The Great Depression vs. Today; And "Share the Wealth" program.

While I agree that a doctor should make more than a garbage collector - let's look at some other occupations.

Compare a teacher - who might have a master's or a PhD - to someone in sports - basketball, football, etc. Or to someone on TV. In those cases, the pay is not commensurate to education invested or years put into it.

Now of course that's partly due to supply & demand; there are very few people who can play pro-level football. On the other hand, there are a limited number of positions. Some of it's due to the short careers of most sports people. And of course some of it is due to people will pay a lot to watch a football game, but they won't pay to go watch a teacher teach.

I think lower-skilled jobs should pay enough to live on (whatever that is); and I think more importantly, as Rose said, we need to respect people who do those jobs; without them, we couldn't do what we do every day. Anyone been in a grocery store where the shelves weren't restocked? it's pretty annoying, isn't it?

Great post.

America is obsessed with entertainment over education. My entire friend group can tell you every football players name on the team along with their past statistics. If I ask them, "Did you know we bombed Libya" they will get that annoyed look and "I hate politics dude."

I'm sure you all have seen the link below;
money is not everything.

I think most people should make more.

People need a living wage.

people need to have enough healthcare that they don't worry about dying untreated and having their whole life destroyed because they got sick.

for some reason the right has convinced themselves poverty is great for the economy.

History of this very country shows they are fucking idiots for thinking that

this has a chart of the comparison back to like 1965.

I really wish the right would LOOK at the facts that created this wonderful country they dream about going back to and face the historically fialed ideas they are touting are historically failed ideas that are ruining our country


I see tons of Americans just accepting this greed and saying, "They're free to keep what they believe they should keep" and its commonly the poor laborers that say and repeat this. This is why Unions were made to begin with.

But I'm sure it's going to take a full blown depression for them to wake up a bit and say, "Hey.......wait a minute. My daughter is starving and you have 6 mansions and 15 top end cars? *scratches head* Why don't you sell one of those cars and feed hundreds or thousands of families?" How extreme does it need to get for people to wake up. And again, I'm not saying we should force equal pay with government. I'm saying we should educate about pay inequality so the people will demand fair pay.
While I agree that a doctor should make more than a garbage collector - let's look at some other occupations.

Compare a teacher - who might have a master's or a PhD - to someone in sports - basketball, football, etc. Or to someone on TV. In those cases, the pay is not commensurate to education invested or years put into it.

Now of course that's partly due to supply & demand; there are very few people who can play pro-level football. On the other hand, there are a limited number of positions. Some of it's due to the short careers of most sports people. And of course some of it is due to people will pay a lot to watch a football game, but they won't pay to go watch a teacher teach.

I think lower-skilled jobs should pay enough to live on (whatever that is); and I think more importantly, as Rose said, we need to respect people who do those jobs; without them, we couldn't do what we do every day. Anyone been in a grocery store where the shelves weren't restocked? it's pretty annoying, isn't it?
LOL Man, what is it ya'll have against garbage men? Have you ever tried disposing a dioxin precursor? Considering that there are a lot of "garbage men" out there who have advanced educations and perform extremely dangerous jobs, why shouldn't they make as much as doctors? He'll, I know a number of waste professionals that are doctors (PhD's). what your work is should not determine your compensation. Rather it's the skill at which you perform that job, you productivity, the demand for that skill set and the risk involved that shoul determine compensation or rewards one receives for performing a job.
LOL Man, what is it ya'll have against garbage men? Have you ever tried disposing a dioxin precursor? Considering that there are a lot of "garbage men" out there who have advanced educations and perform extremely dangerous jobs, why shouldn't they make as much as doctors? He'll, I know a number of waste professionals that are doctors (PhD's). what your work is should not determine your compensation. Rather it's the skill at which you perform that job, you productivity, the demand for that skill set and the risk involved that shoul determine compensation or rewards one receives for performing a job.

I admit, I wasn't thinking of hazardous waste collectors - I was thinking of the "door to door pick up" garbage collectors. Which I don't have; I now take my trash to the dump myself. But one doesn't need an advanced degree to drive a truck and get the cans. Of course it's smelly, filthy work; and they should be compensated for it; and it's absolutely essential as otherwise cities would be buried in filth. But no, I don't think that occupation should be earning 500,000 a year. Or even 200,000. While there may be highly educated people doing it, the job doesn't require an advanced degree. Looks like avg pay is $43,000 - - which sounds good to me.

Of course people who clean up hazardous waste sites, remains of bodies, stuff like that should earn more. No one would dispute that.
I admit, I wasn't thinking of hazardous waste collectors - I was thinking of the "door to door pick up" garbage collectors. Which I don't have; I now take my trash to the dump myself. But one doesn't need an advanced degree to drive a truck and get the cans. Of course it's smelly, filthy work; and they should be compensated for it; and it's absolutely essential as otherwise cities would be buried in filth. But no, I don't think that occupation should be earning 500,000 a year. Or even 200,000. While there may be highly educated people doing it, the job doesn't require an advanced degree. Looks like avg pay is $43,000 - - which sounds good to me.

