The Great Deceit


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Hillary Clinton, on with Tim Russert yesterday: "You have an African-American--an extraordinary man, a person of tremendous talents and abilities, running to be our president. You have a woman running to break the highest and hardest glass ceiling. I don't think either of us want to inject race or gender into this campaign."

From playing the crying game to invoking MLK Jr., Hillary has injected both race and gender!
Just so no one gets the wrong IDEA!

"Barack let's be honest about it. There are a bunch of idiots who are immediately going to say I'm picking on him because he's black, black. If I abuse somebody else, it's because I'm right. If I pick on him, it's because he's black. You're a sick moron if you decide that blackness has anything to do with it. It has to do with the fact that he knows nothing about this business."

-- Jackie Mason, on his blog this week
This is funny, Page Six of the New York Post today is reporting that Obama "claims to run a clean campaign, but someone in his camp took a swipe at Hillary Clinton through the candidate's theme song. As Obama and his wife, Michelle, strolled triumphantly into his victory party in Des Moines, Iowa, on Jan. 3," a song started playing, a song by well-known rapper Jay-Z. The name of the song: 99 Problems. You know what the MAIN lyric line is in 99 Problems? "I got 99 problems, but a [b-i-itch] ain't one of them." And so people are beginning to think that Obama's camp snuck in a dig at Mrs. Clinton.

The uncivil war is happening in the Democrat Party. This is Meet the Press with Tim Russert yesterday. He said, "When we arrived in South Carolina yesterday, this was The State newspaper, and the headlines greeted you with this. Let me share it with you and our viewers. 'Clinton camp hits Obama, attacks painful for black voters, many in state offended by criticism of Obama, remarks about Martin Luther King,' Bob Herbert, the New York Times, a columnist weighed in." What's this all about, Mrs. Clinton?

HILLARY: I was 14 years old when I heard Dr. King speak in person. He is one of the people that I admire most in the world.

Oh, my God, PLEEEEEEAAASE spare me!

HILLARY: And the point that I was responding to from Senator Obama himself in a number of speeches he was making, is his comparison of himself to President Kennedy and Dr. King. You know, Dr. King didn't just give speeches. He marched. He organized. He protested. He was gassed. He was beaten.

Okay, so what Hillary's saying is: "Obama, you are not down with the struggle. You are not down for the struggle. You can't compare yourself to King; you can't compare yourself to JFK, and you won't be able to until you've marched, organized, and been gassed, and then been beaten!

Ruth Marcus, Washington Post, 'Hillary Clinton doesn't need to play the woman-is-victim card. Using gender this way is a setback.'"

HILLARY: I don't think either of us should use gender. I don't think this campaign is about gender, and I sure hope it's not about race.

Give us a BREAK!

HILLARY: It needs to be the individuals. Clearly, I bring the experiences of women. As a daughter, as a mother, as a wife, as a sister. That is who I am. Those experiences are part of me, and it is part of our American journey that we have moved from --

Haaaaaaahahahah! She says she's not played the gender card, she's not going to play the gender card -- and then she plays the gender card!

It's just like the fact that Bill and Hill react in SHOCK and HORROR when reporters suggest they are attacking Obama through his race, or religion, yet they made sure their hit men yelled out "Obama did cocaine, and might have SOLD it!", and "Barack HUSSEIN Obama". They THEN went on TV, and had a representative "apologize" . The Clinton rep then said "I'm sorry that we said that "Obama did cocaine, and might have SOLD it!", and "Barack HUSSEIN Obama", thereby repeating it, and imprinting it into the voter's mind's a second time!

It's gone so far that Lib/Dem's are now using a new phrase. Someone coined the term, to call someone an "Uncle Bill". An "Uncle Bill" is a an African American that is supporting the Clintons.
1.)I wonder why the Mainstream Media NEVER asks Bill Clinton WHY his political HERO and "mentor" has always been William Fullbright, a racist segregationist? Tent Lott, disappointment as he is, only wished a 100 yr. old man "Happy Birthday" and gave some insincere wishes, and was FORCED OUT of his leadership position!
2.)I wonder why the Mainstream Media NEVER asks Bill Clinton WHY he never publicly spoke about his brother Roger using the word "n_gg_r" DOZENS of times, publicly, in casual conversation with many different people?
3.)I wonder why the Mainstream Media NEVER asks the Democratic National Committee, or ANY Democrat Party politicians, what they THINK about the fact that during Bill Clinton's Presidency, the Democrat Leader of the Senate was a man who was ALSO a LEADER in the Ku Klux Klan, named Robert "KKK" Byrd, Democrat, West Virginia

