The hammer is coming down on the Dinos

because he likes government waste

the government would have to provide them free

If it is something that we need in our daily lives and they do not have them and cannot afford them, then how is it waste? Why do you hate poor people? Why don't you want to provide them with that $10 ID?
Just curious... but given the voter ID issue has been ongoing for decades... why not just get those little old ladies a friggin ID? They need it to open bank accounts, write a check, investment accounts etc... Why not just spend the money and get them the damn IDs?
Look I know you wanna pretend like the world is all in love now and we all sing Kumbya with one another, but ID's, etc have been used to exclude historically. Cashing checks do require an ID, that is because it's not a right to cash a check or even have a checking account. Just like I see NOTHING in the second amendment that requires registration, I see nothing in the constitution that requires you present an ID to vote once you are registered to vote.
I don't agree with kicking people off the rolls right before an election. That said, why do we require IDs for anything else then? Why the adamant opposition from the left? These people need IDs for many other aspects of their everyday lives. Why not get them for them, then it we don't have to have this same argument over and over and over again. It will be done.
And why does the right constantly insist on ID's when the incidence of voter fraud by claiming to be someone else is statistically insignificant? Why is only in states where the split in the vote has been really close is there this hue and cry for a solution to which there is no demonstrable problem. Show me a epidemic of voter fraud that would be solved by ID's.
Look I know you wanna pretend like the world is all in love now and we all sing Kumbya with one another, but ID's, etc have been used to exclude historically. Cashing checks do require an ID, that is because it's not a right to cash a check or even have a checking account. Just like I see NOTHING in the second amendment that requires registration, I see nothing in the constitution that requires you present an ID to vote once you are registered to vote.

Yet I do have to present my ID to buy a gun.

Yes, ID's have been used to exclude, which is why I am saying we should make sure everyone HAS ONE. If they cannot afford the $10 or cannot get to a DMV, then find an alternative to provide them with one, because they need them for other everyday items.
And why does the right constantly insist on ID's when the incidence of voter fraud by claiming to be someone else is statistically insignificant? Why is only in states where the split in the vote has been really close is there this hue and cry for a solution to which there is no demonstrable problem. Show me a epidemic of voter fraud that would be solved by ID's.

Tell me... how can one show that it exists if we have no record of checking to make sure that people are who they say they are?

Why is the left so adamant that we not provide IDs to people?
I really don't understand the last requirement -that I bolded. That's not voter suppression, but why wouldn't you keep the requirement that candidates endorse ads run by their own campaign?? Wow. Stupid.

Not all the requirements are about suppressing votes, but a lot of them will. And the others just are weakening the election system.

That allows fringe (read: crazy) supporters of the candidates the ability to say crazy stuff and accusations in ads without the need to back it up and without an endorsement.

Just curious... but given the voter ID issue has been ongoing for decades... why not just get those little old ladies a friggin ID? They need it to open bank accounts, write a check, investment accounts etc... Why not just spend the money and get them the damn IDs?

How many times do I need to explain this to you, SF? I'll try one last time.

But this year, Decoursey got a scare that even she, an elections official, might not be able to perform her cherished ritual this time around. A new state voting law has nearly derailed her ability to vote by requiring credentials like a birth certificate that she doesn’t have.

And she’s not the only one. 96-year-old Louise Furness, like other seniors across the state, face a similar dilemma. The cause of all their concerns is their difficulty in obtaining the required birth documentation to accommodate the new voter identification bill. The problem is that would-be voters can’t get the photo identification without the birth certificate.

Decoursey is so well connected that on the face of it she would appear to be one of the last people to have a problem getting a birth certificate, even though she, like many of her generation, was born at home in the South at a time when the births of Black people weren’t tracked as closely as others.

“Back then, they didn’t have birth certificates,” said Furness.

Until higher political officials intervened, Decoursey, who had tried for years without success to obtain a birth certificate, thought she would not have a chance to once again vote for a Black president. Decoursey worries that if she has had such difficulty what must it be like for other Black seniors.

Furness is one of those who still have a problem.

As in the case of Decoursey, her problem has been proving that she was ever born.

Older voters most affected

The trend alarms voting advocates like Lawrence Norden, acting director of the Brennan Center's Democracy Program, who said photo ID laws hit older people, the poor, African Americans and students the hardest. "This is the first time in decades that we have seen a reversal in what has been a steady expansion of voting rights in the United States," Norden said. "There's no question that citizens over 65 will be particularly impacted. The older you get, the more likely you won't have an ID."

Nearly one in five citizens over 65 — about 8 million — lacks a current, government-issued photo ID, a 2006 Brennan Center study found. Most people prove their eligibility to vote with a driver's license, but people over 65 often give up their license and don't replace it with the state-issued ID that some states offer non-driving residents. People over 65 also are more likely to lack birth certificates because they were born before recording births was standard procedure.

Strict new photo ID laws could make voting this year more difficult for millions of voters, if the new laws stand, according to the Brennan Center.

In the states with strict photo ID voting laws, voters who show up without photo IDs generally are allowed to vote a provisional ballot that is counted only if the voter brings a photo ID to a government elections office within a few days, and may not be counted at all unless the election is close.
Yet I do have to present my ID to buy a gun.

Yes, ID's have been used to exclude, which is why I am saying we should make sure everyone HAS ONE. If they cannot afford the $10 or cannot get to a DMV, then find an alternative to provide them with one, because they need them for other everyday items.

