The Gospel of Thomas

Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
I wonder about that... 1) why? and 2) if he doesn't know this basic stuff, what exactly is taught to divinity students? and 3) why aren't the Reichwingers mocking divinity degrees like they do every other flavor of liberal arts education?
If my memory serves me, it was in the 70’s, and like Cypress says, it’s probably from a small college or I think the Cracker Jack box.

wrong on all counts, pure fiction overall, and sadly predicated on false information from Cypress about Christianity which you atheists are stupid enough to believe......
There is no evidence of a worldwide flood; floods, as always, are regional, but to ancient people, who did not know of other lands, it was the “whole world”.

on the other hand, there is no evidence people were living somewhere that the flood didn't occur.....people may have spread across the whole world after the flood........obviously, if Christians are right and only Noah's family survived, they would have had to.......
That's not what I mean! I want to see who what where,mankind was up to,the day before it started raining in real time.How modern.And how big and deep were the oceans,and if they were fresh water or salt.

I'm not quite following you.

While the timelines allow for the rise and fall of civilizations, so far there is zero evidence any existed outside of the known histories quoted below.

That said, like you, my curiosity is sparked by that timelines here. Do our best minds really believe that humans

Consider that the time between today and the Crucifixion is about 2,000 years but Modern Man has been around for about 300,000 years. Homo sapiens sapiens about 160,000 years. Although students of history can note the major changes in different eras, it can't always explain why they happened.

Yes, it's known that the Neolithic ushered in a new era of increased human civilization, but WTF? Either WTF took them so long or WTF caused the sudden change? Hadn't people ever noticed that 1) if you like figs, 2) figs grow from seeds in certain areas that 3) planting fig seeds in places like that might be a good idea? It's not fucking rocket science.

IMO, while anatomically modern man goes back 300,000 years, or the exact species all of us are today, 160,000 years, I question "How far back does modern psychological man go back?" Applying Newton's First Law of Motion to Sociology, why did man suddenly change?
Homo sapiens emerged in Africa around 300,000 years ago, where their fossils are found with the earliest cultural and technological expressions of our species. This repertoire, commonly referred to as the “Middle Stone Age”, remained widely in use across much of Africa until around 60,000 to...11,000 years ago
Homo sapiens sapiens is the sub-species that stems from Homo sapiens. This subspecies consists of only modern humans. Homo sapiens sapiens is the scientific name for humans. So when did modern humans first appear? This subspecies was first distinguished about 160,000 years ago in Africa. Then, based on archeological findings, they apparently migrated to other continents, such as Asia, Europe, and the Americas. However, there are archaic Homo sapiens who date back as far as 300,000 years ago.
For millions of years all humans, early and modern alike, had to find their own food. They spent a large part of each day gathering plants and hunting or scavenging animals. By 164,000 years ago modern humans were collecting and cooking shellfish and by 90,000 years ago modern humans had begun making special fishing tools. Then, within just the past 12,000 years, our species, Homo sapiens, made the transition to producing food and changing our surroundings. Humans found they could control the growth and breeding of certain plants and animals. This discovery led to farming and herding animals, activities that transformed Earth’s natural landscapes—first locally, then globally. As humans invested more time in producing food, they settled down. Villages became towns, and towns became cities. With more food available, the human population began to increase dramatically. Our species had been so successful that it has inadvertently created a turning point in the history of life on Earth.
Homo sapiens emerged in Africa around 300,000 years ago, where their fossils are found with the earliest cultural and technological expressions of our species. This repertoire, commonly referred to as the “Middle Stone Age”, remained widely in use across much of Africa until around 60,000 to...11,000 years ago
Homo sapiens sapiens is the sub-species that stems from Homo sapiens. This subspecies consists of only modern humans. Homo sapiens sapiens is the scientific name for humans. So when did modern humans first appear? This subspecies was first distinguished about 160,000 years ago in Africa. Then, based on archeological findings, they apparently migrated to other continents, such as Asia, Europe, and the Americas. However, there are archaic Homo sapiens who date back as far as 300,000 years ago.
So, how did the fresh water creatures survive if the salt water rose to cover the Earth? God make them immune to it? Was all the vegetation killed as well from the salt water?

why do you assume they did survive.......they could easily have developed after the for vegetation, things grow from seed after months of you think 40 days under water would kill all the seeds in the soil?......
Christianity started amongst the soldiers, slaves and lower classes, so it seems to be the case.

not completely.......Lydia was a prominent Greek business women......Philemon was a slave but his owner obviously wasn't.....both were Christians.....Joseph of Aremethia was a wealthy man......
Oh? With 200 million years of every creature on earth multiplying exponentially and dying? Pah!

Life has been on Earth far longer than a mere 200M years. For much of this time life forms did not even possess skeletons. Have you heard of fossil fuels? How was that created?

Where are your sources for this nonsense about mountains of bones?
I'm not quite following you.

While the timelines allow for the rise and fall of civilizations, so far there is zero evidence any existed outside of the known histories quoted below.

That said, like you, my curiosity is sparked by that timelines here. Do our best minds really believe that humans

Consider that the time between today and the Crucifixion is about 2,000 years but Modern Man has been around for about 300,000 years. Homo sapiens sapiens about 160,000 years. Although students of history can note the major changes in different eras, it can't always explain why they happened.

Yes, it's known that the Neolithic ushered in a new era of increased human civilization, but WTF? Either WTF took them so long or WTF caused the sudden change? Hadn't people ever noticed that 1) if you like figs, 2) figs grow from seeds in certain areas that 3) planting fig seeds in places like that might be a good idea? It's not fucking rocket science.

IMO, while anatomically modern man goes back 300,000 years, or the exact species all of us are today, 160,000 years, I question "How far back does modern psychological man go back?" Applying Newton's First Law of Motion to Sociology, why did man suddenly change?
Homo sapiens emerged in Africa around 300,000 years ago, where their fossils are found with the earliest cultural and technological expressions of our species. This repertoire, commonly referred to as the “Middle Stone Age”, remained widely in use across much of Africa until around 60,000 to...11,000 years ago
Homo sapiens emerged in Africa around 300,000 years ago, where their fossils are found with the earliest cultural and technological expressions of our species. This repertoire, commonly referred to as the “Middle Stone Age”, remained widely in use across much of Africa until around 60,000 to...11,000 years ago
Homo sapiens sapiens is the sub-species that stems from Homo sapiens. This subspecies consists of only modern humans. Homo sapiens sapiens is the scientific name for humans. So when did modern humans first appear? This subspecies was first distinguished about 160,000 years ago in Africa. Then, based on archeological findings, they apparently migrated to other continents, such as Asia, Europe, and the Americas. However, there are archaic Homo sapiens who date back as far as 300,000 years ago.

Catch 22 the more modern the civilization the more chance they blow it up leaving no sign they were every there.
Life has been on Earth far longer than a mere 200M years. For much of this time life forms did not even possess skeletons. Have you heard of fossil fuels? How was that created?

Where are your sources for this nonsense about mountains of bones?

Plain reasoning does not require "sources".
Catch 22 the more modern the civilization the more chance they blow it up leaving no sign they were every there.

Which is why it's important to get off planet and split the species into various colonies. Should one implode, the others still have a chance of survival.