Of course people who clean up hazardous waste sites, remains of bodies, stuff like that should earn more. No one would dispute that.
Problem is you have a view of garbage men that is out of date. Even with municipal waste a driver has pretty strict training requirements. Not mention they need a class a or b commercial drivers license. There aren't to many "Monbacks" riding on the bac of trucks anymore.
Let me just address the bolded part above by saying that I do agree with you. Someone has to take those jobs (and Mott, I ain't picking on garbage men, just wanted an example for my point) and I'm glad they do and think they should be able to make a living at them. But to say that some of those jobs should pay as much or even nearly as much as jobs for which people sacrifice for some years to attain is just crazy. And sure, you might find a minuscule number of people who became doctors because of the greater good, but it will be just that, a minuscule number. IMO, more and more people, especially nowadays, are like water running down a hill ...

I'll admit that full pay equality under current conditions would be unpredictable and quite probably chaotic. But that's not an argument against it. To be clear, no bit of policy should be viewed on superficial level. It needs the context of a whole programme, which for those advocating this one, includes the elimination of opportunity cost pertaining to careers - i.e. free education on all levels. That would effectively mitigate the problem you brought up, would it not?
the people are ready to heave these assholes.

they have been for some time now.

The republicans just gerrymander and cheat them out of their votes.
Problem is you have a view of garbage men that is out of date. Even with municipal waste a driver has pretty strict training requirements. Not mention they need a class a or b commercial drivers license. There aren't to many "Monbacks" riding on the bac of trucks anymore.

Could be; since I've been hauling my own trash last 8 years, don't pay it much attention.

Feel free to replace garbage collector with grocery shelf stocker in all my prior comments, although I don't think they make $43,000. Looks like more like $20,000
the people are ready to heave these assholes.

they have been for some time now.

The republicans just gerrymander and cheat them out of their votes.

I must live in a different area than you. I always have a gun loaded because I speak from the brain in a Right Wing area full of low educated, low skilled workers that think their wages are too low because the boss has to pay a few retarded kids through taxation.
Ever hear of the interstate commerce clause?

And it has what to do with any federal constitutional authority to be involved in education???

Besides who gives a rats ass about that kind of dumbfuckery? Only a moron of staggering proportion would even be concerned about that.

Oh!! But I’ve surely been aware most of my life that y’all fucking leftist bastards couldn’t give a fuck less about the Constitution. Your treachery and treason are sure as hell ”of staggering proportions” therewith.

education is our nations most important strategic interest at ALL Levels of education and government, local, state and federal.

Too fucking bad the fucking federal government had to unconstitutionally stick it’s corrupt and treasonous nose into it and leave us with the fucking abortion we call today, “public education,” huh?
I don't believe I ever called myself a bastard. But I don't get what you are saying. Are you saying that you can't be abused and also brought up to be a hard worker? Do you have to be nice to a child to force them to be a hard worker?

Not even a nice try Goober. Your fucking lies and contradictions are duly noted.
I must live in a different area than you. I always have a gun loaded because I speak from the brain in a Right Wing area full of low educated, low skilled workers that think their wages are too low because the boss has to pay a few retarded kids through taxation.

Im in California.

You obviously live somewhere in the south.

Go talk to the black people in your state and they will tell you all about the cheating in the republican party
Im in California.

You obviously live somewhere in the south.

Go talk to the black people in your state and they will tell you all about the cheating in the republican party

You never answered my question. Would you be mad if your hubby had sex with another woman? Would your hubby be mad if you had sex with another man?
You are making my point. But first, I live around nothing but RW Christians and nearly none of them donate time. I'm a communitarian and can't drag them out of their house for a couple hours to improve the community.

I never said money should be taken and distributed...........I said Corporations should make the decisions for better pay equality on their own. Or the people should Unionize. Have you seen charts on how much a CEO gets compared to the industrial worker? Do you know how many of those workers could get raises if the CEO wasn't so greedy? This nonsense that we can't even talk about pay equality because it's automatically Socialism is from bs. It's only Socialism if it's forced by the government.

It seems to me that we live in a society where much of corporate America markets sex, drugs, violence, irreligiosity, and fashions generally considered immoral by Christians. Even beloved Disney owns porn production companies. This tells me that the corporate world you rail against is largely either un-Christian, or at least Episcopal and only affiliates out of custom.
what is the minimum wage then?

Gobblement interference and a way for libs like you to further your class warfare. Otherwise you would propose a minimum wage that propelled people out of poverty. You don't. Therefore you are either completely full of crapola or a political hack