The greatest purchase I've ever made in my entire life

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Oh I was with sounded like maybe some of your co-workers may have been your intended target. ;)

I'm thinking about the room now though and it just doesn't make sense. We work on boats, and now trucks and police cars/government vehicles. We have no need for this room, and sure as fuck didn't need it in 1976 (when the building was constructed).

Oh well, I can have a private test range.
What? You mean it sounded like I might take my gun to work with me and go shooting at my place of employ? That's what I meant. We have the space for such a thing....and I'm usually the only guy in on Saturday.

Nice of them to supply an outlet for stress, I think?
We have my shop that I swear to god was built to withstand bombs going off in it. 3x cinder blocks with 1/2" 4130 steel plates between the blocks. It's part of the original building, and my boss won't tell me why he had it built. I figure it's as safe a place to shoot as any.

He will probably go there when shit hits the fan.
also with vaping, because it doesn't burn the weed, it gives you more value out of your product. After vaping you can still smoke it and get good results. Or mix the vaped bud in with peanut butter and just eat it. So many uses. :)
Thanks, always wanted a nice one, but cringed at the price. It is suppose to be better on the lungs, although my lungs seem to be fine, while the rest of me is falling into " the Golden Years"
I was having that problem too till I started riding my bike again.
oh yeah, lifetime warranty too. so sick.
Grind, do you ever mix yours with herbal blends or tobacco? Some people find modern day weed to potent to smoke/vaporize straight up. I know my European friends roll theirs with tobacco and smoke it like a cigerette. Considering I was once a two pack a day chain smoker no way in hell would I do that. So I was just wondering if you ever tried mixing yours with an herbal blend and how you liked it (assuming you have tried that.).
I don't smoke tobacco, unless im doing hookah (which is usually twice a year max), other than that I just smoke weed by itself
Grind, do you ever mix yours with herbal blends or tobacco? Some people find modern day weed to potent to smoke/vaporize straight up. I know my European friends roll theirs with tobacco and smoke it like a cigerette. Considering I was once a two pack a day chain smoker no way in hell would I do that. So I was just wondering if you ever tried mixing yours with an herbal blend and how you liked it (assuming you have tried that.).

My friend was in Amsterdam recently, they knew he was an American, immediately when he rolled a straight marijuana joint!
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