The History of the Democrat Party

Ehh, a fuck up is a fuck up! No excuses...once it's done, it's done. One of the great mysteries of the human mind. That "57 Muslim states" sounds like prime Limbaugh or Beck or Savage or Levin sound bite, though.

"The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is an international organization with a permanent delegation to the United Nations. It groups 57 Islamic member states, from the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, Caucasus, Balkan, Southeast Asia, South Asia and South America.

Limbaugh, Beck, Savage, and Levin have nothing to do with it....

Obama seems to be somewhat confused though, doesn't he..???
Funny there is 57 Muslim States???
Byrd has history of anti-civil rights and a segregationist, along with membership in an organization that hung blacks from trees and hunted down run-away slaves for the slave owning Democrats of Southern plantations.

Ironic that the pinheads have Sen. Robert Byrd, self admitted member of the KKK serving as a member and former Senate Leader of the Democratic Party.

No shit sherlock....he also publically renounced all such mental and social meanderings and mindsets, didn't he. Or did you miss that little historical tidbit?

he has been honored as the Dean of the Senate since 2003 Yeah, there are scoundrels on both sides of the fence along with those of checkered pasts. Still doesn't excuse what Lott said about Thurmond.
Byrd is President pro tempore of the United States Senate, a position that puts him third in the line of presidential succession.

Yeah, it's called seniority. To date, I haven't heard mea culpeas from the neocon Gop'ers like Byrd has done over the years. Let me know when it happens and tell us what positions of power they hold.

The pinhead logic is just mind-blowing.....
Don't be too hard on yourself.....just get your head out of your ass and start reading ALL news sources objectively and comprehensively. Hopefully, you'll catch on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Ehh, a fuck up is a fuck up! No excuses...once it's done, it's done. One of the great mysteries of the human mind. That "57 Muslim states" sounds like prime Limbaugh or Beck or Savage or Levin sound bite, though.

"The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is an international organization with a permanent delegation to the United Nations. It groups 57 Islamic member states, from the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, Caucasus, Balkan, Southeast Asia, South Asia and South America.

Limbaugh, Beck, Savage, and Levin have nothing to do with it....

Obama seems to be somewhat confused though, doesn't he..???
Funny there is 57 Muslim States???

Jeez, I have to explain EVERYTHING to you, don't I?

A "soundbite" is NOT an indication of merely refers to a bit of information or quotation that is used by broadcasters to promote their sponsors or agenda.

The point is that a coincidence in error gives the neocon punditry cause to run wild with innuendo and insinuation.....fitting right into the "birther's" BS machine quite nicely. And obviously, intellectually impotent neocon numbskulls like yourself just jump onto it like a flea on a dog's ass. "Bravo" indeed! :rolleyes: would agree that reasonable people might interpret his statements as condoning Strom's racist presidential campaign agenda?


that is all I needed to hear. I suggest that we are done now. Thanks... and don't you wish that you could somehow bury that stupid statement of yours and thereby cause blacks to overwhelmingly return to the GOP fold? :rofl:
Democrats denounced Senator Trent Lott for his remarks about Senator Strom Thurmond. However, there was silence when Democrat Senator Christopher Dodd praised Senator Byrd, a former official in the Ku Klux Klan, as someone who would have been "a great senator for any moment.” Senator Thurmond was never in the Ku Klux Klan and, after he became a Republican, Thurmond defended blacks against lynching and the discriminatory poll taxes imposed on blacks by Democrats.
Byrd was still talking about "white niggers" on TV as late as March, 2001......
Seems the nigger word was just a normal part of Bryds vocabulary....I guess he "renounced" all such mental and social meanderings and mindsets, long before 2001 didn't he....right fool ???

Yeah, Strom was a good little Democrat back in the 40' elected as a Democrat and the Dems of the day loved him.....
He didn't become a Republican until 1964 and supported the Voting Rights Act in 1965...

Strom didn't go around saying "I renounce this, and I renounce that"...but his actions spoke for him....
Thurmond supported extending the Voting Rights Act, making the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. a federal holiday[2] and he was the first southern senator to appoint a black aide.....while Byrd was still talking about niggers a mere 8 years ago....

You need to take your own advise and just get your head out of your ass and start reading ALL news sources objectively and comprehensively. Hopefully, you'll catch on.
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Jeez, I have to explain EVERYTHING to you, don't I?

A "soundbite" is NOT an indication of merely refers to a bit of information or quotation that is used by broadcasters to promote their sponsors or agenda.

The point is that a coincidence in error gives the neocon punditry cause to run wild with innuendo and insinuation.....fitting right into the "birther's" BS machine quite nicely. And obviously, intellectually impotent neocon numbskulls like yourself just jump onto it like a flea on a dog's ass. "Bravo" indeed! :rolleyes:

Sorry meathead....neocon punditry didn't mention any 57 Muslim states....

