The history of the GOP

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You're going to refer to him as whatever you want regardless of the historical record.

The KKK never was a political party. It was created as, and still is, the terrorist wing of the Democrat Party.

you avoid my question. why IS that?

Was Strom Thurmond the standard bearer for the Dixiecrat party in 1948?

and if you could provide any demographic data that shows that current KKK members are also members of the democratic party, or that they voted for Obama in 2008, you would have done so.
Asked and answered.
Whereas the Democratic Party's soft bigotry of low expectations and social promotions have consigned African Americans to economic bondage and created a culture of dependency on government social programs,

Whereas the Democratic Party's use of deception and fear to block welfare reform, the faith-based initiative and school choice that would help African Americans prosper is consistent with the Democratic Party's heritage of racism that included sanctioning of slavery and kukluxery, a perversion of moral sentiment among leaders of the Democratic Party whose racist legacy bode ill until this generation of African Americans, ...

not even close.

an open letter from black americans is nowhere NEAR PROOF that the KKK membership today are concurrently democrats or that they voted for Obama.

from YOUR link:

"I vote Republican, straight down the ticket. But that doesn't mean I respect the racist wing of the party. And come on, let's not kid ourselves: the national Republicans capitalize on that wing. The letter mentions how the KKK was a wing of the Democratic Party, but I think you'd be hard pressed to find a KKK member today who would vote Democrat."

And you CONTINUE to avoid my question. why IS that?

Was Strom Thurmond the standard bearer for the Dixiecrat party in 1948?

total fail
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Was Strom a "standard bearer" of the Dixicrats? From my earlier link: "Although present at the inception, Thurmond provided little subsequent support..." Obviously not.

Was Strom a member of the KKK? No, but Robert C, Byrd, Democrat West Virgina was.

The terrorist wing of the Democrat Party, the KKK, is no longer tolerated openly, so they practice their craft much differently today then back in the bad old days. Affirmative Action policies extended past their useful life have reduced expectations for blacks. Abortions target black babies disproportionately to whites. Liberal social policies of sex without responsibility, disdain for religion and marriage, coupled with Democrat policies of welfare, subsidized public housing and crappy public schools have decimated black families in a much more effective and insidious manner than an occasional cross burning or lynching. KKK members vote Democrat since Democrat policies are the closest thing to outright racism that is tolerated in the open.

Robert C, Byrd, Democrat West Virgina, is obviously a a "standard bearer" of the old KKK as well as this new KKK.
Was Strom a "standard bearer" of the Dixicrats? From my earlier link: "Although present at the inception, Thurmond provided little subsequent support..." Obviously not.

so... you really ARE saying that the man who was chosen by the Dixiecrat party to head their ticket and run for President of the United States was NOT their standard bearer?

that is ridiculous.

and the quote from your very own link shoots holes in your idiotic KKK members are democrats bullshit.
so... you really ARE saying that the man who was chosen by the Dixiecrat party to head their ticket and run for President of the United States was NOT their standard bearer?

that is ridiculous.

and the quote from your very own link shoots holes in your idiotic KKK members are democrats bullshit.
Take it up with the historian who wrote about Strom instead of the blogger who replied to the article, Dummy.
Yeah he likes plastic guns, not real metal guns like real men use.
I guess the lighter guns work with limp wrist men better?
Take it up with the historian who wrote about Strom instead of the blogger who replied to the article, Dummy.

I am taking it up with YOU, you cowardly fucking wimp-ass little pussy... Strom Thurmond broke away from the democratic party in 1948 primarily because Hubert Humphrey laid down the law for the new democratic party and he could not BEAR to imagine a democratic party that would embrace niggers let alone let those dirty black motherfuckers actually MARRY decent white folks (even though he, himself had statutorily raped the daughter of his family's black servant family). NOW... are you gonna condemn that behavior, or condone it, or are you gonna continue to slither away from it?

take your pick, asshole.
yurt. quit with the insults, OK

this is what is so false and funny about maineman....he says the above a few hours ago and then a couple hours later......

I am taking it up with YOU, you cowardly fucking wimp-ass little pussy... Strom Thurmond broke away from the democratic party in 1948 primarily because Hubert Humphrey laid down the law for the new democratic party and he could not BEAR to imagine a democratic party that would embrace niggers let alone let those dirty black motherfuckers actually MARRY decent white folks (even though he, himself had statutorily raped the daughter of his family's black servant family). NOW... are you gonna condemn that behavior, or condone it, or are you gonna continue to slither away from it?

take your pick, asshole.

this is what is so false and funny about maineman....he says the above a few hours ago and then a couple hours later......


I forgot that you and SM were joined at the hip. I forgot that any attempt to talk rationally with you was just as silly as trying to do so with him. I forgot that you too, are nothing but a threatening internet stalker. I'm sorry. I won't make those mistakes again.
I forgot that you and SM were joined at the hip. I forgot that any attempt to talk rationally with you was just as silly as trying to do so with him. I forgot that you too, are nothing but a threatening internet stalker. I'm sorry. I won't make those mistakes again.'re a fucking go around asking others to stop insults and then turn around and insult other people virtually the next further fail to acknowledge that in that very thread you called me an idiot the day before...and whiner.....telling someone they are flailing around in an debate is not really an you know your insult.....fucking pussy asshole.....

and stop lying about the stalking're the one that has been banned twice after you tried to stalk me and kept posting that information on the looked up all the attorney's in slo that had the fake first name i gave you.....but nice lie maineman, unfortunately, no one believes you
I am taking it up with YOU, you cowardly fucking wimp-ass little pussy... Strom Thurmond broke away from the democratic party in 1948 primarily because Hubert Humphrey laid down the law for the new democratic party and he could not BEAR to imagine a democratic party that would embrace niggers let alone let those dirty black motherfuckers actually MARRY decent white folks (even though he, himself had statutorily raped the daughter of his family's black servant family). NOW... are you gonna condemn that behavior, or condone it, or are you gonna continue to slither away from it?

take your pick, asshole.
LOL That's your racist view, and a cowardly fucking wimp-ass little pussy internet pedophile liberal view at that. The Southern Man, in stark contrast, quoted an actual historians perspective. :)
I am taking it up with YOU, you cowardly fucking wimp-ass little pussy... Strom Thurmond broke away from the democratic party in 1948 primarily because Hubert Humphrey laid down the law for the new democratic party and he could not BEAR to imagine a democratic party that would embrace niggers let alone let those dirty black motherfuckers actually MARRY decent white folks (even though he, himself had statutorily raped the daughter of his family's black servant family). NOW... are you gonna condemn that behavior, or condone it, or are you gonna continue to slither away from it?

take your pick, asshole.

it amazes me that language like this slips so easily off the tongue of a professed liberal.....I've never actually met a conservative who talks like this.....but it seems to come easily to you.....
another of your lying misconceptions.....

We're not trying to convince anyone of that....

its just a statement of fact...