Was Strom a "standard bearer" of the Dixicrats? From my earlier link: "Although present at the inception, Thurmond provided little subsequent support..." Obviously not.
Was Strom a member of the KKK? No, but Robert C, Byrd, Democrat West Virgina was.
The terrorist wing of the Democrat Party, the KKK, is no longer tolerated openly, so they practice their craft much differently today then back in the bad old days. Affirmative Action policies extended past their useful life have reduced expectations for blacks. Abortions target black babies disproportionately to whites. Liberal social policies of sex without responsibility, disdain for religion and marriage, coupled with Democrat policies of welfare, subsidized public housing and crappy public schools have decimated black families in a much more effective and insidious manner than an occasional cross burning or lynching. KKK members vote Democrat since Democrat policies are the closest thing to outright racism that is tolerated in the open.
Robert C, Byrd, Democrat West Virgina, is obviously a a "standard bearer" of the old KKK as well as this new KKK.