Yeah that’s why the States and Cities that have been run by the fucking left are all bankrupted huh moron?
You are a leftist, racist babbling fucking idiot mesmerized with loathing for Fox News. You arise in the mornings loathing Fox News. You recline every night loathing Fox News. Your post are nothing but idiotic gibberish and failed attempts to disguise your leftist socialist brain cramps. You cannot debate your fucking way out of a paper bag. You’re an egotistical self-aggrandizing shill for the fucking Democrat PARTY. You’re “anti”-every party except your beloved DEMOCRAT Party. You’re a fraud and a fake and a silly juvenile.
I want to point out that every Right Winger automatically called me a Socialist when they read the title (that's all they read). Do you all know that when wealth is shared in a Christian way there is no need for Government to step in? Just like Unions. There is never a need for Unions if Corporations make the right decisions. Fair days pay for a fair days work. But monetary greed is a long documented problem. I even read an article on a top Psychiatrist for the rich. They stated the biggest issue the rich have is they can't get enough no matter how much they get. They become known by how many million they are worth and compete to be more. But the most rich of the rich aren't known by how much they are worth because no one knows what they are worth, the millionares just know they are worth more than them.....
Government shouldn't have to interject. Corporations should budget better and respect their workers. Fair day's pay for a fair days work is all most want. I'm going to share a link that will cause the bone heads on here to call me Left again, because it's Left Wing media. But I accumulate information from all parties, it's necessary to make good decisions. Jon Stewart shared this;
No point in anyone besides Hillary running. She should have won in '08.
You know what the sad thing is....the RW media(which is, IMO, a propaganda machine for those very people who can never get enough....has our right wing brothers that the idea of a fair day' for a fair day's work is whatever those people who can never get enough decide it should be.
Furthermore, what puts the icing on the cake is that the whole time they bemoan taxes, entitlements and Social Programs....they are the ones that benefit the most....because of Social security...they don't have to provide pensions....because of Medicare and Medicaid....they don't have to provide health insurance....because of food stamps and subsidized housing...they don't have to pay a wage that a person can raise a family on.
You know what the sad thing is....the RW media(which is, IMO, a propaganda machine for those very people who can never get enough....has our right wing brothers that the idea of a fair day' for a fair day's work is whatever those people who can never get enough decide it should be.
Furthermore, what puts the icing on the cake is that the whole time they bemoan taxes, entitlements and Social Programs....they are the ones that benefit the most....because of Social security...they don't have to provide pensions....because of Medicare and Medicaid....they don't have to provide health insurance....because of food stamps and subsidized housing...they don't have to pay a wage that a person can raise a family on.
Now the republican party is run by sociopaths.
It used to be run by people who put country over party
I don't agree with you in full. I think technology has a greater impact than outsourcing has. A handfull of plants can produce the quantity of steel that took hundreds of plants 60 years ago. Same with aluminum and most other primary materials. Automation has contracted the labor force needed in assembly and machining operations to a fraction of what was needed 60 years ago. We keep hearing about the decline of Americna industry but the facts don't bear that out. Our current industrial output is double what it was in 1970. Same applies with agriculture. in 1950 I tihnk around 50% of the nation was involved directly or indirectly in agriculture. Now I believe it's around 10% and outsourcing there has not been an issue and we produce more food than we ever have. Technology has simply made American farm and industrial workers substantially more productive and thus requiring less of them."Long charged that the nation’s economic collapse was the result of the vast disparity between the super-rich and everyone else. A recovery was impossible while 95% of the nation’s wealth was held by only 15% of the population. In Long’s view, this concentration of money among a handful of wealthy bankers and industrialists restricted its availability for average citizens, who were already struggling with debt and the effects of a shrinking economy. Because no one could afford to buy goods and services, businesses were forced to cut their workforces, thus deepening the economic crisis through a devastating ripple effect."
Sounds just like today to me.
Today though, outsourcing is the key issue. "The people on welfare are low skill workers and the jobs being outsourced are low skill jobs" is what I always say. And this is fact.
So what is it folks......Do we want outsourcing of jobs to profit the few? Or do we want to keep American jobs and profit the many?......
I keep seeing the most uneducated people in America fighting for us to get into another depression and I can't figure out if it's because of their media Fox News or if they seriously think that Corporations don't have monetary interest. Either way in my opinion, they are uneducated.