This is a fine example of what I call right wing idiocy. Thanks to ignorance, bigotry, or just plain stupidity, some people don't realize or can't realize that what applies to them just may not apply to everyone.

It boggles the mind...
Among the reasons I don't like voter id laws -

1) they have absolutely been proposed in situations where they will have a disparate impact on people of color, poor people, younger people - who all tend to vote democratic. They aren't being proposed for fairness or for fraud; they are being proposed to disenfranchise people

2) the whole notion of a "national id card" is something a lot of us don't like. Social security cards are bad enough; now we have to have a national i.d. to vote?

3) they will create new bureaucracy to address a problem that isn't a problem. We don't have too many people trying to vote; we have the opposite problem - people don't get their butts out of their chairs to go vote.

4) voter fraud at the polls is a small problem. Want to reduce it if it's there? stamp the voter's hand with indelible ink that won't fade or wash off for at least one day. Problem solved. If they do vote in someone else's name, they still only get one vote.

Gee, no having to get ids to the tens of thousands of people (in Pennsylvania) who don't have one. No arguing whether the id has to have an expiration date. Problem solved; one person, one vote.
I have an idea, the GOP is so gung ho on ID's, why don't they concede that the state can hire a mobile ID unit that will go directly to the houses of people who need ID's and take them there? The GOP and the DEMS can even help defer the cost by paying for one half each.
This is a fine example of what I call right wing idiocy. Thanks to ignorance, bigotry, or just plain stupidity, some people don't realize or can't realize that what applies to them just may not apply to everyone.

It boggles the mind...

Please tell me Howey... what is it that you think applies to me that does not apply to everyone? Care to elaborate?
I have an idea, the GOP is so gung ho on ID's, why don't they concede that the state can hire a mobile ID unit that will go directly to the houses of people who need ID's and take them there? The GOP and the DEMS can even help defer the cost by paying for one half each.

I would completely be on board with that (no pun intended)
Among the reasons I don't like voter id laws -

1) they have absolutely been proposed in situations where they will have a disparate impact on people of color, poor people, younger people - who all tend to vote democratic. They aren't being proposed for fairness or for fraud; they are being proposed to disenfranchise people

I agree with the above, which is why I do not support such a law unless the IDs are provided free and made easily available.

2) the whole notion of a "national id card" is something a lot of us don't like. Social security cards are bad enough; now we have to have a national i.d. to vote?

I don't think we need a national ID card. But states already have IDs for the vast majority of the population for the purposes of driving and identification. We simply provide those state IDs for those that do not currently have them.

3) they will create new bureaucracy to address a problem that isn't a problem. We don't have too many people trying to vote; we have the opposite problem - people don't get their butts out of their chairs to go vote.

The first part is not known and cannot be known without IDs. You require me to present my ID when buying a gun which is a second amendment right. Yet for voting for those that would lead this country, you do not think it important. Why worry about the fraud in one and not the other? As for the lack of voting, that is another issue all together.

4) voter fraud at the polls is a small problem. Want to reduce it if it's there? stamp the voter's hand with indelible ink that won't fade or wash off for at least one day. Problem solved. If they do vote in someone else's name, they still only get one vote.

Problem not solved... given the early voting many states now have.

Gee, no having to get ids to the tens of thousands of people (in Pennsylvania) who don't have one. No arguing whether the id has to have an expiration date. Problem solved; one person, one vote.

State issued IDs can last for ten years + (non DL's)... obviously those that do not have a DL are not driving... right?
Tell me... how can one show that it exists if we have no record of checking to make sure that people are who they say they are?

Why is the left so adamant that we not provide IDs to people?
Because there is no problem looking for this solution. You just want to make poor people who normally vote dem, jump through one more hoop. Here is where the equivalent would harm the Republican party. Here in NM, once you reach 72 years of age, you have to come in to the DMV and take an eye test to keep your licence valid. LOTS of elderly people at some point stop because they cannot pass the eye test even with their current glasses. So what if New Mexico (which most of the time votes Dem) said you can't vote without a current VALID ID. That would disproportionately affect the elderly. I can guarantee that the New Mexico GOP would throw a fit. Luckily for seniors in NM you don't have to show an ID to vote.
Tell me... how can one show that it exists if we have no record of checking to make sure that people are who they say they are?

Why is the left so adamant that we not provide IDs to people?
Because there is no problem looking for this solution. You just want to make poor people who normally vote dem, jump through one more hoop. Here is where the equivalent would harm the Republican party. Here in NM, once you reach 72 years of age, you have to come in to the DMV and take an eye test to keep your licence valid. LOTS of elderly people at some point stop because they cannot pass the eye test even with their current glasses. So what if New Mexico (which most of the time votes Dem) said you can't vote without a current VALID ID. That would disproportionately affect the elderly. I can guarantee that the New Mexico GOP would throw a fit. Luckily for seniors in NM you don't have to show an ID to vote.
Tell me... how can one show that it exists if we have no record of checking to make sure that people are who they say they are?

Why is the left so adamant that we not provide IDs to people?
There was ONE case here in NM. A guy came in to vote and gave his dad's name and address. He had already voted as himself. The voter registration info on the computer showed Dad to be in his 70's while the person attempting to vote was clearly in his 40's. Didn't need an ID, he got caught. Also, IF this was an epidemic, you would have ten's of thousands of people coming in trying to vote and being told they had already voted. That doesn't seem to be happening either. Again, just like the left does so often, you righties are trying really hard to come up with solutions to non-problems.