The History of the Democrat Party

if I actually gave a shit, I'd dig up some old Thurmond quotes for ya!
From the OP link:

Whereas Democrats did not denounce Democrat Senator Christopher Dodd who praised Senator Robert Byrd as someone who would have been "a great senator for any moment," including the Civil War; yet Democrats denounced Senator Trent Lott for his remarks about Senator Strom Thurmond who was never in the Ku Klux Klan and, after he became a Republican, defended blacks against lynching and the discriminatory poll taxes imposed on blacks by Democrats...
I guess we are finished discussing the unconstitutionality of the Patriot Act.

MM & SM, the thread is yours.
Giving up so soon? Start a new tread on it. This one's about the sordid history of your beloved Democrat Party. :)

The transition to talking about the unconstitutionality of the patriot act was not a diversion but a byproduct of your own claims.

I'm still waiting for you to have some explanation for the "Who are they talking to" question that you demanded be answered. It was not relevant, but you seemed so sure it was.
The transition to talking about the unconstitutionality of the patriot act was not a diversion but a byproduct of your own claims.

I'm still waiting for you to have some explanation for the "Who are they talking to" question that you demanded be answered. It was not relevant, but you seemed so sure it was.
The Southern Man again invites you to start a new thread on this entirely separate issue.
Yours is a piss-poor excuse and indication of cowardice.

Awww, does it hurt when people don't take you seriously?

I'd have thought you were used to it by now.

Indication of my cowardice? Cowardice online is a joke, just as is the macho strutting of internet bullies. The courage to step up in real life is what shows cowardice or bravery.

And this thread has not been about what YOU wanted to talk about for several pages. Such a pity. I guess you want to throw a tantrum so you can get back to your vicious bullshit?

The thread is now about discussing the constitutionality of the patriot act.

And we are still waiting to hear why "who are they talking to" matters at all in the debate.
You're a coward because you've been embarrassed by your ignorance so many time here. :)


I have not been embarrassed here at all. I have been embarrassed FOR you, since its obvious you dodge direct questions when you have no legitimate argument.

Still waiting for your justification of the patriot act based on who the american citizen is talking to.

Whereas Democrats today demean and discriminate against blacks including (a) Democrat Senator Ted Kennedy who called black judicial nominees “Neanderthals;” (b) Democrat Senator Harry Reid who slurred Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas as someone who could not write good English; (c) Democrat Senator Joe Biden who boasted that his home state of Delaware was a slave state and slandered all black former presidential candidates (Rep. Shirley Chisholm who became the first black and the first woman to run for president in 1972; Senator Carol Mosely Braum; Rev. Jesse Jackson; and Rev. Al Sharpton) by declaring that Senator Barack Hussein Obama (the son of an white American woman and a man from Kenya) is the first “clean” black presidential candidate; (d) Democratic Party operatives who depicted Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele on the Internet as a “Simple Sambo;” (e) cartoonist Jeff Danziger and Pat Oliphant who portrayed Secretary of State Dr. Condoleezza Rice as a “stooge” and a bare foot, “Ignorant Mammy;” (f) Democratic Senator John F. Kerry who denounced Affirmative Action on the floor of the Senate in the 1990’s; (g) Senator Hillary Clinton who set the tone for the current race-based slander when she insulted Mahatma Gandhi of India who was a role model for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. by calling Gandhi a gas station attendant; and (h) President Bill Clinton who – following in the footsteps of his mentor J. William Fulbright, a staunch segregationist – refused to enforce a court-ordered Affirmative Action Plan while president and was himself sued for discriminating against his black employees while he was the Governor of Arkansas...
I can see you will continue to avoid the question.

Not a big surprise.
And you'll continue to try and derail.

Funny, you participated in numerous pages of discussion on whether or not the patriot act is constitutional. Then when I keep asking for you to answer a question, you claim I am derailling the thread.
Actually in post 52 I asked you a specific question which you refuse to answer and I've decided that I've entertained you on it long enough.