to why, but because you are one of them good brain dead well trained non-thinking circus monkeys who are taught to parrot such leftist drivel because they make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Your responses do not come as a surprise; they're expected because you really are THAT stupid.