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Stop being a fucking drama queen. The bottom line reality is taxes arent a punishment. The "rich" that you want to rape to support all your social programs don't exist in large enough numbers to pay for it all. Do you know how the Scandinavian countries that you people love so much pay for it all? Payroll taxes on EVERYONE and a consumption tax that EVERYONE pays when they buy anything. You fucking whiny ass pricks would shit your pants. You want the 1% to pay for it all. It can't be done.
Taxes aren't a stick to beat people with but thats exactly what you dumb mthterfuckers use it for.
I think the average American ought to pay more taxes, but it's not as scary as you might think.
Consider this: About 155 million Americans work (at least, that's the number before COVID-19). For argument's sake, let's say employment goes back to this after the virus is dealt with.
If every working American paid a measly $1/year tax towards, say, a federal fund for healthcare, that's $155 million annually. If we each pay $10/yr, that would put $1.55 billion in the public coffers.
Can you afford $10 a year more in taxes? We could easily fund a lot if the average Joe is willing to pay a few more dollars a year in taxes. We don't even need the 1%ers.