the GOP’s 5 big arguments against Trump impeachment

Not correct. Trump was the only one on the planet who got something from Zelensky announcing an investigation of the Bidens.
Not a crime.
That was his payoff.
Not a crime.
Zelensky has to keep getting help from America to fend off Russia.
Not a crime.
We all know what Trump would have done if Zelensky told the truth about the gut-wrenching pressure Trump put on him.
No condition was placed. Not a crime.
They need our help. Ukraine papers have been posting lots of Trump criticisms.
So the press in the Ukraine is just as screwed up as the press is here. Meh.
No crime is needed. The founders said high crimes and misdemeanors. They felt a guy doing lesser wrongs also should be booted out. They thought it was an office that should have an honorable man holding it. That is not Trump. I posted Lindsey saying no crime is needed a few times.
Ukraine was under terrible pressure. They were in a shooting war with Russia and Trump held up their military aid. They need the US to survive,. There was no way Zelensky could tell the truth. The risk was too great. Trump quid poro quoed his ass off. Asking him to investigate Biden was a benefit to one man on the planet. See if you can figure out who that is.

Rash assumptions. Circular argument fallacy. Investigating the Bidens benefits many people, not just Trump.
Anyone who is arguing that a 'crime' per criminal statute is need for impeachment is either mentally incompetent. woefully uneducated, or malignantly motivated, of a combination of any or all three.
Anyone who is arguing that a 'crime' per criminal statute is need for impeachment is either mentally incompetent. woefully uneducated, or malignantly motivated, of a combination of any or all three.

The Constitution is not mentally incompetent. It has no education. It is not malignantly motivated. It is not a person.