They created no soundbite....only Obama created a soundbite when he stupidly claimed he visited 57 states....missing only 1....and then said Hawaii and Alaska, as the one he missed.....
Chew on that awhile and stop just making shit up and pulling claims out of your ass....
Byrd was still talking about "white niggers" on TV as late as March, 2001......
Seems the nigger word was just a normal part of Bryds vocabulary....I guess he "renounced" all such mental and social meanderings and mindsets, long before 2001 didn't he....right fool ???

Given your demonstrated penchant for out of context quotes and general fuck ups regarding complete and comprehensive facts and information, I would like to see you produce the link for your information, toodles. Yes, you are a right fool, because like I said before you've got both sides of the fence with dirty laundry and less than stellar personalities. But to date you haven't produced a quote where GOP'ers publically cop a plea like Byrd.

Yeah, Strom was a good little Democrat back in the 40' elected as a Democrat and the Dems of the day loved him.....
He didn't become a Republican until 1964 and supported the Voting Rights Act in 1965...

Yeah, Dixiecrats are not exactly the worlds greatest folk, they're still a pain in the ass along with their northern counterparts, the Bluedog democrats.....and old Strom supported the Voting Righs Act only AFTER he realized that the voting rights act was going to pass with or without his vote, and that his constiuency would have a new sizeable black voting base. He was a pragmatist who liked power, although he lost much of it despite his party and ideology switches.

Strom didn't go around saying "I renounce this, and I renounce that"...but his actions spoke for him.... They sure did, as even the Brits would have you note
Thurmond supported extending the Voting Rights Act, making the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. a federal holiday[2] and he was the first southern senator to appoint a black aide.....while Byrd was still talking about nigger a mear 8 years ago....full context of this story, please

Thurmond was a bit of an enigma, but his record on states rights and civil rights is, as I said, one of maintaining political power and was NOT always in the best interests of civil rights for all.

You need to take your own advise and just get your head out of your ass and start reading ALL news sources objectively and comprehensively. Hopefully, you'll catch on.

Not very imaginative, are you bunky? I mean, plagiarizing would carry a lot more weight if you weren't so demonstratively ignorant. But do carry on.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Jeez, I have to explain EVERYTHING to you, don't I?

A "soundbite" is NOT an indication of merely refers to a bit of information or quotation that is used by broadcasters to promote their sponsors or agenda.

The point is that a coincidence in error gives the neocon punditry cause to run wild with innuendo and insinuation.....fitting right into the "birther's" BS machine quite nicely. And obviously, intellectually impotent neocon numbskulls like yourself just jump onto it like a flea on a dog's ass. "Bravo" indeed!

Sorry meathead (I know, but I think you can get past your shortcomings)....neocon punditry didn't mention any 57 Muslim states.... Really? Then what the fuck are you going on about, genius? I didn't mention muslim states, and neither did Obama or anyone in the alternative/progressive media. So who made the connection? (hint: either you or so other neocon toot who heard it/saw it/read it on the neocon blogs and blurbs.)

They created no soundbite I didn't say they did, you blithering imbecile....GO BACK AND READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY....only Obama created a soundbite when he stupidly claimed he visited 57 states....missing only 1....and then said Hawaii and Alaska, as the one he missed..... yeah, he fucked up...big deal. Now, dipstick, WHO MADE THE MUSLIM CONNECTION ON THESE BOARDS, AND WHERE DID THEY GET IT FROM?Chew on that awhile and stop just making shit up and pulling claims out of your ass....

Ahhh, the intellectually impotent neocon donkey brays in a triumph that exists only in his limited mind. Pity the fool can't follow a thread and comprehend ALL the information together.
Originally Posted by bravo View Post
Byrd was still talking about "white niggers" on TV as late as March, 2001......
Seems the nigger word was just a normal part of Bryds vocabulary....I guess he "renounced" all such mental and social meanderings and mindsets, long before 2001 didn't he....right fool ???

Given your demonstrated penchant for out of context quotes and general fuck ups regarding complete and comprehensive facts and information, I would like to see you produce the link for your information, toodles. Yes, you are a right fool, because like I said before you've got both sides of the fence with dirty laundry and less than stellar personalities. But to date you haven't produced a quote where GOP'ers publically cop a plea like Byrd.
You can google "white nigger" as well as I can....I don't need to supply a link...
Yeah, Strom was a good little Democrat back in the 40' elected as a Democrat and the Dems of the day loved him.....
He didn't become a Republican until 1964 and supported the Voting Rights Act in 1965...

