Originally Posted by bravo View Post
Byrd was still talking about "white niggers" on TV as late as March, 2001......
Seems the nigger word was just a normal part of Bryds vocabulary....I guess he "renounced" all such mental and social meanderings and mindsets, long before 2001 didn't he....right fool ???
Given your demonstrated penchant for out of context quotes and general fuck ups regarding complete and comprehensive facts and information, I would like to see you produce the link for your information, toodles. Yes, you are a right fool, because like I said before you've got both sides of the fence with dirty laundry and less than stellar personalities. But to date you haven't produced a quote where GOP'ers publically cop a plea like Byrd.
You can google "white nigger" as well as I can....I don't need to supply a link...
Yeah, Strom was a good little Democrat back in the 40's....got elected as a Democrat and the Dems of the day loved him.....
He didn't become a Republican until 1964 and supported the Voting Rights Act in 1965...
Yeah, Dixiecrats are not exactly the worlds greatest folk, they're still a pain in the ass along with their northern counterparts, the Bluedog democrats.....and old Strom supported the Voting Righs Act only AFTER he realized that the voting rights act was going to pass with or without his vote, and that his constiuency would have a new sizeable black voting base. He was a pragmatist who liked power, although he lost much of it despite his party and ideology switches.
"AFTER he realized that the voting rights act was going to pass with or without his vote"
Pulling shit out of your rectum ain't gonna cut it....
Strom didn't go around saying "I renounce this, and I renounce that"...but his actions spoke for him.... They sure did, as even the Brits would have you note
Thurmond supported extending the Voting Rights Act, making the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. a federal holiday[2] and he was the first southern senator to appoint a black aide.....while Byrd was still talking about nigger a mear 8 years ago....full context of this story, please
There is no cut and paste from the uk site....you want an entire story, use google...
Thurmond was a bit of an enigma, but his record on states rights and civil rights is, as I said, one of maintaining political power and was NOT always in the best interests of civil rights for all.
More "facts from the rectum".....don't cut it...or just some left-wing opinion.either way, it won't cut it....
You need to take your own advise and just get your head out of your ass and start reading ALL news sources objectively and comprehensively. Hopefully, you'll catch on.
Not very imaginative, are you bunky? I mean, plagiarizing would carry a lot more weight if you weren't so demonstratively ignorant. But do carry on.
Restating a fact is hardly plagiarizing...one can only state a fact one way...;