Why IS it that if a Republican or Conservative says "I have Black freinds", the Democrats, and their PR arm, the Mainstream Media, will try to DESTROY that Repub./Conservative, but a DEMOCRAT SENATE LEADER can be a a LEADER in the Ku Klux Klan?
It's just like when a Republican Senator (Larry Craig)taps his foot, or puts his hand under a rest room stall(I don't know or care if he's gay), he is CRUCIFIED by the Democrat Media, yet for FORTY YEARS, we have had a "LEADING" DEMOCRAT SENATOR from Massachusetts(Ted Kennedy), guilty of at worst MURDER/SEXUAL ASSAULT,according to some researchers, and at BEST, it was NEGLIGENT HOMICIDE, the drowning death of the poor MaryJo Kopekne, whose family has suffered NOT ONLY the loss of a child, a beautiful young daughter, but that were DENIED JUSTICE, because the drunken misogynist Ted Kennedy had his Daddy's Illegal Bootlegger Money to buy him out of trouble, after WAITING over 18 hours, so MaryJo would be SURELY DEAD, and Teddy counld put on a phony neck brace. Still, to THIS DAY, the biggest DISGRACE this country has seen. Even bigger than Bill Clinton's many disgraces. So the "Great Deceit" is that Hillary AND Obama, BOTH unqualified for their deviousness, lying to the voters and wanting to turn America Socialist/Collectivist, are "not trying to make the contest about race/gender". HA! That would be funny, if it weren't so sad. That's ALL the Democrat Party can DO in elections is DIVIDE people, by race, gender, class, relgion, etc. They have been DOING it for 40 years plus, an I, along with millions of others are OVERJOYED that it's come back to bite them on their asses!

Note: Unless otherwise specified, my posts are either my OWN words, or as THIS one, culled from MANY different news sources, interspersed with my own thoughts. I will NEVER take a direct quote and alter it, unless paraphrasing for brevity, and if so, will follow with "(paraphrasing)". When using many different sources, I place this footnote to prevent whiners, who can't face the truth, from trying to infringe on my First Amendment Rights. I do not "attack" people. I tell the TRUTH about politicians, be they Left or Right. I cannot spend valuable time doing other people's homework for them. If one cannot face the truth about Liberalism, the Media, or the destruction of American Values by Liberalsim/60's Drug Culture/Godlessness,I can only give Dan Rather's advice, when he's not printing phony documents: "Have Courage" (That's a quote)
Thought I'd send some Good News!

Iraq’s western province of Anbar, origin of the Sunni Arab insurgency that arose in the early months of U.S. occupation, will be returned to Iraqi control in March, a senior U.S. general said Thursday…
Marine Maj. Gen. Walter E. Gaskin, commander of the roughly 35,000 Marine and Army forces in Anbar, said levels of violence have dropped so significantly — coupled with the growth and development of Iraqi security forces in the province — that Anbar is ready to be handed back to the Iraqis.
He said in a telephone interview that a provincial security committee under Anbar’s governor has been established and has rehearsed procedures for handling any security crisis that might develop.
Under a plan accepted by the Iraqi government as well as the top two American authorities in Iraq — Ambassador Ryan Crocker and Gen. David Petraeus — the U.S. military will transfer control of Anbar to provincial authorities in March, followed by a ceremony in April, Gaskin said…
Wow. You are one fucked up individual. Do you own guns? I sure as hell hope not. You're one step removed from being holed up in clock tower.
There is one very sure way to understand the view of the republican party as leaning racist and its by looking at who votes for them.

If you believe people of color are able to determine their best interests then the fact that people of color overwhelmingly vote for democrats tells you much of what you need to know.