Yeah, Dixiecrats are not exactly the worlds greatest folk, they're still a pain in the ass along with their northern counterparts, the Bluedog democrats.....and old Strom supported the Voting Righs Act only AFTER he realized that the voting rights act was going to pass with or without his vote, and that his constiuency would have a new sizeable black voting base. He was a pragmatist who liked power, although he lost much of it despite his party and ideology switches.
"AFTER he realized that the voting rights act was going to pass with or without his vote"
Pulling shit out of your rectum ain't gonna cut it....

Strom didn't go around saying "I renounce this, and I renounce that"...but his actions spoke for him.... They sure did, as even the Brits would have you note
Thurmond supported extending the Voting Rights Act, making the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. a federal holiday[2] and he was the first southern senator to appoint a black aide.....while Byrd was still talking about nigger a mear 8 years ago....full context of this story, please
There is no cut and paste from the uk want an entire story, use google...
Thurmond was a bit of an enigma, but his record on states rights and civil rights is, as I said, one of maintaining political power and was NOT always in the best interests of civil rights for all.
More "facts from the rectum".....don't cut it...or just some left-wing opinion.either way, it won't cut it....

You need to take your own advise and just get your head out of your ass and start reading ALL news sources objectively and comprehensively. Hopefully, you'll catch on.
Not very imaginative, are you bunky? I mean, plagiarizing would carry a lot more weight if you weren't so demonstratively ignorant. But do carry on.

Restating a fact is hardly can only state a fact one way...;
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No matter how "mixed" Strom's record seems to be...he never belonged to a group of murders that hung blacks from the neck for sport or made a business of re-capturing slaves for the southern Democrat slave owners....only Sen. Byrd can claim that stick up for him all you want...hes the Democrats hero....
Granted, Thurmond was running against Truman :) ... But, still, I want to know how the fuck someone says 57 states? I remember some pundit claiming that there's 57 Muslim states (no idea if true) and that Obama was accidentally referring to them, which was also sadly funny.

Because he was talking about visiting all but one state on the mainland while thinking of 50 states in the union.
Originally Posted by bravo View Post
Byrd was still talking about "white niggers" on TV as late as March, 2001......
Seems the nigger word was just a normal part of Bryds vocabulary....I guess he "renounced" all such mental and social meanderings and mindsets, long before 2001 didn't he....right fool ???

Given your demonstrated penchant for out of context quotes and general fuck ups regarding complete and comprehensive facts and information, I would like to see you produce the link for your information, toodles. Yes, you are a right fool, because like I said before you've got both sides of the fence with dirty laundry and less than stellar personalities. But to date you haven't produced a quote where GOP'ers publically cop a plea like Byrd.
You can google "white nigger" as well as I can....I don't need to supply a link...Naa-unnh, bunky! I don't do your homework for you...the challenge is for YOU to provide when and who in the GOP came clean like Byrd did when he renounced his KKK past. If you can't, then either admit or or stop being a wussy and STFP.
Yeah, Strom was a good little Democrat back in the 40' elected as a Democrat and the Dems of the day loved him.....
He didn't become a Republican until 1964 and supported the Voting Rights Act in 1965...

Yeah, Dixiecrats are not exactly the worlds greatest folk, they're still a pain in the ass along with their northern counterparts, the Bluedog democrats.....and old Strom supported the Voting Righs Act only AFTER he realized that the voting rights act was going to pass with or without his vote, and that his constiuency would have a new sizeable black voting base. He was a pragmatist who liked power, although he lost much of it despite his party and ideology switches.
"AFTER he realized that the voting rights act was going to pass with or without his vote"
Pulling shit out of your rectum ain't gonna cut it....
Look at the time table, you ignorant lout. Look at the congressional records and such of the time when old Strom suddenly "sees the light".....the voting rights act was going to pass with or without Strom's endorsement....and once it did, the black vote was going to be pivotal in his re-election. A matter of fact, a matter of history. Whether a willfully ignorant neocon parrot with a sheet showing like you acknowledges/admits it or not is irrelevent.Strom didn't go around saying "I renounce this, and I renounce that"...but his actions spoke for him.... They sure did, as even the Brits would have you note
Thurmond supported extending the Voting Rights Act, making the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. a federal holiday[2] and he was the first southern senator to appoint a black aide.....while Byrd was still talking about nigger a mear 8 years ago....full context of this story, please
There is no cut and paste from the uk want an entire story, use google... No stupid, I'm referring to your last statement regarding Byrd....provide a link because your opinions and assertions have little to no credibility.
Thurmond was a bit of an enigma, but his record on states rights and civil rights is, as I said, one of maintaining political power and was NOT always in the best interests of civil rights for all.
More "facts from the rectum".....don't cut it...or just some left-wing opinion.either way, it won't cut it.... God, you really are fucking stupid......Thurmonds on political record speaks for itself....he was an ardent opponent of civil rights and an advocate for segreagation for a good part of his political career....a matter of history, a matter of fact. Whether you're too stubborn or stupid to recognize this is irrelevent.

