Tea Is The New Kool-Aid
While I agree that a doctor should make more than a garbage collector - let's look at some other occupations.
Compare a teacher - who might have a master's or a PhD - to someone in sports - basketball, football, etc. Or to someone on TV. In those cases, the pay is not commensurate to education invested or years put into it.
Now of course that's partly due to supply & demand; there are very few people who can play pro-level football. On the other hand, there are a limited number of positions. Some of it's due to the short careers of most sports people. And of course some of it is due to people will pay a lot to watch a football game, but they won't pay to go watch a teacher teach.
I think lower-skilled jobs should pay enough to live on (whatever that is); and I think more importantly, as Rose said, we need to respect people who do those jobs; without them, we couldn't do what we do every day. Anyone been in a grocery store where the shelves weren't restocked? it's pretty annoying, isn't it?
Great post.
America is obsessed with entertainment over education. My entire friend group can tell you every football players name on the team along with their past statistics. If I ask them, "Did you know we bombed Libya" they will get that annoyed look and "I hate politics dude."
I'm sure you all have seen the link below;