It also helps to realise the Republican party has a history of targeting black voters to get them removed from voting rolls.
Why's that "dungheap"......excuse me......Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha! That NAME of yours is great! It's even FUNNIER than watchin 2 Liberal bent on turning America into the "Nanny State" of Socialism/Collectivism! Two Liberals who are being hoisted on their OWN pitard of "Racism and Sexism" That means they're getting what they deserve, and I'm laughing about it! Forgive me, though, I'm a terrible typist!
No, to answer, I DON'T have any guns. Cant GET them, in my Liberal state. Have to be attacked FIRST. Liberals want NO ONE to have guns, so when they take ALL of our freedoms, we can't fight back. That's what causes kook like in the Militias.
Why IS it that Liberals like YOU girls/guys always ATTACK Conservatives like me, instead of ansering the QUESTIONS, the ISSUES, like the one I discusses in my last 4 paragraphs?
So, that's it, that's all you got, huh? Attack me, ask if I have guns, call me racist? Gee, I don't have to be Kreskin, I could have predicted this. But I HOPED that there was ONE Politics site where the Liberals had some ORIGINAL, INTELLIGENT thought. Damn, I guess I'll have to keep looking, 'cause I've heard THIS kneejerk response before- I thoght maybe I could find just ONE Liberal with enough BRAINS to EXPLAIN Liberal positions, without the tired, cliche "attack the Conservative" routine. Too bad.
Let me try to explain something to you, "desh". I don't care if you're 13 or 30, boy or girl. I'll talk to you, and TRY to teach/explain things, but in conversation, with any rules/etiquitte, the person who ASKS the Question FIRST, the one who WRITES the POSTING waits for a response. That RESPONSE is supposed to be an ANSWER to my question. When you learn to ANSWER a question, I will be GLAD to answer any of YOURS. See, how it works?
"Why IS it that if a Republican or Conservative says "I have Black freinds", the Democrats, and their PR arm, the Mainstream Media, will try to DESTROY that Repub./Conservative, but a DEMOCRAT SENATE LEADER can be a a LEADER in the Ku Klux Klan? "


There is one very sure way to understand the view of the republican party as leaning racist and its by looking at who votes for them.

If you believe people of color are able to determine their best interests then the fact that people of color overwhelmingly vote for democrats tells you much of what you need to know.

It also helps to realise the Republican party has a history of targeting black voters to get them removed from voting rolls.

I answered you. They are viewed as leaning racist for the reasons I stated above.
I guess "desh", like MANY Liberals, cannot play by the "rules" of polite society. He/She demands HER needs are met FIRST, or she's "taking her ball and going home!" He/she doesn't WANT to understand, or PRETENDS not to understand that I write a post, and ask a question, such as "How can the Clintons and Obama expect people to believe them as credible candiates, when all they've been DOING is BASHING each other over RACE and GENDER, and 2.) WHY is it that the MEDIA, who are supposed to be "unbiased", seem to BURY the many terrible acts of Liberals, like Democrat Senator Robt. Byrd's leadership in the KKK, and ted Kennedy's manslaughter(at least) of MaryJo Kopekne? I ASKED this question, but "desh", because he/she can't answer without admitting Liberalism is BAD, a FAILURE, he/she chooses to call me names, or say that "Im not answering HIS?HER questions. Almost funny, isn't it?
I guess "desh", like MANY Liberals, cannot play by the "rules" of polite society. He/She demands HER needs are met FIRST, or she's "taking her ball and going home!" He/she doesn't WANT to understand, or PRETENDS not to understand that I write a post, and ask a question, such as "How can the Clintons and Obama expect people to believe them as credible candiates, when all they've been DOING is BASHING each other over RACE and GENDER, and 2.) WHY is it that the MEDIA, who are supposed to be "unbiased", seem to BURY the many terrible acts of Liberals, like Democrat Senator Robt. Byrd's leadership in the KKK, and ted Kennedy's manslaughter(at least) of MaryJo Kopekne? I ASKED this question, but "desh", because he/she can't answer without admitting Liberalism is BAD, a FAILURE, he/she chooses to call me names, or say that "Im not answering HIS?HER questions. Almost funny, isn't it?

You are pshycotic, Ta ta
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No, to answer, I DON'T have any guns. Cant GET them, in my Liberal state. Have to be attacked FIRST. Liberals want NO ONE to have guns, so when they take ALL of our freedoms, we can't fight back. That's what causes kook like in the Militias.

I’ve never come across anyone who actually puts a disclaimer in their signature letting everyone know up front they are going to back up absolutely nothing that they post.

That’s new. I suppose we should be thankful you’re that up front about it.
Most people who pull things out of their ass and present them as gems, won’t come straight out and tell you so.
I’ve never come across anyone who actually puts a disclaimer in their signature letting everyone know up front they are going to back up absolutely nothing that they post.

That’s new. I suppose we should be thankful you’re that up front about it.
Most people who pull things out of their ass and present them as gems, won’t come straight out and tell you so.

LOL, that reminds me of doniston. Remember when he refused to back up his source when everyone said it sounded fishy. He claimed it was common knowledge and that he was above backing up his posts. Well to our shock we found out he did in fact make it up.