Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You're not even making sense! Going from a steadfast pro-civil rights and anti-big gov't to the opposite is NOT a "new wedge issue"...it's a complete change in social attitude and political philosophy.
Neocons have been pushing this revisionist BS for years....but the truth is out there....as I pointed out to Bravo. Observe and learn:
Most Republicans still profess to be anti-big government. What has changed is that, over time, the wedge issues they have crusaded over (originally slavery and polygamy) have shifted...
They can "profess" whatever the hell they want...their ACTIONS tell a different story. And as I provided previously, close examinations of some of the claims do not stand up.
Given the negative impact of Nixon, Reagan and the Bush family on the middle and working class people with regards to finances, corporations and continuing improvement on civil rights, I dare say that your alluding to a positive history on "wedge" issues by the GOP in the last 30 years is no more than wishful thinking, if not out right revisionist in nature.