The Healthiest States In The Nation

If I'm reading the article correctly it's a rather misleading headline. When I see healthiest states I'm think physical health of the people that live there. Instead they have include multiple factors including financial. You can have a bunch of money and still be a fat slob. You can be in great shape and not be rich. Kind of a weird article.

I believe they are measuring overall health

"The research assessed the well-being across a range of individual health risk factors – their physical health, community and social bonds, ability to manage their finances to achieve their goals, and strength of purpose in daily life – and analyzed more than 600 elements of social determinants of health to identify those most associated with community health outcomes – healthcare access, food access, resource access, housing and transportation, and economic security"
I would need to have their work analyzed by someone I trust, these kinds of claims are very often shit now that science has degraded so much.....sciencey claims are often propaganda built upon fraud and invalid assumptions in this dark age.

Thankfully many people have figured this out.
Guess no one told "copy and paste" that "MSN" is not "MSNBC," and Microsoft divested in MSNBC nearly a decade ago
LIF. You can't project YOUR problems on anybody else, dude!

Really??? Then why do you keep quoting from it?????????!?
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I believe they are measuring overall health

"The research assessed the well-being across a range of individual health risk factors – their physical health, community and social bonds, ability to manage their finances to achieve their goals, and strength of purpose in daily life – and analyzed more than 600 elements of social determinants of health to identify those most associated with community health outcomes – healthcare access, food access, resource access, housing and transportation, and economic security"

Argument from randU fallacy.
Fake news.
I would need to have their work analyzed by someone I trust, these kinds of claims are very often shit now that science has degraded so much.....sciencey claims are often propaganda built upon fraud and invalid assumptions in this dark age.

Thankfully many people have figured this out.

There is no science here. Science is not data or random numbers.
There is no science here. Science is not data or random numbers.

Scientism Bret and Heather call it, wrapping the veneer of science around BS. Heather now routinely finds "Studies" where the authors claim conclusions that are either not in the data or are refuted by the data or the data is clearly Bull Shit or the data is hidden....not available.

And the Elites wonder why science has lost so much credibility!