The Great Deceit


If you don’t already know that Conservatives are immoral, vampiric, thieving, whoring, thugs, that’s not my problem, because everybody else knows it. In short: Stick it, stupid.
That would mean I would have to read MichaelKs crap , no thanks I will just trust your estimations of his sounding the same. This is enough reading of this type of poster for me.
Why IS it that Liberals like YOU girls/guys always ATTACK Conservatives like me, instead of ansering the QUESTIONS, the ISSUES, like the one I discusses in my last 4 paragraphs?

Could it be because you're an idiot?

Here you are whining about "liberalism" and the destruction of America in the midst of a republican/conservative meltdown and after almost 8 years of the worst administration in American history.

Yep .. I'd say the idiot option suits you best.