Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
Spin it all you want dickhead,but it's a nothing burger!
Sometimes it's as if you forget what you're reply to.
Son, you're not a teenager anymore. Please act like a grown-up over 30.
Spin it all you want dickhead,but it's a nothing burger!
Sometimes it's as if you forget what you're reply to.
Son, you're not a teenager anymore. Please act like a grown-up over 30.
That dumb ass Dutch thinks he can move to another planet!
Yes. Ten sides easily calculates into 10% Chances. Great for games like D&D where charted columns of numbers are used to calculate outcomes.
I mostly played strategy wargames which also used dice as part of the outcome.
That dumb ass Dutch thinks he can move to another planet!
Which is why it's important to get off planet and split the species into various colonies. Should one implode, the others still have a chance of survival.
Five dice in a cup were used for common bar games played in the Officer's Clubs in El Toro, Tustin and Futenma.I just played Yahtzee with them. lol
Sorta like wanting to insure that small pox and leprosy survive!
Which is why it's important to get off planet and split the species into various colonies. Should one implode, the others still have a chance of survival.
They tried and failed with the Tower of Babel.
Which is why it's important to get off planet and split the species into various colonies. Should one implode, the others still have a chance of survival.
Right here Dutch!Own it shitstain
LOL Thanks for proving your bipolarism makes you semi-literate.
Sad, but I know you are mentally ill, Mason. Your drugs make it difficult to tell, but it's there. You are treating your bipolarism with THC to calm you, but obviously that isn't working for you.
I didn't write it own your own words goat lite!
No worries, Mason. Others can read for themselves.
Ma' son, I'm not backpedaling on the reasons and, IMO, necessity of manned space exploration.Yes they can!
And they will see what you wrote and that you're back pedaling since you sobered up
Quote where I posted that, Mason. $100 says you can't. Posts such as yours above indicate a distinct disconnect with reality.
You and Jack are both bipolar and, when in your manic phases, live in a fantasy world of your own design. Examples like the post above adds weight to the assessment; you post things that are clearly not true....and you believe they are true. That's the mentally ill part.
Otherwise you're just a scumbag liar which would make you evil, not just sick.
Which is why it's important to get off planet and split the species into various colonies. Should one implode, the others still have a chance of survival.
Ma' son, I'm not backpedaling on the reasons and, IMO, necessity of manned space exploration.
The fact you don't comprehend the ultimate goal of space exploration is...wait for it....space exploration. "To go where no one has gone before".
To do that we need to be able to live out there, completely free from dependence upon Mother Earth.