You need to take your own advise and just get your head out of your ass and start reading ALL news sources objectively and comprehensively. Hopefully, you'll catch on.
Not very imaginative, are you bunky? I mean, plagiarizing would carry a lot more weight if you weren't so demonstratively ignorant. But do carry on.

Restating a fact is hardly plagiarizing can only state a fact one way...;
Again you display your ignorance. Let me dumb it down for you, all you did was copy what I said to you....which shows your complete lack of imagination....that you try to defend such an act with some absurd assertion demonstrates your lack of intelligence as well. Carry on.
Again you display your ignorance. Let me dumb it down for you, all you did was copy what I said to you....which shows your complete lack of imagination....that you try to defend such an act with some absurd assertion demonstrates your lack of intelligence as well. Carry on.

Huh? Are you saying that your own words are lacking intelligence?
No matter how "mixed" Strom's record seems to be...he never belonged to a group of murders that hung blacks from the neck for sport or made a business of re-capturing slaves for the southern Democrat slave owners....only Sen. Byrd can claim that stick up for him all you want...hes the Democrats hero....

Oh yeah, Thurmond was a Dixiecrat to his heart, so when the Republicans gained power he switched over, just like George Wallace.

Thurmond didn't belong to the KKK, but at times he sure as hell helped maintain the social atmosphere in which they existed. He may have worn legal gloves to keep the blood off his hands:


In 1957, in an attempt to defeat civil-rights legislation, he embarked on the longest filibuster in Senate history: 24 hours 18 minutes


As governor of South Carolina, he led the effort to abolish the state poll tax, but in Congress he fought efforts to ban it nationally. Running for president in 1948 as what the press called a Dixiecrat, he said that "on the question of social intermingling of the races, our people draw the line." And, he went on, "all the laws of Washington and all the bayonets of the Army cannot force the Negro into our homes, into our schools, our churches and our places of recreation and amusement."

Mr. Thurmond first came to national attention in 1948 as the States' Rights candidate after Southerners walked out of the Democratic convention to protest the party's new commitment to civil rights

WASHINGTON You couldn't actually buy and sell slaves in South Carolina in 1941, but a plantation owner could still work his tenant farmers as if he owned them. When Sammie Osborne, 17, refused to work on a Saturday, Boss William Walker came after him with a .32-caliber pistol.

Walker found Osborne asleep in a shack. Osborne woke up, saw Walker's gun, picked up a shotgun and killed Walker. His pistol and the club he used to beat his farmers were beside his body.

An all-white jury convicted Osborne of murder after the judge somehow forgot to mention that even in South Carolina there was a law about self-defense. The forgetful judge then sentenced Osborne to death. After an appeal and a retrial, he was executed.

This legal lynching would be ancient history, except that as President Clinton's impeachment trial opened yesterday, there was the very judge who doomed Sammie Osborne, 96-year-old Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), presiding over the Senate.
Huh? Are you saying that your own words are lacking intelligence?

:rolleyes: No genius, I'm saying that our intellectually impotent Bravo plagiarized me, and then tried to say he didn't with some convoluted BS. Unfortunately, the chronlogical order of the posts do not support his nonsense.

If you STILL don't understand, then get an adult in your area to explain it to you.....
West Virginia's Democratic Senator Robert Byrd was a recruiter for the Klan while in his 20s and 30s, rising to the title of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of his local chapter. After leaving the group, Byrd spoke in favor of the Klan during his early political career. Though he claimed to have left the organization in 1943, Byrd wrote a letter in 1946 to the group's Imperial Wizard stating "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia." Byrd defended the Klan in his 1958 U.S. Senate campaign when he was 41 years old.[9]

Despite being the only Senator to vote against both African American U.S. Supreme Court nominees (liberal Thurgood Marshall and conservative Clarence Thomas) and filibustering the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Byrd has since said joining the Klan was his "greatest mistake." The NAACP, at one time, gave him a 100% rating on their issues.[10] However, in a 2001 incident Byrd repeatedly used the phrase "white niggers" on a national television broadcast.[11]

Something you just can't shrug off. Former Grand Wizard of the KKK David Duke won Louisiana's House Seat as a Republican and served from 1990-92. He NEVER DENOUNCED OR RENOUNCED HIS WHITE SUPREMACIST PAST OF TIES.

Unlike Byrd, who did

Q: What has been your biggest mistake and your biggest success?

A: Well, it's easy to state what has been my biggest mistake. The greatest mistake I ever made was joining the Ku Klux Klan. And I've said that many times. But one cannot erase what he has done. He can only change his ways and his thoughts. That was an albatross around my neck that I will always wear. You will read it in my obituary that I was a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

I never said Byrd was a saint....but I'm STILL waiting for you to produce evidence of GOPer's renouncing their bigoted or racist past.
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